Imaginary? Sorry, but Jesus, his disciples, and millions of others who have the same fruits of the Holy Spirit is hardly imaginary. What is imaginary, though, is the notion that Jesus did not live & die for your sins when his life & death can be documented 300 times more than any other figure in history!
Haven't we gone over this before? You have not one shred of first hand evidence that Jesus ever lived as a man and even less evidence that what is attributed to him is true. Did you ever check the library for reference material like an ENCY. It uses the bible as the only reference to Jesus. If anything stronger existed don't you think it would have been used?
Even his enemies did not deny that he lived, died, and performed countless miracles.
His enemies wrote nothing down about the man. There is nothing in the records of Jesus' birth, his trial, crucifixion etc etc etc.
So your belief that he did not do these things is based on what besides your imagination? :o Yes, you are right. The imagination
is a powerful tool!
Its your imagination that these things are true because no evidence supports your claims. It is hightly ILLOGICAL to believe in something because it can't be proved it didn't happen.
You cannot see the wind, but do you deny it exists?
I don't need to see the wind as I can see and feel its effects. The same cannot be said of your beliefs.
We know the wind exists because of the affects it produces even though we can't see the wind in and of itself. it is the same way with God. We know he exists because of his creation around us.
No what you see around you is your surroundings. Where they came from is up for debate. First you have to prove a God exists. The wind is quite predictable and what it can do and not do is well known.