- Apr 17, 2011
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Which is my point - a person can THINK they know the truth, but that has no effect on it ACTUALLY BEING the truth! A person can think that Calvinism is "truth", but that has no bearing on it actually BEING truth... I even gave you an example of science using rational thought and evidence - which does not PROVE that something is truth.
Are you getting this???
That you struggle with simple logic? Yeah, that was apparent some time ago. The subject was the truth and you immediately veered off on a tangent on discernment.
Grow up. I tire of the polemics. I think I'll just stick to the subject, which is your inability to prove that the writings of the NT were considered Scriptures immediately after they were penned...
Most reasonable people consider comments like "grow up" to be condescending and, ironically, a sign of immaturity.
And lastly, come off the balcony of your glass house if you're going to throw stones.
And, as I'm sure you're aware, many Catholics exhibit extreme superstition by claiming to see images of Mary in all kinds of things: virgin mary grilled cheese sandwich.gif
As usual, you stray from the subject when you find you are at a loss. Are you able to even figure out what I am talking about???
Yes. You're making ignorant statements about the historicity of the Bible and backing them up with your unsupported claim to be a former historian, and all from a supercilious perspective.
Where did I say that the individual Bible letters were false???
You claimed there was no evidence that the 27 Books of the New Testament were accepted as scripture in the first century, as I asserted. That claim is false. There is evidence.
Where IS your proof that Philemon is from God, from Philemon internally????[/B]
First of all, I rarely use the word "proof." Proof is pretty subjective; I give you the O.J. Simpson murder trial jury. We do have evidence, however. We have pretty good evidence that apostle Paul was the author. We have evidence that the apostles actually were on a divine mission and could speak authoritatively. Further, Philemon was in wide circulation amongst believers by the first decade of the second century and it was recognized as scripture at that time. Given the distances involved and lack of electronic communications, it is most reasonable to conclude that Philemon and the other New Testament books referred to as scripture by Ignatius and others had been in circulation for some time before they were referenced by these writers.
Speaking of ignorant assertions:
Oh yea, the big circular argument - Philemon is part of the Word of God because the Word of God contains Philemon....
Again, and I'll type this slowly for you, we have evidence that Paul was the writer (e.g. Ignatius) and we also have evidence that Paul spoke authoritatively for the Holy Spirit. While it may be true that you have nothing but blind faith to support your belief in Philemon as bona fide epistle, those who are actually knowledgeable on the subject have genuine evidence to back up their faith.
Which NT writer claims to be writing inspired Scriptures as they write them???
Paul delineates the difference between his opinion and the commands given to him God in 1 Cor. 7.
John claims his writings are from God in Revelation:
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must s place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who testifies oon taketo everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. - Rev. 1:1-2
How 'bout 1 Thessalonians? Ever hear of that book? In it Paul claims to speak for God. Need a link?
Where is the internal evidence that a particular letter is "THE WORD OF GOD"???
Internal: Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker, to Apphia our sister, to Archippus our fellow soldier and to the church that meets in your home - Philemon 1:1-2
Your claim that all letters and books were recognized "immediately" as God's Word is rubbish. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of the formation of the canon would laugh at such a notion - it is fantasy.
You have a basic Catholic indoctrination on the canonization of scripture. That's the real rubbish. Since all but two of the books of the New Testament were referenced as scripture by Clement, Ignatius, and/or Polycarp between 95 and 110, those with an open mind can see that there is evidence of the New Testament's early acceptance.
No, its not. Philemon is never cited by Ignatius. Again, you are mistaken.
Ignatius references Onesimus in his letter to the Ephesians.
You mistake the existence of "Philemon" as proof that it is Sacred Scriptures. Another fine example of your "logic", the circular argument that "proves" everything...
No, I'm just aware of it's early acceptance by the Church (i.e. believers).
There is a process that Philemon undergoes BEFORE it is considered that. Merely citing a writing is not proof of it being Sacred Scriptures in the eyes of the writer. Paul cited pagan writings. Jude cites Jewish Apocrypha. Come on, this is just another example of your "begging the question"...
No, the objective authority on the matter is not subject to councils of men.
Yea, you are full of wisecracking assumptions... My response here is an attempt to sift through them and perhaps you can get some education on history and the development of the acceptance of the writings that LATER became called "Scriptures" by the Catholic community.
From the guy who didn't know John claimed his writing was inspired, that means so much. No, really.
For the final time... What does this have to do with the Contents of Sacred Scriptures??? What does the Decalogue have to do with deciding whether 1 Maccabees or Amos belongs in the Bible???
Did God not give ten commandments to Moses? If the answer is yes then your assertion that men must meet to decide whether a writing is divinely inspired is proven wrong. Your absolute claim is proven to have at least one exception and is therefore false. Simple logic.
Geez... Like I said, dealing with people who live on emotion is like running your head into the wall. Where is all of that vaunted "logic" you talk about???
Your denouncement of emotionalism through your expressed exasperation is typical of the hypocrisy you display here. Sad.
Go read up on the subject "Deuterocanonicals". It would save me a lot of time and you a lot of embarassment...
And perhaps you could bone-up on 1 Thessalonians. It's in the...wait for it...Bible.