PotLuck said:
It's difficult to have hope and faith among those who have already given up on hope or have never had it in the first place.
Yes, it is so true!
And come to think about the characteristics of ...
Romans 8:24-25
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
I wonder.... maybe the atheists, or the agnostics lack of, or teetering belief and hope comes from a lack of patience, a lack of persistence. There is a lack of hope because they are lacking in the discipline of patience and persistence.
Hope, patience, persistence, they are all tied together in order for faith to thrive. They are all ingredients of faith which leads to belief(conclusion). I'd say an example would be similar to that of making a chocolate cake.... if you leave out a certain ingredient.... it just doesn't taste right. It's not a genuine chocolate cake. So it is with the case of Faith... if you leave out the ingredients necessary to have Faith, it just isn't going to be right. Faith without hope, patience and persistence, can't manifest.
Some more thoughts to consider
these "key ingredients"
Having (taking on) hope and patience, leads to "building the characteristic" of faith. We are told to rejoice in our hope and to have (take on) patience. Think about it... How can a person hope when they hold onto despair? So it's a trade off, we have a choice, we can hold onto feelings of despair, or we can give sacrifices of praise. Praise keeps hope alive! Despair kills it! So then, how can faith thrive or grow strong when it is surrounded by a lack of patience and lack of persistence which is a form of despair.
Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; ...
In scripture it is stated that we are to
give Sacrifices of Praise. So then, I see it this way.... as we remember to "rejoice in Hope".... and as we do so, (sometimes we must make a sacrifice of a mood in order to get to this place of praise ) I would say, then, that in doing so, it gives way for patience to then manifest and abide.
It's a process of growth, liken to "a blossoming, of a character" so to speak. We become that which we think! And many times... we must sacrifice our "negatives, the doubts, the despair", the lack of patience, etc., to make way for the opposite of it.
Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
In order to "Have" something we must "do" something to acquire it. In order to make a specific characteristic our own me must take it on as our own. Many times.... we need to practice a thing over and over again, before it becomes a part of us. No differently than a musician must practice to make playing music a habit, a perfected habit. IF we hold onto thoughts long enough without a change of mind they are made manifest according to the spirit of them.
Hope is something we grab onto... regardless of the tribulations that come to try and steal it away from us. Hope wouldn't be hope anymore if it already arrived. Hope comes before the manifestation of anything!
Far too many people give up on hope way too soon because they have disposed of patience. Remember, We are saved by hope, as is stated in Romans 8:24-25 in the above scripture.
We, holding onto the promises of the "Holy" Spirit, remain in hope of Holy spirit manifestations. It is not by holding onto the things of the spirit of despair, doubt, impatience, and lack of persistence/giving up. NO, be
cause by holding onto those negative thoughts we become what we hold onto. The "I am, that I am" that God describes in Exodus, means more than most people realize.
It may at first be a confusing concept to some, but it is something to think about rather than not
Romans 15:13
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Galatians 5:5
For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.