Likewise, since all the evidence points to the Gospels and the Epistles as being true and since this belief does not violate the Laws of Logic it's most reasonable to accept them as the inspired word of God.
Of course.
Unfortunately, one of the factors present is a lack of reasoning skills. Mormonism is a perfect example. This false religion teaches that God is the son of a God, who is the son of a God, who is the son of a God, and so on, and so on. This is an infinite regression, a logical fallacy. It's not possible for this state of affairs to be actual because logic is integral to all existence; universal. Any statement of belief that violates logic is false. People don't understand this, or just don't care and accept counterfeit gospels because that is what they want to do, reality notwithstanding.
One bit of advice, take it or leave it....
I have been posting for nearly a decade on a variety of Christian forums, and have learned that the best logical and reasonable argument does NOT trump emotional beliefs held by another. I could point out the facts of baptism and its necessity, take quotes from the Catechism, logically explain everything in a reasonable fashion, but STILL have someone completely miss the boat because they are emotionally committed to believing that the Catholic Church is wrong on practically everything. You end up beating your head against a wall, and that's a fact from experience.
God never asks us to have blind faith in Him. He always relates to us through our intellect.
I didn't suggest otherwise.
Is that true? If so, do you doubt your own existence? You believe it's possible that your are totally non-existent? If not then your statement is false.
A fallacious assumption, because the context of my comment was not on literally "EVERYTHING", but on the topic of this OP.
Speak for yourself. I see him sovereignly choose to act and not act in the world all the time.
It goes without saying that I do speak for myself. Did I suggest that I spoke for you? Why are you being so combative? Ever since our discussions began, you have a very strange way of speaking to another Christian, for someone who CLAIMS to be a sheep who hears the voice of the Shepherd.
I am not here to "win points", but to share my faith. That is a deeply personal choice, and there is nothing entirely right or wrong. There is no need for your attitude with me. If you disagree with my beliefs, fine. I won't lose sleep over it.
No, the origin of the idea is from God himself and is backed by the evidence and logic.
To the first part, you provide no objective evidence. To the second part, science is also founded on "evidence and logic", and have been shown to be WRONG later on. What we hold to be true is based upon FAITH.
Some may slavishly follow the indoctrination of their religion (ahem!)
I don't slavishly follow anything, if that is the intent of the hypocritical comment. I willingly, by choice after much reasoning and contemplation, worship God as a Catholic. You worship God (slavishly or not) as a Calvinist, following the dictates and doctrines of Jean Calvin.
but the claim that the idea of the Bible being divinely inspired finds it's origin in man and not God himself is antithetical to Christianity.
No its not. That's your false opinion. You clearly are not familiar with the process with how something BECOMES IDENTIFIED as "Sacred Scriptures". The New Testament has no divinely inspired TAble of Contents, nor are the individual books self-authenticating as from God, except perhaps the Apocalypse. Not even the Gospels claim to be written or inspired by God.
We believe the Bible is from God because we believe the Church's identification of it as such, that same Church that gave us the witness of the Risen Lord.