if you are able to get in touch with me, i can help you reach who you need to reach to help . not 100%, but way better than anything you've ever tried. and stay with your current medical provider for testing ---- it shocks them when someone recovers, and they usually don't admit it really happened -- they'd rather say "you never had it" than that you recovered.
'genetic' just means human. like the Jews, if they ate pork, God punished them. if a white or a dark person eats pork, they almost always get arthritis and/or bronchitis. simple. human bodies need basic foods, and need to avoid poisons.
the lie from the professionals that something is genetic is just that - a lie.... "almost true" but not true. they say that to proomote their profession and profits, not to help people.
likewise, the book "nutrition the cancer answer" shows simply, cleanly, clearly and accurately how to avoid the different cancers, by diet, and how to recover from most also - known by the phrmk before 1930, and used legally by doctors until 19550 in the untied states. their deception in medicine is very very overwhelming. but the truth is still available, and so are the helps as God provides.
even so-called 'genetic-defects' (which are more common today due to radiation and man made chemicals), have been helped by a company called mannatech(no longer in the usa because of the profitmongers).
it is simple. it is true. and it is findable. (for now).
next year, or the year after, if we are still around, we might no longer have a choice. or we might be asleep

(dead). .... but for now, the helps are still fairly readily available, testable, usable, inexpensive and no risk.