Why Hammer of God? Well, it all has to do with how I got my real name, which is Mark. A few years back I looked up the meaning of my name in the "The strongest" edition of the Strong's concordance and they said it meant 'large hammer'. Then I remembered my mum telling me about the circumstances of how I came to be called Mark.
I was born 2 weeks late on the 25th April, which is the feast of ST Mark (something my parents didn't know at the time). Mum wanted to call me Kieth but dad didn't like it, but couldn't come up with a name they both liked. A week later, dad's sister suggested the names Mark and John, both names of the writer of the Gospel of Mark whose feast I was born on!
Mum and dad like both names equally but only wanted to use one, so tossed a coin to decide which it would be. Now, tossing a coin is just the same as casting lots, which leads us to the Proverbs 16:33:
The lot is cast into the lap; but its every decision is from the Lord.
So it was that God decided that I was to be called Mark. all the circumstances of being 2 week overdue born on the feast of St Mark, along with mum and dad tossing a coin to choose between the 2 names he was known by is just further evidence of God's hand in it all.
Now, I don't have any sort of complex about this. I am not a crack pot thinking that I am special because of it. It is just a cool story, and to me it proves that God was involved in every part of my life even when I didn't realize it.