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Bible Study Why does Satan hate God so much?

The Truth

2024 Supporter
Apart from the obvious reasons why this is so, my question is what has God done to Satan in the first place that cause him to hate Him so much?

We know that God kicked Satan out of heaven because of his pride and pride is sin, but if the reign of God is such a holy dwelling, then how come that Satan had acquired the sin of pride in a place of complete holiness?

Has pride therefore become a sin when Satan was kicked out of heaven?
God would not have done anything. Satan simply wanted the glory for himself.

If Satan was allowed to sin then it means he had free will. He made his choice to rebel against God.

Satan is also able to confront God (see the book of Job, then again in Revelation 12), but he cannot get back inside Heaven as he made his choice. His visits with God are also temporary. Satan's judgement is not fully completed yet. God's holiness restrains sin, but in the end with a New Heaven, a New Jerusalem, sin will have then be completely vanquished by God's holiness.

Regarding pride as a sin, I would not say that pride was a sin only after Satan's fall because if it were not a sin to start with, Satan would not have been cast out for it. God has always known His laws. Can you break a law if there wasn't originally one put into place? I hope that makes sense.
God never did anything to cause Satan to rebel against Him. The war between Michael and Satan in Rev 12 hasn't happened yet, but when it does we will see Satan working through the beast out of the sea and out of the earth in Rev 13 that will try to destroy the word of God for the last time.

Satan still has access to the throne room of God as he stands before God accusing the brethren as Jesus sits at the right hand of God as our mediator between God and Satan. Satan fell from God's favor because of pride and wanting all that God had, Job 2:1; Isaiah 14:12-15. In Job 2:1, 2 we read that Satan comes and goes throughout the earth and in Ephesians 2:2 he is called the prince of the power of the air.

Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

All these things are seeded by Satan as they are all found in him and those he deceives.
Apart from the obvious reasons why this is so, my question is what has God done to Satan in the first place that cause him to hate Him so much?
The character of this one in particular isn't normal really, as in normally you think someone has to wrong someone in order for there to be a problem. The only thing God ever "did" if you can even call it that, is that He didn't step down. The most helpful picture would probably be(very loosely) to see the devil as that sort of politician that is doing nothing but calling his opponent an old fuddy duddy, completely out of touch and not progressive enough. Oh the things the enemy must have said to convince a third to rebel.

We know that God kicked Satan out of heaven because of his pride and pride is sin, but if the reign of God is such a holy dwelling, then how come that Satan had acquired the sin of pride in a place of complete holiness?
You have to see the devil as this type of individual that finds what God likes, and does the exact opposite. Try not to think so much as there being a tablet of laws in heaven as much as there being a being smart and malicious enough to be able to discern what exactly the opposite of love is and then carry it out, for the sake of spite. It really is that bad.

Has pride therefore become a sin when Satan was kicked out of heaven?
Pride has always been on the list of things God doesn't like, not just after it was on full display.
ok. satan's story...i think works both as a literal account of how a beautiful angel became our adversary, and also....a metaphor (I think that's the word I'm looking for) for human nature.

in the flesh, we -all- replaced God. lust, work, drugs, drink, self, whatever...everybody had something. Thru repentance and saving faith and growth in Christ, to me its basically...putting God back on the Throne that's really His, anyway. And we're often richly rewarded for this.

While we were still enemies of God, Christ died for us. We love Him because He first loved us. I think one reason satan has such a field day in the world is because a lot of who he is overlaps with the worst of human nature in the unredeemed.
ok. satan's story...i think works both as a literal account of how a beautiful angel became our adversary, and also....a metaphor (I think that's the word I'm looking for) for human nature.

in the flesh, we -all- replaced God. lust, work, drugs, drink, self, whatever...everybody had something. Thru repentance and saving faith and growth in Christ, to me its basically...putting God back on the Throne that's really His, anyway. And we're often richly rewarded for this.

While we were still enemies of God, Christ died for us. We love Him because He first loved us. I think one reason satan has such a field day in the world is because a lot of who he is overlaps with the worst of human nature in the unredeemed.

Human nature was the seed that was planted by Satan in the garden of Eden that enticed and tempted man to walk in disobedience. All was perfect in God's creation until pride reared its ugly head within that angel (Satan) that was created perfect until iniquity was found in him.
Satan was jealous as well as proud
He is jealous of The Son of God and Our heavenly father. He was not included in the creation and He wants to see us all lose our eternal life.
God would not have done anything. Satan simply wanted the glory for himself. If Satan was allowed to sin then it means he had free will. He made his choice to rebel against God. Satan is also able to confront God (see the book of Job, then again in Revelation 12), but he cannot get back inside Heaven as he made his choice. His visits with God are also temporary. Satan's judgement is not fully completed yet. God's holiness restrains sin, but in the end with a New Heaven, a New Jerusalem, sin will have then be completely vanquished by God's holiness. Regarding pride as a sin, I would not say that pride was a sin only after Satan's fall because if it were not a sin to start with, Satan would not have been cast out for it. God has always known His laws. Can you break a law if there wasn't originally one put into place? I hope that makes sense.