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Why did God create creation?


Why did God create creation? Was it just so that he would be worshipped and man would praise his abilities and powers? Or was there a greater purpose behind creation?
Why did God create creation? Was it just so that he would be worshipped and man would praise his abilities and powers? Or was there a greater purpose behind creation?

God is creating a family.

And God should be worshiped by all of His creation. It is wrong for man to worship anything else but God. It is right for man to always worship God.

God alone is worthy of worship.

Why did God create creation? Was it just so that he would be worshipped and man would praise his abilities and powers? Or was there a greater purpose behind creation?
"That we might be to the praise of His glory." God is sharing His glories with the created beings so that we would be grateful for all His goodness and worship His majesty (we worship Him for our benefit, actually). So, worship of God is the highest purpose from our POV. It's how we obtain the greatest good from God. E.g. loving our neighbor is part of worshipping God who is love.
"That we might be to the praise of His glory." God is sharing His glories with the created beings so that we would be grateful for all His goodness and worship His majesty (we worship Him for our benefit, actually). So, worship of God is the highest purpose from our POV. It's how we obtain the greatest good from God. E.g. loving our neighbor is part of worshipping God who is love.
Are you saying that the the purpose of creation is that we would praise God's glory? Or that we would worship God? Are these two the same thing?

According to Islamic teachings, God created creation to be worshipped. I am dubious. I believe there is a greater purpose.
Are you saying that the the purpose of creation is that we would praise God's glory? Or that we would worship God? Are these two the same thing?

According to Islamic teachings, God created creation to be worshipped. I am dubious. I believe there is a greater purpose.
God doesn't need to be worshipped, so our worship is really for our benefit, not His. So, "to the praise of His glory" is for the benefit of creation, since God is sharing how glorious He is with created beings, and that benefits the created beings. Jesus said "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." When we display the glory of God through our deeds, that benefits others so that they glorify God as an expression of that benefit. As an analogy (all analogies are inadequate), when you see a scene of beauty, there is an aesthetic benefit to you, and if you are a believer, you praise God for it. I'm getting "the praise of His glory" from Eph. 1:14. That section tells of how our knowledge of Christ and the gospel shows us the glory of God which inspires our praise and worship of Him. Since this should satisfy us, I don't see there being a higher purpose.
I think the simplest reason is that God is love and love is generative. True love generates. This is why the fruit of the conjugal act is Trinitarian in nature: For it generates life.
Why did God create creation? Was it just so that he would be worshipped and man would praise his abilities and powers? Or was there a greater purpose behind creation?
God is love, which is the foundation of Trinitarian theology. God, being oneness as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in perfect harmony. And it is within this perfect love that God creates. Love, as described in biblical terms is always outward, and giving. Love is not selfish, nor self seeking. This is exhibited clearly in the first three chapters of Genesis. And I think it’s worthy to note that God, humanity and all of creation enjoyed utter harmony within the garden.

If God created us for the primary purpose to worship Him, then that’s not love.
God is love, which is the foundation of Trinitarian theology. God, being oneness as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in perfect harmony. And it is within this perfect love that God creates. Love, as described in biblical terms is always outward, and giving. Love is not selfish, nor self seeking. This is exhibited clearly in the first three chapters of Genesis. And I think it’s worthy to note that God, humanity and all of creation enjoyed utter harmony within the garden.

If God created us for the primary purpose to worship Him, then that’s not love.
Who says?
Genesis 1:26-27

26Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

I don't have access to the mind of God, or access to His ultimate plans for mankind, but I can surmise why by evaluating things God has said in the bible, so this is only my opinion that you can consider.

As the above verse says, spoken by God, we were made in His image.
Not His physical image, but created to be like Him in what we do, say, and think about.

God created out of Love, so we could be loved by Him, and in return, we could love Him back.

In the right and proper setting of marriage, we create out of love also, just like our creator created us out of love, and we propagate more that could love Him also.

As to why during all eternity God chose now to bring about having the "FEW" join Him in eternity is something we'll have to ask him when we get there, if we do.
I'm still working on that :thumbsup .

That works for me. I hope all of you find something that works for you.
Seasoned by Grace
I see you bolder part of my opinion.
If God created us for the primary purpose to worship Him, then that’s not love.

If the primary purpose for God was the need to be worshipped, do you consider that purpose as biblical love?
Why do you think that if worship is the reason why we are created, that this points to a need in God (as opposed to a generous offer for blessing the worshippers? Do you think of worship as a duty or a delight? Does worship tire you or satisfy you?

Given the history of idolatry, religions, superstitions, etc. isn't it obvious that mankind was created to worship someone? Isn't it obvious that a child naturally worships its father (in some way)? The term 'worship' means to regard the worth of someone - worth-ship. Even atheists worship someone - themselves, since they regard the worth of their own opinion more highly than anyone else's, even God's.

In modern society, hero-worship is now forefront, although it's nothing new. Just pay attention at all the super-hero stories and movies these days. Some people think of themselves as gods, which completes the serpent's deception "ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." The point is that there is plenty of evidence that we are made to worship God.

Here's an analogy: a leaf on a tree gathers sunlight, and is created to use photosynthesis to nourish itself and the branch that supports it, and ultimately the whole tree. The leaf corresponds to a child of God, the sunlight corresponds to God, the branch to the community, and the tree to the world. Our worship of God nourishes us, the church and community we live in, and ultimately the world. The sun has no need, it just keeps giving, and so does God. If the leaves are always covered so that they can't receive the light, the tree eventually dies. In the same way, if Christians stop worshipping God, the world will eventually end. But it's a spiritual matter, I'm not talking about economy.

When Jesus said "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven," He is saying we bring spiritual nourishment to people around us, and that influence carries over. And how can we let light shine if we have not received it by worship of God? Certainly paying attention to the word of God is part of that regard of the worth of God. Yet in the NT we read about the public worship of Christians and fellowship with prayer as part of that worship experience.

Worship is in the very nature of relationship between creature and Creator. Without that activity, we would become unbalanced and lack wholeness, because our appreciation of God's greatness would grow dim. Worship doesn't point to a need in God, but rather in man to know God more.

Does God command us to worship Him or not? If the reasoning is: "if God's reason for creating us is to worship Him, then He has a need," then it follows that even if that's not the ultimate reason, since God commands it of us, it still points to a need in God. Do you see how that reasoning permeates the doctrine of worship? A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

In the same way, the same reasoning applies to love. If the reasoning is: "if God's reason for creating us is to worship Him, then it's not love," then it follows that since God commands us to worship Him, even if worship is not the primary purpose, then that command is not a loving command. Do you see how that reasoning leavens the whole doctrine of worship and of love?

So are you still of the opinion that if God's primary purpose of creating us is to worship Him, then that's not love?
As I understand it, God creates all creation so that He may be known. His love may be enjoyed, His heart may be searched, and His presence may be felt. He wants His love and virtue to abound many times over. He is an infinite fountain of goodness which He can share with trillions of creatures without making Him the slightest bit tired.

His attributes of justice, patience, mercy, vengeance, and forgiveness would never be known or experienced if they were never called upon. As Paul mentions in his letters, Christ invites us to plumb the depth of God's manifold wisdom. He has decided that the pain is worth the adventure, and I trust that He is right.

We tend to think of worship the way people give shallow adoration to celebrities. I have a feeling that's not the kind of worship stevebolts is intending. We commune with God in a meaningful way. We know Him and are known by Him. If all goes well, we may even become sons and daughters who inherit a tiny bit of Hs nature.

Who can blame Him for wanting more friends at the party?

As a side note, it’s amusing when people say God is selfish for wanting worship. They never say mothers are selfish for wanting thankful children. “Respect your mom, she brought you into this world and changed your diapers for free — but I don’t understand why God expects me to say nice things about Him.”
In four words "to share His love"

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Gen 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
So are you still of the opinion that if God's primary purpose of creating us is to worship Him, then that's not love?
I enjoyed reading your reply, and please know we view much of what you wrote in unison.

Perhaps its a matter of perspective. And since it’s a point of perspective my hope is that our perspectives will join to create a broader, more beautiful picture of our Lord.

Let no man say God is selfish. I think you agree here. I intentionally highlighted the word “primary”. My thought behind this is that a primary reason is a reason of the utmost regard. And please know that I mean no disrespect toward worship.

My view of Trinity is one where God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are in perfect harmony. When one is honored, all are honored. It is this perfect unity and harmony that transcends what we understand as love. Love is outward, and it’s meant to be shared.

God created humanity to share that love. And even today he invites us into that realm of harmony and unity.

when we understand this, then everything we do can be an act of worship. Worship is the result of being in harmony....

when you see a friend and he smiles at you, a smile back is a natural reaction. Our worship can be similar to being in the presence of a good friend.