Would you count it if the person was raised in a Christian enviornment, adopting their parent's rationelle until they had enough experience on their own to own up to their own beliefs, but then after thay walked away from Christianity? My dad's religion has a concept called the age of accountability. What it means is a kind of rough estimate when a person thinks on their own to descide their beliefs and is no longer as dependent on their parents beliefs to show them what is right. If it holds merrit then there's the uncomfortable aspect that a person born and raised in Christianity might not be Christian until they can choose for themself where it's true or not.
Honestly I hope you're right Soul man, that ones your saved you can't walk away from that. But there are gray areas that might exist.
Your question is the same question Christians ask all around the world. Not understanding their Bible and the teaching they receive has caused more confusion and dilution than Martin Luther's time.
Do you understand our union life, understanding that "he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit."
I'm not going to give all the verses you can look them up, I use the King James version.
Does sin break our Union with Christ? This is a fair question, and if it is answered affirmatively, there are two possible positions for the Christian.
He must, at a given time, be either sinlessly perfect or a lost soul, there can be no intermediate ground.
To practice this, however, is to disannul the birthing. Since we believe that all scripture hinges on human beings being reborn with the new father and a new life in them, certainly we must answer this question.
To give a true reply to this important question, the two aspects which must be considered, first, the Scriptures, and second, human experience.
Let's look first at the Scriptures. The word not only implies but directly states that Christians sin. It also presents the cure for such sin, which is wholly different from that provided for the sins of the unsaved.
This idea both directly and indirectly constitutes a very large portion of the epistles of the new testament. The epistles are written to believers only and disclose both the believers union with Christ and his present state before God.
This message, while clearly declaring that Christians do soon, just as clearly declares that Christians are not condemned. This seemingly moral inconsistency is not adjusted by blindly supposing that Christians are lost because of their sin. It is adjusted by The higher morality made possible through the death of Christ, which far too few have comprehended or acknowledged, bringing about a union with Christ. Thus, the Scriptures teach that believers do sin, but their sin is different in content and different in alleviation.
The believers sins are sins of the flesh and are not the same sins that come from the sinning sinner that once indwelt him, Satan, but rather are the sins produced when the mind is given to the body to bring about the sins of the flesh. You following so far.
Human experience testifies to the indisputable fact that Christians can remain in union with Christ despite their evident imperfections and sin. This fact must not be slighted.
Christians are now one with Christ, and the continuance of any Christian as such, even for a moment, is final proof that there is some divine provision for their position.
In no sense could it be reasonably be supposed that they are standing in any goodness or perfection of their own. The fact that they are now in Christ is final proof that they are neither lost when they sin nor sinless when they remain saved.
They are, rather, kept through the power of God, and that power is not only directly exercised in their behalf but has been made righteously free to act through the shed blood of the lamb of God.
Sin does not overcome the blood, it is the blood that overcomes sin.
The simplest answer I can give your question is "whom the Father loves He chastens." As a righteous father would do.
A sinning believer will find he will have trouble, the father deals with us according to our understanding, thank God he does not correct me based on anything I do not know. But will correct and chasten me to come to the saving understanding and knowledge that he first birthed in me the moment I believed.