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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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#530 (Fri) Please pray for Yoboki, Djibouti in the 10/40 window and also for Owando, Congo.

#531 (Sat) Please pray for Beniyas, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Szombathely, Hungary.

#532 (Sun) Please pray for Chandpar, Bangladesh in the 10/40 window and also for Kadoma, Zimbabwe. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please also continue to pray for Israel!!

Today's missionaries are The Oliverias - Wesley, Tina, Lee, Raquel, Jeff and Lisa, church planting among the Portuguese speaking people in Florida.

Please pray for the salvation of Phil M

Please pray for the victims and thier families of the bombing in Srinagar, India. At least 9 people have died and more than 40 people injured. Please pray for thier salvation. Please continue to pray for the situation over seas.
#533 (Mon) Please pray for Asmara, Eritrea in the 10/40 window and also for Chisinau, Moldova.

#534 (Tues) Please pray for Damascus, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Eldoret, Kenya .

#535 (Wed) Please pray for Qasr, Kuwait in the 10/40 window and also for Makakou, Gabon. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please also continue to pray for Israel!!

Today's missionaries are Please pray for my Pastor Mike F, and Jody B as they are doing a jail ministry. Pray for open doors and open hearts as they share the gospel with inmates..

Please pray for the salvation of Karen M

Please pray for Couriers for Christ Sept 8 through Sept 20. They will be doing Evangelistic services and street work in Chisinau, Moldova Pray for many souls to be saved aswell as safety for the workers.
Please pray! My cousin is living with my husband and I while she goes to school. Her Dad (my uncle) was just killed a little while ago when a deer went through his windshield. She doesn't yet know and will be devastated - her boyfriend is coming to get her and he will tell her. My uncle has left behind a wife and four children - the youngest is only 11 years old.

Please pray for the family! They are "Christian" but without strong faith! They desperately need prayer during this time of terrible tragedy!
Dear Father I pray that you give this family strength Father use this situation for your glory that perhaps this family would learn to trust in you more. IN Christ name Amen

#536 (Thur) Please pray for Hamah, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Syktyvkar, Russia. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please also continue to pray for Israel!!
#537 (Fri) Please pray for Barisal, Bangladesh in the 10/40 window and also for Fuxin, China.
Today's missionaries are The Williams Jeff, Debby, Caleb, Luke, Grace & Beth missionaries to New Zealand Their goals Win souls through any Biblical means possible, Establish local churches, Reach every home in the country (1.3 million of them) with a gospel tract - 97% completed, Train national leadership
Please pray for the salvation of Bin Laden
Please pray for Couriers for Christ Sept 8 through Sept 20. They will be doing Evangelistic services and street work in Chisinau, Moldova Pray for many souls to be saved aswell as safety for the workers. Please also continue to pray for an awakening in America and around the world
I pray for all those in the 10/40 window. I pray for laborers for the harvest, salvations and revival throughout the world. We know we will see the Last and Greatest Revival before Jesus comes as promised in The Bible.

I pray for TheTruth's pastor's prison ministry and the evangelical ministry from 8th Sept to 20th Sept on the streets and pray for the protection of these crusaders.

I pray for Bekah's petition. May Jesus draw near to her cousin and brothers and sisters and mother and families. Help this family come to terms with their grief and one day get over it as much as possible so as to have the peace that passeth understanding which I pray for them all to have. Give this family Dear Lord strength in faith in you and to become overcomers and endurers for You. I pray for Bekah too.

I pray for all the ministers of Christ and families here mentioned.

In Jesus Name.


Praying for the ministeries of all those who send out bibles and bible tracts to be blessed.

Praying for you TheTruth and for your wife to have a safe pregnancy and be delivered of a healthy baby.

Praying for Israel and an end to the violence in the Middle East and elsewhere. For peace Lord! Lord Jesus come! Install in our hearts now Your Kingdom!

And lastly praying for those families of the 10,000 who died in Europe due to the heatwave. For those families of those killed in recent bombings. And for those affected who have lost loved ones due to terrorist acts, recent or otherwise. Also for the loved ones of the Swedish minister who was recently murdered. And for the loved ones of John Ritter and Johnny Cash.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for the success of The Light of The World film. I pray for the ministry in the slums of India through film evangelism etc. I pray for Bob and hope he recovered well from heart surgery. I pray for Grandma Bast and pray she recovered. If not, that she is safe in the Everlasting Arms of Jesus. I pray for your church and the world-wide Church of God.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I pray for America and Great Britain especially to turn from their godlessness and to walk the Way of The Holy Spirit.

I pray Steve O recovered well from heart surgery.

I pray for our soldiers to be protected. But it strikes me if no one joined the armed forces throughout the world maybe there would be no one to send to wars. Is this too simplistic of me? I know fighting would still go on, i.e. guerilla warfare, there is always men wanting to fight. But maybe on not such a scale.

I pray for Tim Graf's ministry and theTruth's Church's bible sending ministry, for more people to become involved.

I pray for our bullied children. Just over a week ago Marianne Elizabeth, a 15 year old schoolgirl in my country, Scotland, hung herself over bullying. And it is becoming more common, she is not the first. I pray for our bullied children who become depressed even to the point of suicide. And also those children who feel so stressed out over exams to the point of suicide. Please Lord enable their parents and loved ones to help them through their difficulties. And I pray for those children who do the torturing and tormenting. Convict them Lord and let them follow you. I know a lot of these children are unloved and troubled and that is why they do these wicked things. Sort them out Lord, the great Way-maker! We humbly ask You. I pray also for all who are bullied whether children or adults in the work-place or at home.

I pray also for our children who are drug addicts. Let them be healed of their addictions and not turn to selling drugs so as to perpetuate this horrid curse. And for their families. Drugs ruin lives. I pray for all drug addicts to be cured.

And lastly I pray for all those suffering from Aids or are HIV Positive. There are 43 million people in the world infected today. And it looks like by 2020, which is not that long a way off now it will be 100 million, or even before then. Let there be a cure dear Lord and a lessening and then end of this epidemic. Be with these people as they struggle daily. I believe about 30 million of those affected are in Africa. Their lives are so hard Lord.

And also please continue to give us cures for all the cancers Lord. For those suffering and their Loved Ones we pray. Be with them all Lord.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I have not been here for a while as you can see, though I did not realise I was so long away. I would like to know Ryan, how is baby Isaiah as I haven't heard?

I have been going through the pages. I thank and Praise The Lord for so many answered prayers ie especially the one over the chemical attacks of the 3 cities where the Blood of the Lamb was prayed over these cities and America. Also I thank The Lord that your church got off to be able to send the Bibles. And I am sure there are many other prayers answered.
Praise The Lord. God is good - all the time!

Well it is very late at night or should I say very early in the morning. I hope it won't be so long before I am back again. meanwhile you and your petitions are in my prayers.

God bless you and your family

#538 (Sat) Please pray for Annaba, Algeria in the 10/40 window and also for Barreiras, Brazil.
#539 (Sun) Please pray for Guinnea, Bissau in the 10/40 window and also for Merida, Mexico.
#540 (Mon) Please pray for Mongo, Chad in the 10/40 window and also for Port Moresby, Papua, New Guinea. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionaries are The Thangs, Neng Ciin Grace Elizabeth, Joseph, Niang Missionaries to Burma Church Planting Evangelistic ministries and Theological Education Ministry
Please pray for the salvation of Al M
Please pray for Couriers for Christ now through Sept 20. They will be doing Evangelistic services and street work in Chisinau, Moldova Pray for many souls to be saved aswell as safety for the workers. Please also continue to pray for an awakening in America and around the world
#541 (Tues) Please pray for Lao Cai, Vietnam in the 10/40 window and also for Isafjordhur, Iceland.
#542 (Wed) Please pray for Baulo, Philippines in the 10/40 window and also for Antsiranana, Madagascar.
#543 (Thur) Please pray for West Bengal, India in the 10/40 window and also for Tasiilaq, Greenland. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Please pray for Bethel Baptist Printing Ministry. Prints literature, tracts, Bibles, O Timothy magazine.
Please pray for the salvation of Jason F
Please pray for thoses in the path of Hurrican Isabel Please continue to pray for Couriers for Christ Sept 8 through Sept 20. They will be doing Evangelistic services and street work in Chisinau, Moldova Pray for many souls to be saved aswell as safety for the workers. Please also continue to pray for an awakening in America and around the world
#544 (Fri) Please pray for Qom, Iran in the 10/40 window and also for Kotte, Sri Lanka.

#545 (Sat) Please pray for Karbala, Iraq in the 10/40 window and also for Mtwana, Tanzania. Pray for laborers, salvations, revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!

Today's missionaries are The Boyd's, Terry Jill Matthew Stephanie Luke Paul Joel Nicky, Missionaries to Uganda West Africa Church planting Bible institute tract ministry.
Please pray for the salvation of Brock B.

Please pray for those affected by Hurrican Isabel. Please continue to pray for Couriers for Christ now through Sept 20. They will be doing Evangelistic services and street work in Chisinau, Moldova Pray for many souls to be saved aswell as safety for the workers. Please also continue to pray for an awakening in America and around the world.
#544 (Sun) Please pray for Lahore, Pakistan in the 10/40 window and also for Kupang, Indonesia.
#545 (Mon) Please pray for Kaolock, Senegal in the 10/40 window and also for Bitola,Macedonia Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionaries are The Polotes Edgar Sandra, May, Faith, Jaziel, and Precious nationals to the Philippines. Ther goals are church planting soul winning and training of nationals right now they have aneed for $50,000 for a church building project Pray that God meets their needs
Please pray for the salvation of Kenneth L
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Please pray for my Pastor and I as we go out witnessing Monday. Pray for open dorrs and hearts. Pray again for America's spiritual state.
#546 (Tues) Please pray for Akyab, Burmain the 10/40 window and also for Klagenfurt, Austria.
#547 (Wed) Please pray for Patra, Greece in the 10/40 window and also for Lom, Bulgaria
#548 (Thur) Please pray for Jongkhar, Bhutan in the 10/40 window and also for Nova, Slovenia Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionaries are The Ellis's Terry Victoria Peggy, Randy. Rock of Ages Prison Ministry They are in western USA. Different ministries to reach the lost and encourage the saved in Prisons. Bible studies, revivals, etc.
Please pray for the salvation of Mellisa F
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state.
#551 (Fri) Please pray for Icel, Turkey the 10/40 window and also for Monkey Bay, Malawi.
#552 (Sat) Please pray for Georgetown, Gambia in the 10/40 window and also for Wajir, Kenya.
#553 (Sun) Please pray for Chittagong, Bangladesh in the 10/40 window and also for Leipzig, Germany. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionaries are The Goun Gampos - Emmanuel, Bella, Eunice, Ruth, and Pheobe - missionaries to Togo, West Africa. They request prayer for their church building projects, pray for the need of French Bibles, and gospel tracts in the French language, pray for thier church planting ministry.
Please pray for the salvation of Jason M
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state.
#554 (Mon) Please pray for Rangoon, Burma in the 10/40 window and also for Meru, Kenya.
#555 (Tues) Please pray for Faisalabad, Pakistan in the 10/40 window and also for NkhataBay Malawi. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionary is Pastor Ralph Baladjay Philippines training young people to preach the gospel their needs are bibles, tracts, reading materials, and bible study helps.
Please pray for the salvation of Dave L
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state. Pray for the court cases going on around the us involvoing the removal of monuments containg the 10 commandments
#556 (Wed) Please pray for Mansa, Gambia in the 10/40 window and also for Piggs Peak, Swaziland.
#557 (Thur) Please pray for Mongola Port, Bangladesh in the 10/40 window and also for Grootfontein, Nambia. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionary is Lemuel Franks missionary to India. Lemuel was raised in India and came to the state to go to bible college he is now on deputation raising support to go back to India he has a burden to help reach the 1 billion in India
Please pray for the salvation of Kory S
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state. Please continue to pray for our churches Bible sending ministry. We have surpassed our first 1000 bibles. Please pray that this ministry will grow.
#558 (Fri) Please pray for Misratah, Lybia in the 10/40 window and also for Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
#559 (Sat) Please pray for Dezful, Iran in the 10/40 window and also for Mindanao, Philippines
#560 (Sun) Please pray for Umm Qasr, Iraq in the 10/40 window and also for Raufarhofn, Iceland. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Please pray for King James Bible Society They seek to provide KJV Bibles, New Testaments, and gospel portions for missionaries and national pastors who could not otherwise afford to purchase their own. Through quarterly projects they ship consignments of scriptures free of charge to doctrinally sound, faithful distributors. This ministry is faith based
Please pray for the salvation of Tom B
Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state. Please continue to pray for our churches Bible sending ministry. Please pray for Kent Hovind from Creation Science Evangelsim coming to Laport Mn Oct 17th and 18th. Pray for a good turn out and that souls will be saved ans Christians Equipped
#561 (Mon) Please pray for Pukp Yong Dong, South Korea in the 10/40 window and also for Newfoundland, Canada

#562 (Tues) Please pray for Kidai, Mali in the 10/40 window and also for Toliara, Madagascar. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!

Today's missionaries are The Pyles to Tel Aviv, Israel Please pray for safety and effectiveness as they witness there.

Please pray for the salvation of Joe D.

Please pray for our troops. Pray for their safety. Pray again for America's spiritual state. Please continue to pray for our churches Bible sending ministry. Please pray that this ministry will grow.
Pray for Kent Hovind with Creation Science Evangelism who will be in Laporte Mn Oct 17th and !8th Pray for a good turn out and that many will be saved and Christians equipped.
#563 (Wed) Please pray for Ba'labakk, Leanon in the 10/40 window and also for Krasnodar, Russia
#564 (Thur) Please pray for Konko, Gambia in the 10/40 window and also for Jilin, China. Please pray for laborers, salvations, and revival. Please continue to pray for Israel!!
Today's missionaries are The Sherman's Tim, Janie Tim is a chaplain to Minnesota with In pursuit ministres. He is seeing many come to salvation not just jailhouse repentance. Please pray for his work He is coming up against opposition from other chaplain and others. Please also pray that their support money will come in.
Pray for the Salvation of Tom B
Pray for Kent Hovind with Creation Science Evangelism who will be in Laporte Mn Oct 17th and 18th Pray for a good turn out and that many will be saved and Christians equipped Please continue to pray for the troops.


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