Yelling into the darkness

Jesus, I need your help always Jesus, I need your grace always Jesus, I need your peace always Jesus, I need your safety always Jesus, I need your healing always Jesus, I need your salvation always I will remain with you Jesus, always
Choose to Forgive
Choose to Fellowship
Choose to Accept
Choose to Sacrifice
Choose to do the Command of God!
Blessed Sunday everyone!
All we can do is WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN WARN... then the day will come and it'll be too late to repent of wickedness and lawlessness.
America has a right of worship to choose who they want to worship If we choose to worship God we should not become become put down etc ... as sadly now happening in America and around the world
I am not saying repay evil for evil But we should BE FIRM BE BOLD not walked over as sadly they are doing They know they met us they met some spiritual dynamite that not backing down AMEN \0/
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Do you surround yourself with people- Who challenge you? Who push you towards higher goals? Who are not jealous? Who make you laugh? Who make you feel better? Who make you happy? Who make you feel motivated? Get rid of toxic people around you.”
The Left has become totally unhinged. They no longer care what is Right for our Country!
Democrats no longer try to hide their plans.