Yelling into the darkness

Due your research at one point fully 500% supported now 500% opposes Why this drastic change ? Americans have the right to know the answer to this question PERIOD
So I say try again Demorats to me failed
Who holding back progress for Americans once again
the demorats hum ? Sadly we Americans can not cave into those demorats Yes WE MUST PRAY for those being negative effected
The Demorats are causing the hardship upon the American people and that plain truth straight to the point Research it out for yourself Yes we MUST PRAY for those being effected in a negative way by demorat stupidity
My trust isn't in my Pastor. Not in any President. Not in the POPE. Not in any prophet. Not in any insurance company. Not in the strength of my country's army. But in Jesus Christ, He who sits on heavens throne. The King of kings and the LORD of lords.
This is a EXTREMELY old issue should of been taken resolved many years ago in need of repair not needing built Lion with America backing up determine be built
continue to PRAY 4 ALL those negative effected over democrat stupidity
They hate our Lord and this is a Christian God fearing President America blessed with See who fighting against now ? Why American Christians must stand on this side of the President not for Trump but for our Lord
With the cold weather, the Salvation Army has put out a call for assistance. They are in dire need of the following:
• Gloves (men, women, and children)
• Blankets
• Extra Coats
• Deodorant (men’s and women’s

I’m sure shelters in other areas could use similar things.