Many Christians are black.
I attend one of the few truly integrated churches in America, and I know many Christians who are black people. I've studied the bible with many, and some have helped teach and guide me. One of my most trusted mentors is my neighbor across the street. He's black. I know him very well.
It's statements like the one made in that video, and by people saying "they" will riot, or "that" guy looks suspicious, who are viewing blacks as less. IMO.
When he said it will be the prosecutors fault if there are riots....that's a racist statement. That's saying that black people will riot because they think this guy will be convicted, and are too dumb to know this guy could be acquitted, and it will be the white prosecutors fault for not controlling the black community, and leading them on like this.
He does not get it. He's blind to the message the black community has around this case. He may be an expert on the law, but he's an idiot on the reading the hearts of society. You may say this is not about race because you don't want it to be, but it is to some, like it or not.
There is that element to this, and just because there is a law that allows people to defend themselves doe not mean that law is all together right when it comes to whats in the heart of a person.
When the "special prosecutor" made the statement that they don't give in to public pressure to bring up charges....what a joke. :toofunny...That's the only reason this is going to trial. Zimmerman would never have been arrested otherwise. The police said it, and all the experts agree, but there is something wrong in this case. people feel it, and those who don't, don't care.
Here where I live near Memphis TN, we know racism in a special way. We have a long history of it. I actually live in North Mississippi, but I grew up in Texas. Dallas.
My wife is from here. Her family, both mother and father side, farmed this area for 3 generations. Mostly cotton. One of My wife's grand fathers was shot and killed by a black man in the early 50's. That man did not get a trial.
Her farther's dad (Her other grand father) was a prominent farmer and owned the land that her mothers father share-cropped. That's sort of how my in-laws met. After he was killed my father in law and his brothers worked the land for them along with some hired hands. However, he (My father in laws dad) also portioned much of his land to black farmers for share cropping. In fact, that was what the dispute was about between her mom's dad and the black man who shot him. he wanted that land.
Anyway....point being, people are exactly the same regardless of race. There are people of better character than others and ones race has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I feel the effects of racism from some black people towards me at times. I would not go walking on third street in Memphis. I'd be profiled in a heart beat, but I live among many black families in my neighborhood. Some may not like me because I'm white, but then I can't just say that all black people are ( fill in the blank )
Have you ever seen the movie the grace card? It deals with this. People don't just hate people because of their race, they fear from being hurt and so they make up things to help rationalize their own fear, which may have an element of truth to it, but is ultimately a lie from the enemy.
There are no races among Christians, there are only Christ followers and non-followers, but as a Christ follower, I'm not going to sit here and keep my mouth shut about a man killing a kid like this, or the law that does not allow the community to judge what happened.
This case is now in the hands of the court and it's there because people in the community where outraged that it would not be otherwise because the way the law is in that state; but the jury will be placed in an awful spot when they go to decide this because the law as it is, will keep them within a small area of which to make a decision. All they can do is decide if they believe Zimmerman or not, and if they want to send a message they will just say, "we don't believe you." off the prison he will go despite the "evidence". Then all the gun people will be upset. No justice there either, and again it's because the law is poorly written. So, if you ask me rioting is about as righteous and just as writing lazy laws, in this case, and who should we blame for that? Black or White folks?
don't answer that. It was a factitious statement meant to make a point.