- Jul 27, 2013
- 106
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Fact is, there is no explicit prohibition against putting the new covenant sign of baptism on our children. As circumcision of the flesh was only a sign of heart circumcision under the old covenant, so water baptism is only a sign of Spirit baptism under the new covenant. God is pleased when His people act on the behalf of their children and put the sign of the covenant upon their persons.
Circumcision was commanded to be put on the 8 day old infant BEFORE God founded Israel.Don't confuse the OT law of external circumcision that identified a nation, to the God given free will we have under the NT.
Many in Israel in the OT were externally circumcised but never made the internal transition to the heart and faith.
Under the old covenant they were to have their hearts circumcised (Deuteronomy 10:16).Now in the NT that is all we have to do is have our heart circumcised by giving it to Jesus as our savior.
Fact is, there is no explicit prohibition against putting the new covenant sign of baptism on our children. As circumcision of the flesh was only a sign of heart circumcision under the old covenant, so water baptism is only a sign of Spirit baptism under the new covenant. God is pleased when His people act on the behalf of their children and put the sign of the covenant upon their persons.