Abraham was not, Childless forever, Joseph was not, In prison forever, Moses was not In the river forever, Daniel was not in The Lions Den forever, You wont be broke, sick, Jobless, Childless, Single, Discouraged, Depressed etc, Forever, for God, Will make a way.
Love you Jesus always Obey you Jesus always Trust you Jesus always Share you Jesus always Thank you Jesus always Praise you Jesus always Follow you Jesus always Be yours my God always
Example : Had to choose daughter over mom and ended up closing have any family celebrations in our home now . But we refuse to cave into this mom evil wicked schemes PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY all we know to do Still doing holiday celebrations
Takes strength to do this but if can say in person I forgive you will bring much healing as needed for your healing . For sadly more than not they will receive not Have done with Room of Hope friends and testify not easy to do
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