Genesis Owl
I picked up a mother who had a baby girl on her hip that was wearing a cast on one leg. It was an incredibly hot July summer afternoon and no one was stopping. This woman was standing there with her thumb out, her baby had no sun hat on and was crying. The woman was as red faced as could be from the heat.Would you give that person a ride?Why or why not?Do you think more men would stop an women?Why?
I carried her to the intersection about 15 miles up the road where I had to make the turn to go to work. I should have stopped at a mini-market to get them bottled water but there were none on the route and I couldn't be late to work taking the time to travel for miles to find one.
Something like that, where someone is in distress, I let the Holy Spirit whisper to me as to what I should do and then I decide. But I don't pick up just anyone that hitches. I've seen some very sketch characters on the main roads here.
As to the rest of the OP query, I don't know that gender makes a difference. That day I mentioned in particular, the highway was full of cars headed for the beach. A woman and a baby girl didn't get anyone to stop before I did, so that may speak for itself in that case alone.
I doubt I'd pick up a man if I were alone in the car.
Oh yes, I'd give Hitchbot a ride. And a little juice if its batteries were running low.
I love how the people are seat belting the robot in. That's so cute.