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[__ Prayer __] Who cares for the lost?(World Prayer Chain)


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#380 Today please pray for Ormara, Pakistan in the 10/40 window and also for Palembang, Indonesia. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel
Today's missionaries are The Pope family Philip, Colette, Cameron, Faith, and Weston missionaries To Thailand Church planting, Bible translation, Bible institute and tract ministry

Please pray for the salvation of Orville O

Please continue to pray for the solders and familes of the casulaties. Also pray for the Iraqie people that the doors will now be open to the Gospel
#381 Today please pray for Mina Suud, Kuwait in the 10/40 window and also for Murmansk, Russia. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Minks family Alan Tanya, Victoria, Abigail, & Malachi) missionaires to Japan Church planting Bible correspondence

Please pray for the salvation of Leo D

Please continue to pray for the solders and familes of the casulaties. Also pray for the Iraqie people that the doors will now be open to the Gospel
#382 (Fri) Today please pray for Ch'ongijn, North Korea in the 10/40 window and also for Umtata, South Africa.

#383 (Sat) Today please pray for Wonju, South Korea in the 10/40 window and also for Talara, Peru. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Please pray for the Fellowshiptractleague. They send millions of tracts to the foreign field each year all for free Please pray that God will continue to bless and use this ministry to reach the lost. Pray for those who donate their time to do this work and for the church that runs it Fellowship Baptist church

Please pray for the salvation of Stacey C

A 67-year-old retiree allegedly kept two women chained as sexual captives in a concrete bunker built under his yard and he may have had more victims, police said Thursday. Retired handyman John T. Jamelske is accused of abducting a 16-year-old girl and abusing her while holding her captive since October. Please pray for this man and his victims
#384 (Sun) Today please pray for Farghona, Uzbekkistan in the 10/40 window and also for Nantes, France.

#385 (Mon) Today please pray for Qui Nhon, Vietnam in the 10/40 window and also for Batagay, Russia. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary is Pastor Ralph Baladjay Philippines training young people to preach the gospel their needs are tracts reading materials and bible study helps.

Please pray for the salvation of Ryan G

Please pray for a box of about 10,000 tracts and a box of 28 bibles that was sent out today. Pray that God will use them greatly

Please continue to pray for the SARS situation
#386 (Tues) Today please pray for Tombouctou, Mali in the 10/40 window and also for Mississippi, USA.

#387 (Wed) Today please pray for Habarut in the 10/40 window and also for Nunavut, Canada. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Stertz's Ken Tricia, Paul, Andrea, Jennifer and Melody Founder of Couriers for Christ and organization tht sends containers of scriptures Serving Pastors and churches in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Please pray for the salvation of Jolene M

Please continue to pray for the SARS situation Please continue that doors will be open to the Gospel in Iraq
#388 (Wed) Today please pray for Istanbul, Turkey in the 10/40 window and also for Karonga, Malawi. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary is Harkhil Marak India a TRAINED NATIONAL Tract out reach Bible distribution

Please pray for the salvation of Michelle R

Please continue to pray for the soldeirs over in Iraq and for their families.
#389 (Fri) Today please pray for Rangpur, Bangladesh in the 10/40 window and also for Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

#390 (Sat) Today please pray for Aleppo, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary are The Tulabouts Jayson, Regina, Krysha Mae, and Allen Jasper missionaries to the Philippines soul winning church planting and traing the nationals

Please pray for the salvation of Ryan and Chad M

Please continue to pray for the soldeirs over in Iraq and for their families. Please also keep the Bible Senders ministry in your prayers. Pray that more Bibles will come in and more support. Praise the Lord that my church has decided to take it on for $100 a month support.
#391 (Sun) Today please pray for Qingdao, China in the 10/40 window and also for Norilsk, Russia .

#392 (Mon) Today please pray for Cochin, India in the 10/40 window and also for Karaganda, Kazakhstan. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Leslie's Johnny, Tori. Cody, Dina, and Joshua, Missionaries to Croatia Their biggest need right now is learning the language

Please pray for the salvation of Joe and Tina T

Please pray for Beth Beauchane She was taken to Rochester last night with some sort of complications not sure what She was previously in the Hospital with Kidney Problems.Please also pray for Jody B and my Pastor and they do jail ministry tonight.
#393 (Tues) Today please pray for Setif, Algeria in the 10/40 window and also for Frunze, Ukraine.

#394 (Wed) Today please pray for Buraygah, Lybia in the 10/40 window and also for Luxemberg, Germany. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary Lemuel Franks missionary to India. Lemuel was raised in India and came to the state to go to bible college he is now on deputation raising support to go back to India he has a burden to help reach the1 billion in India

Please pray for the salvation of Michael Jackson

Please pray for the Sars situation. and continued safety for our troops
#395 Today please pray for Keman, Iran in the 10/40 window and also for Accra, Togo. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Williams Jeff, Debby, Caleb, Luke, Grace & Beth missioanries to New Zealand Their goals Win souls through any Biblical means possible, Establish local churches, Reach every home in the country (1.3 million of them) with a gospel tract - 97% completed, Train national leadership

Please pray for the salvation of Rhia W

Please pray for the Sars situation. and continued safety for our troops
#396 (Fri) Today please pray for Melilla, Morocco in the 10/40 window and also for Concepcion, Chile.

#397 (Sat) Today please pray for Okinawa, Japan in the 10/40 window and also for Rosarib, Argentina. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary is Pastor Moses Kaziba in Uganda. HIs goals are to start a FM radio station and to start new churches 19 churches have been started since 2002 they need bibles bicycles money nd lots of prayer for the work

Please pray for the salvation of Shane,Tabitha,and Cody F

Please pray for the S.A.R.S. situation and continued safety for our troops
#398 (Sun) Today please pray for Al Hasakah, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Bukoba, Tanzania.

#399 (Mon) Today please pray for Kocael, Turkey in the 10/40 window and also for Binga, Zimbabwe. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary is Daniel Long to Utah Church Planting, Personal Evangelism BIble Study Discipleship and Preaching

Please pray for the salvation of Jamie G.

Please pray for America and it spiritual conditon. Pray that us Christiasn will become bolder and witness more.
#400 Today please pray for Tidjikdja in the 10/40 window and also for Skagen, Denmark. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Polotes Edgar Sandra May Faith and Jaziel nationals to the Philippines. Ther goals are church planting soul winning and training of nationals

Please pray for the salvation of Brent T

Please pray for America and it spiritual conditon. Pray that us Christians will become bolder and witness more. Pray that our churches will stop compromising with the world and do things the way God wants them done.
#401 (Wed) Today please pray for Ar Raggah, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Musoma, Tanzania.

#402 (Thur) Today please pray for Bingol, Turkey in the 10/40 window and also for FRunze, Kyrgystan. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth laborers Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionary is Rev Alan D. Woody with Mission Possible Inc They provide free gospel tracts and books to prison chaplains Please pray for their effectivness and that God will bless this ministry

Please pray for the salvation of Brandon and Teresa Q

A 6.4 earthquake killed atleast 84 people in Turkey on Thursday also collapsed a four-story dormitory and buried more than 100 sleeping schoolchildren in the rubble. Please pray for this situation
#403 (Fri) Today please pray for Day Az Zawr, Syria in the 10/40 window and also for Hwange, Zimbabwe.

#404 (Sat) Today please pray for Le Kef, Tunisa in the 10/40 window and also for Rundu, Namibia.

#405 (Sun) Today please pray for Sumguayit, Azerbaijan in the 10/40 window and also for Maun, Botswana.

Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Ferguson's Larry and Kay missionaires to South Korea With the persecution of Christians severe Please pray for safety and that they will lead many to Christ Pray for the leaders overthere to be open to the gospel.

Please pray for the salvation of Snoop Dogg

Please pray for my wife Stephaine she is in the hospital she has been having 105 temps and has some sort of bug in her blodd pray for her health and for witnessing opportunities.
#406 Today please pray for Banjul, Gambia in the 10/40 window and also for Likasi, Zaire. Let the Spirit of God move you as to what to pray for Please also continue to pray for Israel

Today's missionaries are The Acousta's Enrique and Carol to Mexico They specialize in short term missions trips tract evangelism etc

Please pray for the salvation of Neal H

At least 38 people were dead and 10 were missing in Kansas, Missouri and Tennessee Monday after swarms of violent thunderstorms and tornadoes tore through the nation's midsection. Please be in prayer for this situation. That it will open doors to the Gospel
#407 (Tues)Today please pray for Shikoku, Japan in the 10/40 window and also for New Plymouth, New Zealand. Let the Spirit of God move you as to what to pray for. Please also continue to pray for Israel.

#408 (Wed)Today please pray for Ahvaz, Iran in the 10/40 window and also for Mazatlan, Mexico.

Today's missionaries are The Sparks - Ken, Heidi, Britnany, Sarah, Ken Jr, and baby - Evangelist to the USA. Pray for open doors, open hearts, and that they will have a great impact on the states. The family is also in need of a new truck to pull around their home.

Please pray for the salvation of Duane E

The National Weather Service posted tornado warnings Wednesday morning for southeastern Missouri, northwestern Mississippi, northeast Louisiana and sections of Tennessee. Please pray for this as they are still recovering from the tornado on Monday
#409 Today please pray for Shanghai, China in the 10/40 window and also for Alabama, USA. Let the Spirit of God move you as to what to pray for. Please also continue to pray for Israel.

Today's missionaries are The Sherman's Tim, Janie TIm is a chaplain in Minnesota. He is seeing many come to salvation not just jailhouse repentance. Please pray for his work He is coming up against opposition from other chaplain and others. Please also pray that their support money will come in.

Please pray for the salvation of Karen N

Please continue to pray for the SARS situation atleast 507 deaths so far. Which is minor compared to cancer and such. But I think we still need to pray. Please also pray for the Bible sending minstry through my church.
#410 (Fri) Today please pray for Linquere, Senegal in the 10/40 window and also for Tsevie, Togo
#411 (Sat) Today please pray for Hyderabad, Pakistan in the 10/40 window and also for Ambon, Indonesia of God move you as to what to pray for. Please also continue to pray for Israel.

Today's missionary is Tim Graf who has started a church in Grand Rapids Minnesota. Pray for Church gorwoth and that they church will have a positvie effect on the community and that many souls will be saved

Please pray for the salvation of Jeremy F

Crews worked to restore power and police patrolled against looting Friday after another round of violent tornadoes, while some of the heaviest rainfall in more than a century swamped parts of the South. Please be in deep prayer for these areas that souls will be saved.
#412 (Sun) Today please pray for Hue, Vietnam in the 10/40 window and also for Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
#413 (Mon) Today please pray for Sukuta, Gambia in the 10/40 window and also for Tolanoro, Madagascar. Ask God to move you as to what to pray for. Please also continue to pray for Israel.

Today's missionaries are The Polotes - Edgar, Sandra, May, Faith, and Jaziel - nationals to the Philippines. Their goals are church planting, soul winning, and training of nationals.

Please pray for the salvations of Chris and Chad E.

Please pray for my husband Ryan, our pastor and Jody B as they are going through chaplaincy training. Pray that thier minds will stay focused on the course and that they will pass. Pray also that God will use this training to see many souls saved.


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