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What is a plug?

Schwarzenegger would like that.
oh I know a person who has three or four of the ole ones. I also know another that has even more of the ole ones. this is the first up armor ones. the turret is the give away but its missing a guard. the gunners sit below to see. then pop up to fire.
oh I know a person who has three or four of the ole ones. I also know another that has even more of the ole ones. this is the first up armor ones. the turret is the give away but its missing a guard. the gunners sit below to see. then pop up to fire.
You mean a normal, non-service person?
You mean a normal, non-service person?
im not sure if the business has no veteran ownership. its not unusual for these to be on sale. on this route there is always an ole military 923 at the wrecker being restored. I have seen military lmtv's on sale where I got my yota. I saw that last week.
This should make me a tidy sum - just in time for Christmas gifts.
But, boy, you are one cheapskate!!
I want my dollar!!
(other secrets are available upon request...)


Oh I'll give ya' a dollar for a girl secret...tell me something I don't know! Lol

I can't know it all. There's gotta be something i don't know lol
Oh I'll give ya' a dollar for a girl secret...tell me something I don't know! Lol

I can't know it all. There's gotta be something i don't know lol

hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

Did you know that if a man speaks in the woods and there is no woman to hear him, he is still wrong.
Oh I'll give ya' a dollar for a girl secret...tell me something I don't know! Lol

I can't know it all. There's gotta be something i don't know lol
I have a funny feeling you DO know it all and are just trying to make some extra $$

Apparently you are allowed to post an advertisement in this section. A "plug" is simply a promotional mention of something, such as when actors go on talk shows and "plug" their new movies. Don't know about other browsers, but with Firefox you can just highlight the word "plug," right click, and then click to search on "plug." If you do that you get this if you have Google set as your SE:

But just in general, when in doubt, search, especially even just the dictionary.

So I see in your profile you are listed as "Student and Ebay Seller." It would seem then that you can post a "plug" for your Ebay site or offerings here in this section, which you might want to do.
urban dictionary says a plug
a source from which to score drugs, principally marijuana
Hi Seek The Truth,
I see you didn't get can answer to the above.
It usually means the person considers themselves a Christian but they agree with SSM and the such.

I said. " usually", I do not intend to speak for gerbilgirl.

Oh. And it's nice when you can read about autism.
Some of us have more intimate knowledge of the condition.

Does SSM mean "seeker sensitive" something?

Years ago in circles I was in if someone was described as theologically liberal it appeared to mean something like being in a state of error and compromise even if not completely.

I don't blame her if she doesn't want to post anything about her business stuff but I was curious anyway.
Does SSM mean "seeker sensitive" something?

Years ago in circles I was in if someone was described as theologically liberal it appeared to mean something like being in a state of error and compromise even if not completely.

I don't blame her if she doesn't want to post anything about her business stuff but I was curious anyway.
Same Sex Marriage.
It's theologically incorrect because the bible teaches that God created male and female and that's how it should be.
Abortion could be another issue.
And others.
It's taking what you like out of the bible and leaving the rest.
Picking and choosing.

Are you going to plug your eBay listings or anything biz related, gerbilgirl?

P.S. I see it says you are a "liberal Christian." Do you mean politically or theologically? Interesting, what does that mean really?

Also noticed your autism related avatar. Was just reading about something related to that earlier today.
I don't have enough listed on Ebay right now to make it worth posting an ad. Possibly in the future. I'm a busy college student at the moment.

Politically I'm a split ticket voter. This past election I voted for an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. I do lean Democrat for the higher up positions but am more open to Republicans for local office.

As many of you may know, I do support same-sex marriage. Gay people aren't hurting anyone, but I'd rather not get into a heated debate about it. As far as abortion, I only support if a mother's life is in danger or a woman has been raped.

Regarding my avatar, I'm actually on the autism spectrum myself. I'm very high functioning.
I don't have enough listed on Ebay right now to make it worth posting an ad. Possibly in the future. I'm a busy college student at the moment.

Politically I'm a split ticket voter. This past election I voted for an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. I do lean Democrat for the higher up positions but am more open to Republicans for local office.

As many of you may know, I do support same-sex marriage. Gay people aren't hurting anyone, but I'd rather not get into a heated debate about it. As far as abortion, I only support if a mother's life is in danger or a woman has been raped.

Regarding my avatar, I'm actually on the autism spectrum myself. I'm very high functioning.

hello gerbilgirl, dirtfarmer here

I will not have a heated debate about SSM.
Here is something to think about: Would you be here if it were Adam and Steve, or Eve and Eva? Marriage is for procreation not same sex co-mingling.

Matthew 19:4-5, " And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, And said, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother , and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.?"

Either you believe Jesus Christ or you don't. there is no discussion needed.
Hi dirtfarmer,

Jesus loves everyone. Period. We'll have to agree to disagree.

hello gerbilgirl, dirtfarmer here

While I will agree that Jesus died for all because of his love for mankind, there is no agreement to disagree.

Romans 1:26-27 " For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemingly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Either you believe the scripture or you don't; no compromise.
hello gerbilgirl, dirtfarmer here

While I will agree that Jesus died for all because of his love for mankind, there is no agreement to disagree.

Romans 1:26-27 " For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemingly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

Either you believe the scripture or you don't; no compromise.
Well I dont believe in that scripture. We are just going to have to disagree.
Well I dont believe in that scripture. We are just going to have to disagree.
Hi gerbilgirl

You made a comment to which I'd like to reply.
You said SSM is not hurting anyone. Every law God gave was to keep us from getting hurt.
Someone is always hurt when we break His laws; it could be us, or another person, or all of society.

I think it's great that you're a follower of the Lord Jesus. Continue on this path. God will guide you to all truth.
