- Oct 4, 2012
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- #121
Your Word for Today
“for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the Law, but under Grace (Rom. 6:14).
As we have stated, the Bible does not teach sinless perfection, but it most definitely does teach that the “sin nature shall not have dominion over you,” that is, if the Believer properly abides by God’s Prescribed Order of Victory, as given in this Sixth Chapter of Romans. Otherwise, the sin nature most definitely will exercise dominion over you. Regrettably and sadly, that is the condition of most modern Christians, i.e., the sin nature rules and reigns in their lives.
A short time ago, I read a tract written by the great Preacher, Charles Finney. The title of the tract was “How to have Victory over Sin.” He correctly stated that victory could not be obtained by works or law, and that it must be done by faith; however, he never mentioned the Cross nor the Holy Spirit. In fact, when most of the modern Church attempts to address the problem of sin, they basically do so in the same fashion as Finney.
But to tell a person that the solution is not by Law, but rather by Faith, and to leave it there, is to fail to say enough. It’s like a staircase that only goes halfway to the next floor. As would be obvious, halfway is not enough.
If the question is asked, “Faith in what?” most presently would answer, “Faith in God” or “Faith in the Word.” However, that which says too much concludes by saying nothing. These are nebulous answers which really do not answer anything. The only way to have victory over sin is what the Holy Spirit taught us through Paul in this Sixth Chapter of Romans. The first place that the great Apostle took us was straight to the Cross, as outlined in Verses 3 through 5. The Believer is to understand that every single thing he receives comes to him by virtue of what Christ did at the Cross, all on our behalf.
As we have stated innumerable times, Christ is the Source, while the Cross is the means.
With faith properly placed and properly maintained, which means it neither varies nor moves, the Holy Spirit, Who Alone can make us what we ought to be, will then work mightily in our lives, bringing about the desired result (Rom. 8:1-2, 11). This is God’s Prescribed Order of Victory over sin. If faithfully followed, which any child can do, “the sin nature shall not have dominion over you.”
Paul made the statement, “For you are not under the Law,” for a specific purpose. Even though Calvary satisfied the demands of the Law in totality, still, most Christians have placed themselves under Law.
Please understand the following:
There are only two places to be, “Law” or “Grace.” If one exhibits faith in anything except Christ and the Cross, then one has put himself under Law, with all of its negative results, whether he understands such or not. If his Faith is in Christ and the Cross, then he’s functioning under “Grace.” Such Faith guarantees an uninterrupted flow, i.e., “Victory.”
—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart
“for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the Law, but under Grace (Rom. 6:14).
As we have stated, the Bible does not teach sinless perfection, but it most definitely does teach that the “sin nature shall not have dominion over you,” that is, if the Believer properly abides by God’s Prescribed Order of Victory, as given in this Sixth Chapter of Romans. Otherwise, the sin nature most definitely will exercise dominion over you. Regrettably and sadly, that is the condition of most modern Christians, i.e., the sin nature rules and reigns in their lives.
A short time ago, I read a tract written by the great Preacher, Charles Finney. The title of the tract was “How to have Victory over Sin.” He correctly stated that victory could not be obtained by works or law, and that it must be done by faith; however, he never mentioned the Cross nor the Holy Spirit. In fact, when most of the modern Church attempts to address the problem of sin, they basically do so in the same fashion as Finney.
But to tell a person that the solution is not by Law, but rather by Faith, and to leave it there, is to fail to say enough. It’s like a staircase that only goes halfway to the next floor. As would be obvious, halfway is not enough.
If the question is asked, “Faith in what?” most presently would answer, “Faith in God” or “Faith in the Word.” However, that which says too much concludes by saying nothing. These are nebulous answers which really do not answer anything. The only way to have victory over sin is what the Holy Spirit taught us through Paul in this Sixth Chapter of Romans. The first place that the great Apostle took us was straight to the Cross, as outlined in Verses 3 through 5. The Believer is to understand that every single thing he receives comes to him by virtue of what Christ did at the Cross, all on our behalf.
As we have stated innumerable times, Christ is the Source, while the Cross is the means.
With faith properly placed and properly maintained, which means it neither varies nor moves, the Holy Spirit, Who Alone can make us what we ought to be, will then work mightily in our lives, bringing about the desired result (Rom. 8:1-2, 11). This is God’s Prescribed Order of Victory over sin. If faithfully followed, which any child can do, “the sin nature shall not have dominion over you.”
Paul made the statement, “For you are not under the Law,” for a specific purpose. Even though Calvary satisfied the demands of the Law in totality, still, most Christians have placed themselves under Law.
Please understand the following:
There are only two places to be, “Law” or “Grace.” If one exhibits faith in anything except Christ and the Cross, then one has put himself under Law, with all of its negative results, whether he understands such or not. If his Faith is in Christ and the Cross, then he’s functioning under “Grace.” Such Faith guarantees an uninterrupted flow, i.e., “Victory.”
—Donnie Swaggart (taken from the “Word for Every Day”)
Donnie Swaggart