Not that Eve was an adulteress in the physical sense, but Eve was an adulteress in the sense of the word itself that she was unfaithful to God as she believed the serpents lie and did eat. She was following another god making the lie of the serpent her idol just as Israel fell to other gods making them their idols. When she saw the fruit it was pleasant to her eyes and something she desired even though it was forbidden by God. and she not only ate the fruit, but also caused Adam to be unfaithful as she gave him to eat. Anything we put above God becomes our idol and that is why I said the serpent was her idol as she believed what he said.
I understand how you're reasoning this through. I think it's wise to be careful how we word concepts. I'll tell you why.
First of all, there's a group of Christians that believes Eve had relations with satan, or something like that - I really don't want to know too much about this since it's so repugnant to me. They'll say that this is why we have sin - because satan is the father. Or some other such sick idea.
Secondly, there are some older Christians who never studied scripture and who will tell you that Eve's sin is having physical relations with Adam. I'd like to see this idea disappear too.
Neither of the above are your responsibility - I'm just saying that we should be careful with our words.
Eve did NOT abandon God for another god. We have ALL been unfaithful to God in the same way Eve was.
By not obeying Him, by not following Him. 99% of Christians do not abandon God for another God. See what I mean?
Eve did not commit spriritual adultery. She committed a sin, she disobeyed God, just like we do all the time.
We also are not adulterers, as were the Isreailites that worshipped other gods.
Another way of understanding what you're saying is that satan would then necessarily have to be a god. Which he is not. He is a created being. God is not a created being.
I hope you understand my point and I wish you'd stop saying that Eve is an adulteress.
Please give this some more thought.