Tony Hyman
- May 25, 2013
- 285
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When and how God plans the daily management of His Creation and our indervidual paths on this earth is His own prerogative ,as I understand ,according to what God permits me to understand ,in terms of my limited perochial thinking as a Human.Why did God let four thousand years of humans go to hell before he revealed the gospel of Christ to the world so men could now start to be saved?
What we are permitted to know is stated through God's Word which is in the Bible .The Old as well as The New Testament.
From what I have experienced is that God is a fair and Loving Father who literally bends over backwards to ensure that all whom He created in His image may have everlasting life.Gen 1:26-27.Commentaries vary as to whether Christ is included in the concept of "let Us" create as contemplated in Verse 27.See Bob Hutley Commentary on Genesis (Google) or ( Clark Biblical Commentary on The Old Testement Vol I Pentateuch Clark Edinburgh.These learned authorities are not in agreement as to whether or not the "Us" means God speaking to the angels excluding the Trinity or whether the Trinity is spesifically mentioned.
I believe that Christ was with and in the Father from the outset before the Creation according to John 1:1-14 verse 2"He was with God in the beginning."N.I.V. The difference between the OT and NT as far Everlasting Life is concerned hinges mainly on the question of sacrifice as I see it.The Levitical System was impossed where those who did not obey God's commands and seek forgiveness were by means of burning sacrifices to redeem themselfs ;in other words if they obeyed God they would have everlasting life eg "14If a man dies , can he come back to life?But I will wait for better times, wait till this time of trouble is ended.God did not wait until He sent his Son and then only did humans have the promised gift of life Mark 12" 18 after Christ adresses the issue of marriage in Heaven ,he explains the concept of resurrection to the non- believing Sadduccees in verse 26" Now about the dead rising - have you not read in the book of Moses , ..I am the God of Abraham , ..Isaak...Jacob27. He is not the God of the dead , but the living.You are badly mistaken"N.I.V.
Christ was not sacrificed to change or ammend Gods plan but to "fulfill it"Matthew 5 10: 17 Therefore those who obeyed Gods Commandments are entitled to everlasting life under the Levitical Laws but all believers both Jews and Gentiles are promised this reward as promised in the O.T. and fulfilled through the one off N.T. sacrifice of God's Only Begotten Son as explained in Hebrews 7 :11-28 .Therefore I can come to only one conclusion that the Old Testament family of God are only condemmed to Hell if they never passed the same tests as we do regarding God's will and commanments.Those who do not accept God's Plan of Salvation after the N.T.have the option of rejecting it just as the Old Testament people did and must carry the conseqences of those choices.
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