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Where should I receive baptism

Hi I have a question midway last year I decided the life of sin I was living in was weighing down hard on me and I began to take a path of repentance and connect with the Holy Spirit I began with prayer bible study and eventually gave up substances I was abusing and eventually I started going to church I go twice on Sunday morning service at Hillsong feeling love a support from fellow Christian brothers and sisters as we sing praise to Jesus and god and pray then in the afternoon I go to an Anglican Church for prayer and receive communion and read scripture I absolutely love Hillsong they where my church and encouraged me to walk with Jesus and honestly changed my life I don’t use substances I got my adhd treatment finally organised to help me with sins I believe where habitual I felt like god wanted me to but it hasn’t been the main source of leadership as I believe that is my faith I don’t steal no more I don’t use drugs alcohol I rarely cus but I’m improving every day on that as much as i love Hillsong and enjoy seeing so many people all nationalities races and backgrounds all coming together praising I also feel like my tradition church is also very important as numbers have drastically dropped and I believe it’s the core of the Christian faith in a house built for god now I’m coming up to the stage i feel it’s time to fully commit myself to the Holy Spirit and get baptised and I’m really confused which church to do it I’m forever thankful to my Hillsong Church and i love attending every Sunday morning and don’t want to lead them to believe I don’t trust them because that’s not the case but being baptised Anglican also seems like a good idea can anyone share with me what they would suggest in my situation?
Being water baptized has nothing to do with whatever Pastor you choose to use because God is not about denomination/non-denomination, but is all about your committed relationship you have with Him so choose whichever one you prefer. You have already repented of your sins and seem to already be indwelled with the Holy Spirit from the time you asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. There is nothing wrong with being immersed in water, but to know it is only an outward appearance to others that you have already received Jesus and are indwelled with the Holy Spirit.

This is a snippet of a class I teach on Baptism, but not to deter you away from being immersed in water, but for a better understanding of being baptized.

Acts 19:1-7 John’s baptism was for repentance and the Holy Spirit was not received nor even heard of yet until the day in the upper room that Jesus was raised up to Heaven and the Holy Spirit fell down on all of them in that room. John baptized with water unto repentance but only as a symbolic sign that one had already repented of their sins and were washed clean by Gods grace.

John 14:16, 17 Jesus is telling his disciples that he will not leave them, but will send the Holy Spirit to comfort them and teach them. Jesus himself did not baptize with water, but with the Spirit and Christian baptism was only instituted after the resurrection when the Lord gave the commission to his apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, Matthew 28:19,20.

Acts 2:38 and Acts 10:47, 48 are both talking about water, but not for the remission of sins, but for an afterward appearance of acknowledgment. John 3:5-7 We are given the Holy Spirit at the same time of repentance and has nothing to do with water baptism as I have stated that water baptism is an outward appearance to others that you have already confessed and believed and received the Holy Spirit.

This is what Smith's Bible dictionary says:
To be baptized for Christ shows an intention to become a true follower of Christ. John baptized with water unto repentance but as a sign of it, perhaps only a sign of their willingness to enroll themselves among John’s followers. Jesus himself did not baptize with water, but with the Spirit and Christian baptism was only instituted after the resurrection when the Lord gave the commission to his apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Act 10:47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

This verse shows that these men had already received the Holy Spirit, but wanted to be baptized in water also as followers of Christ. So I believe both verses in Acts to be water, but not for the receiving of the Holy Spirit, but an outward appearance to others that they have repented and received the Holy Spirit already.

Mat 3:14 But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
Mat 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; 2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

John's baptism was prophesied by the prophets in the OT as only being for the remission of sin before that of Messiah come. John said in Mark 1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
Hi I have a question midway last year I decided the life of sin I was living in was weighing down hard on me and I began to take a path of repentance and connect with the Holy Spirit I began with prayer bible study and eventually gave up substances I was abusing and eventually I started going to church I go twice on Sunday morning service at Hillsong feeling love a support from fellow Christian brothers and sisters as we sing praise to Jesus and god and pray then in the afternoon I go to an Anglican Church for prayer and receive communion and read scripture I absolutely love Hillsong they where my church and encouraged me to walk with Jesus and honestly changed my life I don’t use substances I got my adhd treatment finally organised to help me with sins I believe where habitual I felt like god wanted me to but it hasn’t been the main source of leadership as I believe that is my faith I don’t steal no more I don’t use drugs alcohol I rarely cus but I’m improving every day on that as much as i love Hillsong and enjoy seeing so many people all nationalities races and backgrounds all coming together praising I also feel like my tradition church is also very important as numbers have drastically dropped and I believe it’s the core of the Christian faith in a house built for god now I’m coming up to the stage i feel it’s time to fully commit myself to the Holy Spirit and get baptised and I’m really confused which church to do it I’m forever thankful to my Hillsong Church and i love attending every Sunday morning and don’t want to lead them to believe I don’t trust them because that’s not the case but being baptised Anglican also seems like a good idea can anyone share with me what they would suggest in my situation?
Baptized Anglican or other denomination is of no consequence. It's not a club but a way of life. In Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Notice He made no mention of manmade church denominations or affiliations just that it be done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and also notice He didn't stop there for He added that we should learn to observe all things He commanded like Loving God and loving others for in doing so they will know that we are His disciples and we will bring glory to God in heaven (John 13:34-35).
As WIP pointed out, as long as it is a trinitarian baptism you are good.

Just as a quick side note to this, if you choose to join another church down the road as you move along in your sanctification, as long as your baptism has been trinitarian you will not need to be baptized again.
Hi I have a question midway last year I decided the life of sin I was living in was weighing down hard on me and I began to take a path of repentance and connect with the Holy Spirit I began with prayer bible study and eventually gave up substances I was abusing and eventually I started going to church I go twice on Sunday morning service at Hillsong feeling love a support from fellow Christian brothers and sisters as we sing praise to Jesus and god and pray then in the afternoon I go to an Anglican Church for prayer and receive communion and read scripture I absolutely love Hillsong they where my church and encouraged me to walk with Jesus and honestly changed my life I don’t use substances I got my adhd treatment finally organised to help me with sins I believe where habitual I felt like god wanted me to but it hasn’t been the main source of leadership as I believe that is my faith I don’t steal no more I don’t use drugs alcohol I rarely cus but I’m improving every day on that as much as i love Hillsong and enjoy seeing so many people all nationalities races and backgrounds all coming together praising I also feel like my tradition church is also very important as numbers have drastically dropped and I believe it’s the core of the Christian faith in a house built for god now I’m coming up to the stage i feel it’s time to fully commit myself to the Holy Spirit and get baptised and I’m really confused which church to do it I’m forever thankful to my Hillsong Church and i love attending every Sunday morning and don’t want to lead them to believe I don’t trust them because that’s not the case but being baptised Anglican also seems like a good idea can anyone share with me what they would suggest in my situation?
Welcome to the site.
Yes you should get water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins !!!! (Acts 2:38)
Without it you will continue to carry your past sins to your grave, and ultimately, the day of judgement.
The side benefit of baptism, is that it provides for the destruction of the old you, (Rom 6:6), and the rebirth of a new you. (Rom 6:4)
It does not matter who baptizes you.
Go, and sin no more.
Hi I have a question midway last year I decided the life of sin I was living in was weighing down hard on me and I began to take a path of repentance and connect with the Holy Spirit I began with prayer bible study and eventually gave up substances I was abusing and eventually I started going to church I go twice on Sunday morning service at Hillsong feeling love a support from fellow Christian brothers and sisters as we sing praise to Jesus and god and pray then in the afternoon I go to an Anglican Church for prayer and receive communion and read scripture I absolutely love Hillsong they where my church and encouraged me to walk with Jesus and honestly changed my life I don’t use substances I got my adhd treatment finally organised to help me with sins I believe where habitual I felt like god wanted me to but it hasn’t been the main source of leadership as I believe that is my faith I don’t steal no more I don’t use drugs alcohol I rarely cus but I’m improving every day on that as much as i love Hillsong and enjoy seeing so many people all nationalities races and backgrounds all coming together praising I also feel like my tradition church is also very important as numbers have drastically dropped and I believe it’s the core of the Christian faith in a house built for god now I’m coming up to the stage i feel it’s time to fully commit myself to the Holy Spirit and get baptised and I’m really confused which church to do it I’m forever thankful to my Hillsong Church and i love attending every Sunday morning and don’t want to lead them to believe I don’t trust them because that’s not the case but being baptised Anglican also seems like a good idea can anyone share with me what they would suggest in my situation?
Here's my thought: Christ got baptized in a river. God knows where you will be baptized so wherever it happens He'll be there. You mentioned Hillsong was supportive of you and you mentioned them multiple times so my vote would be that you be baptized there.
I started going to church I go twice on Sunday morning service at Hillsong feeling love a support from fellow Christian brothers and sisters as we sing praise to Jesus and god and pray then in the afternoon I go to an Anglican Church for prayer and receive communion and read scripture I absolutely love Hillsong they where my church and encouraged me to walk with Jesus and honestly changed my life

Two questions for you.

In which church are you most challenged by the preaching and by the lifestyle of other believers?

In which church do you find support, help and counselling?

Which ever church does the above talk to the minister about baptism.
If neither church does, find another church, Christianity is not about feeling good, but about living for God.
[...but being baptised Anglican also seems like a good idea can anyone share with me what they would suggest in my situation?]

If the particular Anglican church is a biblical one—quite a few aren’t—then it seems to me a good mix: Hillsong is somewhat warm and frothy, but a good Anglican church, especially if charismatic, should offer better biblical substance without abuse.

As to water baptism, Anglicanism at large is pretty hopeless, though some vicars are proper baptists at heart but must go through the motions. Water-baptism ideally dramatizes one’s prior conversion as a death, burial, and resurrection (Rm.6), whereas sprinkling sells this drama short. Neither experience is essential for good Christian life, but they can help us look back and steady us, and can function as a public raising of the Christian flag over our lives. At times and in places water-baptism can endanger our mortal lives, and some Christians risk that rather than hiding their new light: it’s serious, not trivial.

There is no authorised denomination, and any Christian friend could water-baptise you, with or without any words spoken on your part or theirs. It’s a free service and doesn’t tie us in to any denomination.