Yelling into the darkness

Did you receive the greatest gift this Christmas ?
Sadly both mom went another Christmas without salvation
We are both in our 50+ so aging mom now
I decided this Christmas to post the Christmas story before I go to bed and sadly saw few post the Christmas story online or even the Biblical verses Just another sign the King is coming soon as a lion Are you ready ?
Joyful giver :
will rise
will shine
will excel
will testify
will succeed
will be favour
will be blessed
will be anointed
So why not give up a SIMPLE $1 to mission field


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Putting first my faith in Jesus Putting first my trust in Jesus Putting first my love for Jesus Putting first my belief in Jesus Putting first my prayers to Jesus Putting first my reliance on Jesus Putting first my Lord, God & Savior
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This become me in January 2019 starting on Jan 2
1 ) Retainer wall getting city to take responsible for before collapses for built it 100+ yrs old now
2 ) Repair my credit to get my home solar in 2019
3 ) Disability
Joyful giver :

will rise will shine

will excel
will testify

will succeed will be favour

will be blessed will be anointed

So why not give up a SIMPLE $1 to mission field


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