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[__ Prayer __] Wisdom, discernment and truth.

I am either in a place of realizing a terrible truth or I am deceived and in which case both are really affecting my life. I am seeking counsel, and asking for truth to be revealed and settled within me. Thank you.
Hello GreenBlossom
Sorry you are suffering in this way. If you want to talk about it more please do.
Will be praying for your peace of mind and God revealing truth to you.
God be with you and bless you.
Okay. Well I suppose I will post here because the counsel of many might be effective.

I thought I had truly come to Christ. I had a load of sins that I had a lot of guilt over and believed only Christ can forgive them and make me right with God the Father. So I gave them to Him and prayed and got up to walk a new life and do good. I was in church and in prayer and study but I was not quite ready to handle the tough stuff, or just wasn't willing. I tried and then I got bitter as trials came and was enticed by the joys of this life. My faith grew bitter and cold, confused and angry. Eventually I was not wanting to go to church and have been in that state for several years. Justifying it and many sins. I was willfully sinning and also sinning in ways that really upset me.

My eyes were opened to my lack of fear of God and came to Him for forgiveness and started to go back to church and grow and learn. I am trying to live forgiven but I am deeply shaken. Was I really saved? I was deceiving myself. I was apparently a bad seed?

Anyhow I have ready Hebrews 6 and 10 and I see that it is impossible to be restored and there is no more sacrifices for my sin, so hope of return. I have gone from terror to distraught to hope and peace back to fear as no matter what anyone says about me being able to return, I just do not see that in the text.

I realize this is a deep question and concern. Not sure where is best to post it if not here?
I think many of us fall away and return to God asking for forgiveness.
Jesus said if we fall a good man picks himself up and carrie's on.
In the parable of the prodigal son that person did many willful sons, but then returned to his father broken and repentant. The father ran out to hreey him. We are told the angels rejoice in heaven when someone who had lost their way returns to God.
The Lird is the Good Shepherdn He goes looking for the lost sheep and carries them back on His shoulders. God is just and merciful.
He loves you GreenBlossom He brought you back.
I never thought I'd get where I was. If what you say is true, I cannot even begin to fathom it and I want it so badly. Please pray my eyes and heart and ears are soft and open. I am haunted by Hebrews which is God's Word.
Pray for understanding. I will be praying for the things you ask.
Take heart God's teachings are true.
Look at all the things David did but God loved Him and brought him back.
That's a really good point, Tessa. A lot of the greatest leaders in the Bible made some pretty big mistakes, but they were still able to come back around.
I think it's also important to know that God wants to replace the things that hurt us with things that we love and that are freeing. King David says in Psalm 119 that God's commandments comfort him and give him peace, and that he even loves them more than anything else. It's really hard-- if not impossible-- to just do the right thing.:shrug That's why the Bible says that we're transformed by the renewal of our mind, because God has to show us why His way is better; not just better for us, but also much more enjoyable for us. ❤️
I can really feel like I don't want to change in some area of my life, but then I realize that I really want to want to. It's just that I don't think that God's way sounds as pleasant to me, and I feel like I'm going to lose something in the process of following Him, or that I'm going to have to force myself to do something unnatural that doesn't even stick and I don't like anyway. :erm But that's when God begins to show me that He's not trying to take something away that I want in my life, but that He's replacing something that's only barely working anyway for something that I love, as David says in Psalm 119; something that will make my life better and lines up with His Word. God actually wants to make it easier on us, to give us hope that we can have what He has planned for us.
The enemy (the devil) I'm sure is just trying to get you to think something's wrong with you, but God really loves you and wants to keep on working with you. :hug
I'll certainly be praying for you, Green Blossom!! <3

God has great forgiveness.
I agree, satan tries to make us believe that we ate not saved. The great deceiver. (Good to see you Rose)
GreenBlossom it is written that if any man brings a person back who has strayed he will hide a multitude of sins.
GreenBlossom, do not feel this way. Some of us feel like we are not worthy and you are correct, we are not. HOWEVER, HE IS A GOD OF MERCY. He understands us because he created us. He knows that our flesh is the cause of us sinning and unless you intentionally came to Christ and just be saved for selfish reasons, then you do not have to worry. You still do not have to worry even if you did do it for selfish reasons. Just be sorry about it and actually mean it. I am one of the worst sinners there is. If you knew all the sinful things I have done, you would not want to be anywhere near me. I do not know if you read my "my first testimony", but I came to God a suicidal kid. God saved me and was grateful but I slowly fell and had to guts to use the Lord's name in vein and hate him for what he had created. Please understand that you are going to make mistakes as a Christian. We all do. That is a part of learning. But what counts is what you do when you fall. Pick yourself back up, ask God for forgiveness NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID, and BELIEVE!!! that God has forgiven you and still wants to build an intimate relationship with you. I just posted something today about Exodus Chapter 32. Maybe you should read it as it might help. Even the children of Israel WHO SAW the miracles of God sinned ONLY 40 DAYS LATER! If they are able to sin, why are we any different? I hope this helps and as someone mentioned, if you need to talk to someone, we are here for you. I will definitely pray for your peace of mind but please start having faith and believe that God forgives you for your sin because he does.
Okay. Well I suppose I will post here because the counsel of many might be effective.

I thought I had truly come to Christ. I had a load of sins that I had a lot of guilt over and believed only Christ can forgive them and make me right with God the Father. So I gave them to Him and prayed and got up to walk a new life and do good. I was in church and in prayer and study but I was not quite ready to handle the tough stuff, or just wasn't willing. I tried and then I got bitter as trials came and was enticed by the joys of this life. My faith grew bitter and cold, confused and angry. Eventually I was not wanting to go to church and have been in that state for several years. Justifying it and many sins. I was willfully sinning and also sinning in ways that really upset me.

My eyes were opened to my lack of fear of God and came to Him for forgiveness and started to go back to church and grow and learn. I am trying to live forgiven but I am deeply shaken. Was I really saved? I was deceiving myself. I was apparently a bad seed?

Anyhow I have ready Hebrews 6 and 10 and I see that it is impossible to be restored and there is no more sacrifices for my sin, so hope of return. I have gone from terror to distraught to hope and peace back to fear as no matter what anyone says about me being able to return, I just do not see that in the text.

I realize this is a deep question and concern. Not sure where is best to post it if not here?
Firstly, the verses in Hebrews 6 about impossible to be restored, is completely different to someone who has just fallen into sin or backslid. I cannot go into the interpretation of those verses now. In Hebrews 10, Jesus died for yours and my sins once and for all, and there is no need for any more sacrifices, compared to annual sacrifices people in the old testament had to do on a yearly basis for forgiveness of sin. Jesus paid the price once and for all. If you sin, look to Jesus for forgiveness.

We grow in the Lord. Not many of us were able to handle the tough stuff immediately we gave our lives to Jesus. Not many of us were able to understand and interpret the Scriptures correctly until after years. It took me years in Christ before I understood Hebrews and I am still learning.

Stop trying. Lean on Jesus to be a Christian. You are not perfect, neither is any Christian. We are all striving unto perfection, so do not be too hard on yourself. Relax in Christ for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

All you have to do is have a genuine desire to develop your relationship with him through prayers, studying the bible, and learning from other Christians, and allow God to perfect you. If you fall into sin, ask for forgiveness. God will forgive you - 1 John 1:9-10. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

Remember to forgive yourself as well.
Okay. Well I suppose I will post here because the counsel of many might be effective.

I thought I had truly come to Christ. I had a load of sins that I had a lot of guilt over and believed only Christ can forgive them and make me right with God the Father. So I gave them to Him and prayed and got up to walk a new life and do good. I was in church and in prayer and study but I was not quite ready to handle the tough stuff, or just wasn't willing. I tried and then I got bitter as trials came and was enticed by the joys of this life. My faith grew bitter and cold, confused and angry. Eventually I was not wanting to go to church and have been in that state for several years. Justifying it and many sins. I was willfully sinning and also sinning in ways that really upset me.

My eyes were opened to my lack of fear of God and came to Him for forgiveness and started to go back to church and grow and learn. I am trying to live forgiven but I am deeply shaken. Was I really saved? I was deceiving myself. I was apparently a bad seed?

Anyhow I have ready Hebrews 6 and 10 and I see that it is impossible to be restored and there is no more sacrifices for my sin, so hope of return. I have gone from terror to distraught to hope and peace back to fear as no matter what anyone says about me being able to return, I just do not see that in the text.

I realize this is a deep question and concern. Not sure where is best to post it if not here?
praying - imo if you are sorry about a sin or deeply concerned about a sin you are not in danger of that sin - you have a soft heart toward God and His way of doing things -
Okay. Well I suppose I will post here because the counsel of many might be effective.

I thought I had truly come to Christ. I had a load of sins that I had a lot of guilt over and believed only Christ can forgive them and make me right with God the Father. So I gave them to Him and prayed and got up to walk a new life and do good. I was in church and in prayer and study but I was not quite ready to handle the tough stuff, or just wasn't willing. I tried and then I got bitter as trials came and was enticed by the joys of this life. My faith grew bitter and cold, confused and angry. Eventually I was not wanting to go to church and have been in that state for several years. Justifying it and many sins. I was willfully sinning and also sinning in ways that really upset me.

My eyes were opened to my lack of fear of God and came to Him for forgiveness and started to go back to church and grow and learn. I am trying to live forgiven but I am deeply shaken. Was I really saved? I was deceiving myself. I was apparently a bad seed?

Anyhow I have ready Hebrews 6 and 10 and I see that it is impossible to be restored and there is no more sacrifices for my sin, so hope of return. I have gone from terror to distraught to hope and peace back to fear as no matter what anyone says about me being able to return, I just do not see that in the text.

I realize this is a deep question and concern. Not sure where is best to post it if not here?
I think many of us at times willfully sin as we all fall short of His glory at times, especially when we let the flesh have its way. I know I do by the words I speak in anger at times as I can rip you a new one. You are right as there is no more sacrifice for sin as we can not continue to crucify Christ over and over again and we will pay whatever consequences that might come about with willful sin, but it does not mean that God will not forgive us our sin as we come to Him with a humbled heart of repentance. Jesus said to the woman to go and sin no more your sins are forgiven, or in others words stop that which caused you to sin in the first place. It's kind of like asking God to help us with our stupid self. You are feeling conviction for those willful sins as the Holy Spirit will convict us when we mess up. It's like bringing our attention to those things we need to quit doing and setting our mind on those things from above, Colossians Chapter 3.

Here is the full assurance of faith.

Heb 10:19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
Heb 10:20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
Heb 10:21 And having an high priest over the house of God;
Heb 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
Heb 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
Heb 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

We serve a loving God that calls us to repentance, no matter the sin. There are certain transgressions that are hard to give up, but when we draw closer to God and our relationship to His Son Christ Jesus it gets easier to give up that which we struggle with. God wants us to boldly come before His throne of grace as His grace forgives us and His mercy pardons us from our sin.

If you are truly Spiritually born again, John 3:5-7; Romans 10:9, 10, you are also indwelled with the Holy Spirit as you are a new creation in Christ. We have to trust in God for His salvation freely given to us who call upon His name and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are also overcomers. Just build on that relationship and we are here to help with any questions you have.
I can relate to stop/start faith. One step forward two steps back. I get fed up with my own inconsistencies and contradictions. I feel like an imposter often.
"Why do I do the thing I hate" Jekyll and Hyde syndrome .
More self discipline in my daily life is surely one good option. Yet self forgiveness too. If we don't forgive ourselves, we may be less forgiving towards others.