Its the falling away. It started from the 1st century with false teachings within the house church, and just got worse and worse over time to what we have today, hardly any Gospel preached and pastors flying private jets while there church is starving for Christ and truth, or they just have itching ears and just want to hear what suits them, preaching prosperity and the good things and blessings on this earth only.
But scripture stays the same, it doesnt change, still the same 2000 years ago today. Its just whos really for God and whos not. Anyone who loves God or wants to know Christ in the church would read there bibles and stop looking up to modern man for truth.
Whos words are more valid, Jesus Christ, or Joel who once knew a man who prospered.
Whos words are more valid, The Apostle Paul, or Joyce preaching sin was payed for in hell while flying a private jet.
Whos words are more valid, The Apostle Peter, or the pope who says all people from all religions are children of God.