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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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I have prayed for all these latest requests and your dad and his wife. What about your dad? please let us know.

God bless you all richly and I for one thank you for all the VERY hard work you did so faithfully in daily posting. I for one could have not done it and for so long. God bless this ministry weekly now.

God bless you and your family The Truth.


PS Also prayed for little Justin. What about her?
Thanks for your prayers. My dad is doing better. I dont know about little Justine it was a prayer request I seen somewhere else and decided to add it. Sorry. God bless. :)

# 596 This week I would like to focus our attention on Pakistan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Rev. and Mrs. Jeff Christian Missionaries to Chuvashia, Russia Most important, Russia needs churches. There are hundreds of villages in Chuvashia. There top priority will be to reach out to these villages and establish churches, They need printed materials and to disciple Christians
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Vicki L
Barb C
Terry C
Chris B
Todd B
New Sharia law' in a Nigerian state causes concern for believers Many churches could be shutdown under the new law. Please pray for this situation.
# 597 This week I would like to focus our attention on Iraq Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Syrotueks Cyril, Lois, Jolen, TJ, and Holly missionaries to Canada assisting church planters local church leadership training outreach counsleing and discipleship
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Jodie W
Jerome and Mary B.
Pattie W
Sherri M
Paul G
Please pray for Canada. There is a bill they are trying to passed right now in the senate that will ban the Bible as hate literature. This is the third onslaught to Christianity. The first was the bill which is almost through which will force any pastor to marry any homosexual couple who walks in the doors of the church, whether they are members or not, whether they go for counseling or not. The second was the rewriting of the foundation of our divorce laws based on the Koran so they are more 'fair' to men.
Please pray that American Evangelists will once again be brave enough to come here and feed the dwindling Christian population and teach us that we are not weak or helpless in Jesus name.
# 598 This week I would like to focus our attention on United Arab Emirates Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Aaron and Mandy Braaten missionairies to Israel. They have full support. Please pray for them as they will be heading to the field soon. Pray for safety and open doors and many to be saved through their ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Amanda W
Wanda H
Mary G
Dave G
Connie L
CHINA MOVES TO CRUSH MILLIONS-STRONG CHRISTIAN HOUSE CHURCH click here to read the article ... -05-19.htm
# 599 This week I would like to focus our attention on Colombia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for the Fellowshiptractleague. They send millions of tracts to foreign fields each year all free as the Lord provides. Please pray that God will continue to bless and use this ministry to reach the lost. Right now they are praying for a high speed press that can print about 5 million tracts a day. Please pray that the money would come in for that need. Pray for those who donate their time to do this work and for the church that runs it Fellowship Baptist church
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Orville O
Todd K
William B
Jesse B
Four Vietnamese Christians who organized and led weekly worship services in a house church were sentenced to prison for "disturbing public order." Please continue to pray for Vietnam and other places where Christians are being persecuted. God bless. :)
# 600 This week I would like to focus our attention on North Korea Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Dr. Kent Hovind Creation Science Evangelism He seeks to win souls via the creation message his seminars have a profound effect on Christians aswell as the lost pray that many wil be saved because of his ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Wayne B
David D
David L
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray tha God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek GOd before it is to late
# 601 This week I would like to focus our attention on Algeria. Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Ferguson's Larry and Kay missionaires to South Korea With the persecution of Christians severe Please pray for safety and that they will lead many to Christ Pray for the leaders overthere to be open to the gospel.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
John J
Jeremiah J
Larry Flynt
Hugh Hefner
June E
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late
# 602 This week I would like to focus our attention on India Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival

Please pray for the Sherman's Tim, Janie Tim is Director of In Pursuit Ministres. In Pursuit ministries deals with all aspects of the criminal justice system.. Please pray for his work He is coming up against opposition from other chaplain and others. Please also pray that their support money will come in.
Please pray for Please pray for the salvations of the following
Brandon and Teresa G
Teresa G
Andrew B
Terry E
Kevin and Angie C
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also be in prayer for my churches ministry Bible Senders I have to speak at Pine River Baptist Church Sunday the 27th Please pray for God's wisdom.
Please also be in prayer for my churches ministry Bible Senders I have to speak at Pine River Baptist Church Sunday the 27th Please pray for God's wisdom.
May God's Spirit be with you. I will pray for you. :angel:
Thanks Vic God bless. :)

# 603 This week I would like to focus our attention on Afghanistan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Gilley's Bob Heather and Samuel. Missionaires to Brazil Their goals are to Lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, Establish an indigenous, independent, baptist church, Start a bible institute to train preacher boys and disciple other nationals to reach their own, Send out missionaries from our Brazilian church to other parts of the world.
Please pray for Please pray for the salvations of the following
Chad E,
Jason H,
Dan and Shelli H,
Chad M
Barb C
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also be in prayer for my churches ministry Bible Senders I have to speak at Pine River Baptist Church tommorrow. Please pray for God's wisdom.and for this work
I again just want to thank all of you who take the time to pray for these requests. God bless.

# 604 This week I would like to focus our attention on Uzbekistan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Please pray for World Missionary Press they supply Scripture booklets free of Charge to missionaires around the world in over 300 languages. Pray that God will bless this ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Gail N
Tim N
Cheryl N
Janter N
Roger N
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was.
# 605 This week I would like to focus our attention on Chechnya (Russia) Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Ellis's Terry Victoria Peggy, Randy. Rock of Ages Prison Ministry They are in western USA. Different ministries to reach the lost and encourage the saved in Prisons. Bible studies, revivals, etc.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Amanda N
Julia K
Bonnie K
Tim K
Sean K
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was.
# 606 This week I would like to focus our attention on Oman Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Jerry Quintaro National to the Philippines
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Emily K
Shannon M
Michael Jackson,
Janet Jackson
Bill M
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please also pray for my dad who now has some sort of spots on his brain tha are causing major head and neck pains.
# 607 This week I would like to focus our attention on Somalia Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Kearns Michael, Jennifer, Joseph, and Joshua Missionary Evangelism to the United States of America Open-Air Evangelism Gospel Tract Distribution Christian Literature Distribution Promoting Local Church Evangelism
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Joe and Tina T,
Lynne & Joey T
Annette A
Annette D
Niki D
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please also pray for upcoming evangelistic meetings at First Baptis Church In Park Rapdis with Dr Larry Clayton. Pray for many souls to be saved.
# 608 This week I would like to focus our attention on Azerbaijan Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Spanglers Dave and Sharon missionaries to the Bahamas outreach to the forgotten people of the carribean by mean of plane there support is at 76% so pray that God will meet there needs.
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Cody F
Steve F
Tony E
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for our chuches VBS meeting the 9-12 Pray for souls to be saved.
# 609 This week I would like to focus our attention on Brunei Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Harkhil Marak to India a TRAINED NATIONAL Tract out reach Bible distribution
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Snoop Dogg
Roger and Chris H
Rodney H
Raymond S
Mike P
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for our chuches VBS meeting the 9-12 Pray for souls to be saved.
# 610 This week I would like to focus our attention on Cuba Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for Please pray for the salvations of the following
Dan P
Ashley T
Alexa T
Zach T
Roy & Angie S
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for revival meeting going on at our church Sept 5th - the 9th with evangelist Dwight Smith. Pray that God will begin to prepare peoples hearts and that many will be saved.
# 611 This week I would like to focus our attention on Bahrain Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Redfields Wayne, Linda, Isaiah, Ruth and Ezra missionaries to South America serving the Unreached Andean mountain people, Church planting by soul winning and discipleship
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Brian P
Mark N
Angie T
Bill S
Benny H
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for revival meeting going on at our church Sept 5th - the 9th with evangelist Dwight Smith. Pray that God will begin to prepare peoples hearts and that many will be saved.
# 612 This week I would like to focus our attention on Egypt Please pray for Christians being persecuted in these areas that they will grow in strength and size. Also pray that many souls will be saved. Pray for laborers and revival
Please pray for The Shiflett family Stacey Marissa Callie Grace Stuart Spencer serving in South Africa Church planting tent meeting Tract ministry
Please pray for the salvations of the following
Bill M
Art and Deanne K
Cliff W
Mike and Velvet W
Stanely and Jean H
Please pray and continue to pray for the upcoming elections in the US Pray that God will raise up Godly leaders and remove ungodly ones. Pray that America will wake up and seek God before it is to late. Please also pray for America that it will again become the Godly nation that it once was. Please pray for revival meeting going on at our church Sept 5th - the 9th with evangelist Dwight Smith. Pray that God will begin to prepare peoples hearts and that many will be saved.


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