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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

[__ Prayer __] Wife's uncle .

Dementia is a hard thing to deal with on both sides as in the one who has this and the other side being the family that deals with all the changes going on in their loved ones life. My own mother being 91 is now in a nursing home after we could no longer care for her and we believe she is in the beginning stages of dementia as it runs in her family. It's always best to read up on the various stages of dementia.

Praying for all of you :pray