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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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#325 Today please pray for Bhamo, Burma in the 10/40 window and also for Graz, Austria. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel.

Today's missionaries are The Leslie's Johnny, Tori. Cody, Dina, and Joshua, Missionaries to Croatia Their biggest need right now is learning the language

U.S. Braces for Possible Attack Precautions being taken nationwide after new message attributed to bin Laden urges Iraqis to stage homicide attacks against Americans; possible new terror tape found. NOt only continue to pray for Amercia but pray for these suicide bombers and Sadam and Usama Pray tha God will open their hearts.
#326 Today please pray for Az Zarqa in the 10/40 window and also for Acapulco, Mexico. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel.

Today's missionaries are The Sparks Ken Heidi Britnany Sarah Ken jr and baby Evangelist to the Usa. Pray for open doors open hearts and that tehy will have a great impact on the states The family is also in need of a new truck to pull around their home.

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court, upholding California's assault-weapons ban, decided that the Second Amendment does not guarantee individuals the right to bear arms. This is the same court that ruled the word under God in the pledge are unconstituional Be in prayer for this when our officials start reinterpreting the constitutiion like this watch out. Hitler had control and gun registration to then he went and collected all the guns and look what he did. Amercia is turning into a communist nation read the Communist manufesto for how to take over a country and see if those things are not happening in America. We need to stand up for our rights in this country before we have none.
#327 Today please pray for Osaka, Japan in the 10/40 window and also for Carolina, Puerto Rico.

#328 Today please pray for Termiz, Uzbekistan in the 10/40 window and also for Tanga, Tanzania. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionaries are Brindamours - Jacques, Carole, Catherine, Marc-Andre, David. Missionaries in Quebec. Evangelism, church planting, training nationals.

Please continue to pray for the situation in Iraq.
#329 Today please pray for Cebut, Philippines in the 10/40 window and also for Pouaniemi, Finland .

#330 Today please pray for Ulsan, South Korea in the 10/40 window and also for Chornobyl, Ukraine. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionary is Pastor M.B. Osaro with Faith Outreach Chapel Their goal is to reach the people of Zambia North Africa through crusades and outreaches these include prisoners Aids patients etc. They need bibles books audios videostape and video players Tv's money and also clothes and toys Please pray for these needs

Please pray for my wife Stephanie she has not been feeling well. Her stomach has been hurting please pray that all will be well with our baby. Thanks
#332 Today please pray for Faya-Largeau, Chad in the 10/40 window and also for Vologda, Russia. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionaryReverend J.S. Sathyanesan with the Indian Missionary Society in India Pray taht they will recieve the materails they need and that they will be and effective witness in a country with ONe billion people

URGENT Pleaase pray for Jesica Santillan a girl who underwent an organ translpant and was given the wrong organs Today she is having antoher operation Please pray taht all goes well and the God uses this to save souls. I would also like pray for our church that we would see some growth
#333 (fri) Today please pray for Al Hufuf in the 10/40 window and also for Invercargill, New Zealand.

#334 (sat) Today please pray for Az Zarqa in the 10/40 window and also for Toulbouse, France. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionary is Lemuel Franks missionary to Africa. Lemuel was raised in India and came to the state to go to bible college he is now on deputation raising support to go back to India he has a burden to help reach the1 billion in India

Please pray for 39 killed in Rhode Island after a pyrotechnics display starts massive fire Please continue to pray for the girl who had the operation yesterday she is in Critical condition pray this will be used for the glory of God
#335 (sun) Today please pray for Gasa Dzong, Bhutan in the 10/40 window and also for Mannheim, Germany.

#336 (mon) Today please pray for L'Ariana, Tunisa in the 10/40 window and also for Brasov, Romania. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!
Today's missionary is The Spanglers Dave and Sharon missionaries to the Bahamas outreach to the forgotten people of the carribean by mean of plane there support is at 76% so pray that God will meet there needs they hope to be on the field by March of 2003

Please pray for my sister Lisa she has been having heart problems for years it is getting worse. Please pray for her also pray for her salvation.
#337 (mon) Today please pray for Dukhan, Qatar in the 10/40 window and also for Gyumri, Armenia. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionaries are the Shifletts Stacey Marissa Callie Grace Stuart Spencer serving in South Africa Church planting tent meeting Tract ministry
A man in Pennsylvania whose daughter was hit with a snowball by a group of girls returned to the scene and opened fire with a gun, killing a 10-year-old youngster please be in prayer for this man and his family and the family of the victims
Just a thought: Never be afraid to try something new even if others laugh. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
#338 Today please pray for Nouadibou, Mauritania in the 10/40 window and also for Alabama USA. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionaries are The Redfields Wayne, Linda, Isaiah, Ruth and Ezra missionaries to South America serving the Unreached Andean mountain people, Church planting by soul winning and discipleship

URGENT Nursing home fire kills 10 Pleae be in pryer for the families. Winter Weather Kills at Least 12
Southern U.S. Please also continue to pray for the USA war situation Also pray for 3 packages of bible that have been sent out.
#339 Today please pray for Werder, Ethiopia in the 10/40 window and also for Port Hedland, Australia. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionary is Harkhil Marak India a TRAINED NATIONAL Tract out reach Bible distribution

Today plese pray for Paul and Bev they have both been having medical problems. Pray that all goes well
#340 Today please pray for Ceuta, Morocco in the 10/40 window and also for Lima, Peru. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionary is Pastor Ralph Baladjay Philippines training young people to preach the gospel their needs are tracts reading materails and bible study helps.

Today please pray for a 4 week old baby name McKinzie who is in a pediatric ICU with a severe viral respitory infection Please keep her and the family in your prayers
#341 Today please pray for Nazret, Ethiopia in the 10/40 window and also for Lae, Papua New Guinea. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

#342 Today please pray for Gao, Mali in the 10/40 window and also for Base Arturo Prat, Antartica. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionary is The Oliverias Wesley, Tina, Lee, Raquel, jeff and Lisa Chuurch planting among the Portuguese speaking people in Florida.

Please be in prayer for the Bible Sending minstry we have through our church. There is a big need that we can only rely on God for, we found a place where we can get full KJV bibles for only .70 if we order 10,000 so we need atleast $7000 plus shipping costs please be in prayer for this. God bless.
#343 Today please pray for Awali, Bahrain in the 10/40 window and also for Talas, Kyrgyzstan. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's missionaries are The Frederick Family Michael, Frances Missionaires to Thailand To establish indigenous New Testament Churches through evangelization of the lost and discipleship of new converts.

Today Christians from all over are praying for America wont you do the same? You know what this nations needs a revival We need to seek GOd and repent of our sins
#344 Today please pray for Kurdamir, Azerbaijan in the 10/40 window and also for P'ot'i, Georgia. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Please pray for World Missionary Press the supply Scripture booklets free of Charge to many missionaires aroudn teh world they have many aguages. Pray that God will bless this ministry

Today please pray for Hollywood Pray that people in that industry will get saved they have such an influence on our culture
#345 Today please pray for Ghadamis, Libya in the 10/40 window and also for Kirov, Russia. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's Missionaries are The Syrotueks Cyril, Lois, Jolen, TJ, and Holly missionaries to Canada assisting church planters local church leadership training outreach counsleing and discipleship

HAIFA, Israel - A homicide bomber blew himself up aboard a crowded bus in this northern Israeli city Wednesday afternoon, killing at least 15 people and wounding dozens of others Please be in prayer over this and also yesterdays bombing in the Philippines
#346 Today please pray for Rawalpindi. Pakistan in the 10/40 window and also for Kpalime, Togo. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's Missionaries are The Ellis's Terry Victoria Peggy, Randy. Rock of Ages Prison Ministry They are in western USA. Different ministries to reach the lost and encourage the saved in Prisons. Bible studies, revivals, etc..

The FBI warned law enforcement agencies throughout the country Wednesday that the apprehension of Al Qaeda leader Khalid Shaikh Mohammed could accelerate attacks against the United States already in the planning stage. Please be in prayer for this Please alos pray for my Pastor and I as we go out witnessing tonight pray for open doors and open hearts and that souls will be saved
#347 (fri) Today please pray for Zahedan, Iran in the 10/40 window and also for Indiana, USA.

#348 (sat) Today please pray for Yinchuan, China in the 10/40 window and also for Bhaktapur, Nepal. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's Missionaries are The Gilley's Bob Heather and Samuel. Missionaires to Brazil Their goals are to Lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, Establish an indigenous, independent, baptist church, Start a bible institute to train preacher boys and disciple other nationals to reach their own, Send out missionaries from our Brazilian church to other parts of the world.

Prosecutors filed charges against seven fifth-graders accused of plotting to poison a classmate by putting pills, glue, lead and chalk in her drinks. Let us continue to pray for the Youth. This is the next generation they will be running the country one day Oh how we need to pray and do what we can to reach them.
#349 (Sun) Today please pray for Ha'il, Saudi Arabia in the 10/40 window and also for Butuan, Philippines.

#350 (Mon) Today please pray for Savannakhet, Laos in the 10/40 window and also for Kigoma, Tanzania. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's Missionaries are The Klenks - Warren and Joanne- missionaries to Mexico, strengthening local churches, training faithful men for church planting, and counseling to local pastor's.

Please pray for C. Lyberger, an evangilist that is coming to our church tonight, please pray for open hearts. Please also pray for Clara who is not expected to live much longer. Please pray for Alejandro Uribe, 34 y/o, 4 kids (one`s a baby). He has Lymphoblastic Acute Leukemia. There has been no Remission after 2 chemos, and is losing his will to fight. He is going back today for a third stay and chemo in the hospital.
#351 Today please pray for Lloilo, Philippines in the 10/40 window and also for New Brunswick, Canada. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laboreres into the fields. Please also continue to pray for Israel!
Today's Missionaries are The Pope family Philip, Colette, Cameron, Faith, and Weston missionaries To Thailand Church planting, Bible translation, Bible institute and tract ministry
Please pray for Bev H again. She got some blood work back and she might have Lupus She had been told before that she was cured from it and know it seems to be back please pray for her and her family ALso pray that God will strengthen them and use it for his glory
#352 Today please pray for As Sulaymaniyah, Iraq in the 10/40 window and also for Badulla, Sri Lanka. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laboreres into the fields. Please also continue to pray for Israel!

Today's Missionaries are The Plyles to Tel Aviv, Israel Please pray for safety and effectiveness as they witness here

BROWNSVILLE, Tx. — Three children, all believed to be under five years old, were found dead in a Brownsville, apartment, and police have taken their parents into custody. Brownsville police found the bodies of a decapitated one-year-old boy and two other children in a one-bedroom apartment last night. :sad Please once again pray for my Pastor and I as we go witnessing this afternoon pray taht God will prepare hearts God bless.


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