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Difference between the "MILK" and the "MEAT" of Gods word.

Seasoned by Grace

Staff member
This is another rare topic that people don't talk about much, but has tremendous relevance and value in the Christian culture.

Gods verses aren't shallow and superficial, we are shallow and superficial, especially at the beginning of our faith. One of the problems I've become aware of is that most people stop at the basics of Christianity, and never move on from the elementary teachings of Christ Heb. 6:1.
But if we put time and effort into our studies, you'll find like I did, that God's word is a bottomless well of wisdom and knowledge, for our lifetime of growth and maturity.
We're never to stop studying and growing in Gods word until we pass.

1st Cor. 3:1-3, (1)"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ.
(2) I give you milk (Which in Koine Greek is "gala"), to drink, not solid food ( Meat or "Broma in Koine Greek,or denser meat), for you were not yet able to receive it. Even now you are not able,
(3) for you are still fleshly. For since there is still jealousy and strife among you (Pretty much like in all the forums I have belonged to, here also), are you not fleshly, and are you not walking as fleshly men?? - Like many do here, hence the need of moderators and administrators to keep the unity. So, many here still drinking the "MILK."

Heb. 5:12, "For though by this time you ought to br teachers, you have need again for some one to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need MILK , and not solid food ("BROMA" - MEAT).

1st Peter 1:1-2, (1)"Therefore, putting aside all malice, and all guile and hypocrisy and envy, and all slander,

(2) like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to SALVATION !!
To me, this is nothing more than encouraging ALL OF US to never stop growing, never allow ourselves to accept the elementary teachings in church, but simply do as the "BEREANS" did in the book of Acts, thay checked all teachings, even Paul's and Silas teachings, for truth.

Simple stuff !!
My name is OLIGOS

By the way. Learning Koine Greek isn't a big deal.
It's just the natural progression of going deeper into learning our faith and honoring God's command to grow and mature in Christ, moving beyond the "MILK" towards the "MEAT" of His word.
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This is another rare topic that people don't talk about much, but has tremendous relevance and value in the Christian culture.

Gods verses aren't shallow and superficial, we are shallow and superficial, especially at the beginning of our faith. One of the problems I've become aware of is that most people stop at the basics of Christianity, and never move on from the elementary teachings of Christ Heb. 6:1.
But if we put time and effort into our studies, you'll find like I did, that God's word is a bottomless well of wisdom and knowledge, for our lifetime of growth and maturity.
We're never to stop studying and growing in Gods word until we pass.

1st Cor. 3:1-3, (1)"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ.
(2) I give you milk (Which in Koine Greek is "gala"), to drink, not solid food ( Meat or "Broma in Koine Greek,or denser meat), for you were not yet able to receive it. Even now you are not able,
(3) for you are still fleshly. For since there is still jealousy and strife among you (Pretty much like in all the forums I have belonged to, here also), are you not fleshly, and are you not walking as fleshly men?? - Like many do here, hence the need of moderators and administrators to keep the unit. So, many here still drinking the "MILK."

Heb. 5:12, "For though by this time you ought to br teachers, you have need again for some one to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need MILK , and not solid food ("BROMA" - MEAT).

1st Peter 1:1-2, (1)"Therefore, putting aside all malice, and all guile and hypocrisy and envy, and all slander,

(2) like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to SALVATION !!
To me, this is nothing more than encouraging ALL OF US to never stop growing, never allow ourselves to accept the elementary teachings in church, but simply do as the "BEREANS" did in the book of Acts, thay checked all teachings, even Paul's and Silas teachings, for truth.

Simple stuff !!
My name is OLIGOS

By the way. Learning Koine Greek isn't a big deal.
It's just the natural progression of going deeper into learning our faith and honoring God's command to grow and mature in Christ, moving beyond the "MILK" towards the "MEAT" of His word.

Thank you sir for the work of your ministry here at the community.

For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:13-14

  • those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The Hebrews passage seems to be saying that milk knowledge consists of the facts of the Christian faith while meat knowledge is how you live the Christian faith. Which is ironic because there are so many of us Christians who think possessing true doctrinal constructs shows us to be wise and mature, but the truth is you show you are wise and mature and grown up in Christ by how you act, putting what you know into practice.
The Hebrews passage seems to be saying that milk knowledge consists of the facts of the Christian faith while meat knowledge is how you live the Christian faith. Which is ironic because there are so many of us Christians who think possessing true doctrinal constructs shows us to be wise and mature, but the truth is you show you are wise and mature and grown up in Christ by how you act, putting what you know into practice.

Though the passage doesn’t mention this, I would agree with your assessment. Since it would not matter how much knowledge we have if we are not putting into practice what we know.

It makes no sense to have a good doctrinal “grasp” of the word of truth and be engaged in the seductive trappings of this world.

Though the passage doesn’t mention this, I would agree with your assessment. Since it would not matter how much knowledge we have if we are not putting into practice what we know.

It makes no sense to have a good doctrinal “grasp” of the word of truth and be engaged in the seductive trappings of this world.

James echos the sentiment here:

13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." - James 3:13-18

If a person's wisdom is not leading them to humility then they have the unspiritual, demonic wisdom of the world. :eek
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James echos the sentiment here:

13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." - James 3:13-18

If a person's wisdom is not leading them to humility then they have the unspiritual, demonic wisdom of the world. :eek

Yes deeds done in humility, show that their life is good, and comes from wisdom.

We recognize this wisdom because it is first of all pure; which means undefiled with the world.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;

It would be hard for me to think that “going along with the world” to be seen as “peaceable” it what James it teaching.

We know this because in the next paragraph he says this —

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:1-4

Let’s consider these things.

I so appreciate and enjoy all that's been said here, and agree with all of it completely.

If I would be allowed to add a few things here, if you wouldn't mind.

Starting out in the "MILK" of the word is a wonderful way to begin our walk in Christ, as it is so easy to "DIGEST" like the simple MILK we drink from birth. It goes through us quickly, and is digested easily for bodily health.
But as we move on to more solid foods, our digestive track slows down a bit, and must take more time to digest our food, just as the word of God gets harder to understand and we must take more time to digest it, and "RUMINATE" Gods word like a cow with 3 stomachs, RUMINATES his life giving food, by moving his "CUD, or it's food being processed, from one stomach to another, to get all the nutrition the cow needs for it's physical health, as we need the more solid foods of Gods word to gain more spiritual health and growth

Like the cows process of RUMINATING and REGURGITATING his food for the utmost nutrition, we too must see the necessity of RUMINATING and REGURGITATING Gods word, by going over it over and over , praying in the Spirit for the help we have come to recognize we need, as on our own there is no true understanding. Also it helps tremendously the process of RUMINATING Gods word, by eventually buying study helps like concordances, bible dictionaries, thesauruses, a lexicon, and so many others, as they help us to more fully understand Gods deeper truths as we grow.

Heb. 6:12 says, "Let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and move on to maturity in Christ".
With honest true maturity, comes a desire to love others God's way and the desire, and sometime the passion and drive to have the knowledge to do that, by seeking out God in prayers and supplication, Phil. 4:6, and to ask for the "DEEPER" meaning of love, that is impossible to acquire without the intervention of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Man does not seek to be Godly on His own, but must spend many hours on his knees in prayer, surrendering all he has, and is, to Christ.
John 15, "...for without ME you can do nothing."
Eph. 2, " grace you have been saved, and not of yourselves."
Phil. 2, "..for it is God who works in you."

What I'm saying a little more directly here is that we can receive the deepest things of God by asking God in prayers for these deeper meanings of things like love, for example, to be expanded in His meaning, by opening our minds as we study, to receive His teaching, that we normally couldn't without asking for them, and not just through His word, but other study tools that can broaden and deepen our understandings of His truths, through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you all, as we travel and endure this road of life together.
My name is OLIGOS
One unspoken aspect is the role of preaching in the presentation of strong meat to a congregation.
How much of an encouragement to your lawyer are you for his including harder ideas in his sermons?
How often does he do a study on harder aspects of apologetics?

Many people will not read themselves and have to be spoon fed from the pulpit.
Any familiarity with other more popular forums will show the ignorance that is out there about Christianity from Christians.
One unspoken aspect is the role of preaching in the presentation of strong meat to a congregation.
How much of an encouragement to your lawyer are you for his including harder ideas in his sermons?
How often does he do a study on harder aspects of apologetics?

Many people will not read themselves and have to be spoon fed from the pulpit.
Any familiarity with other more popular forums will show the ignorance that is out there about Christianity from Christians.

Your so right.
Most people think that whatever form of salvation they have accepted for themselves, is the beginning and end of being saved, and all other teaching is just a bonus, but not relevant , as it's forgotten before they get to the exit.
Accepting Jesus as your savior is just the beginning of the process of salvation, and in itself there is no eternal life unless you grow and change as we are commanded.

God bless us all on that road to salvation.
My name is OLIGOS

1st Peter 4:18, "If it is with DIFFICULTY that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner?
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1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Milk nourishes our infancy, meat nourishes our maturity in the process of gaining wisdom and understanding that comes by the Holy Spirit, not the pulpit, to teach us the doctrines of Christ for what has already been written.
After paying close attention to all the different posts on different threads on the entire forum, as well as many other forums, I have come to a serious conclusion, that most don't have a clue between the "MILK" of the word", and the "MEAT. From observation, it doesn't even seem that many even care.

I see the same old basic topics being discussed, and argued over, and over, and over, add NAUSIUM", continually discussing the "ELEMENTARY" teachings of Christ, instead of coming to personal conclusion on topics, and as Hebrews 6:1 says, "Therefore, leaving the elementary teachings about the Christ, let us press on to maturity."

Every forum I've been on just seems to get caught in a "revolving door" of DRINKING MILK, arguing, fighting sometimes, but never settling the most basic tenants of their foundational faith.

Do people on forums realize that their is so much more in the bible to GROW from that is JOYOUS, instead of staying stuck, just arguing, the same few simple topics,over, and over, that are just MASKED by different distracting titles, but are the same thing, just packaged differently??

I wish all of you who fit into this catagory, could get a taste of the GREATER THINGS OF CHRIST.
You would be astounded at what you are missing, staying in this CESSPOOL of BONDAGE, that WILL NOT SAVE YOU.

It's almost like the purpose for being here isn't even about true Christianity, or about maturing, but the purpose seems to be more about people coming hear or other forums to have a "VOICE" and be recognized, because maybe they have no life, or they want a place to fit in, or be knowledgeable enough to get attention, or being smart enough to win an argument , and feel like their somehow better now as a person. If you have LOW SELF WORTH, PLEASE, get counseling, but don't come here and share your baggage with us in an ungodly fashion.

You ever notice how some people are here all day LOOONG and have "millions" of posts?
My life is to full to ever even come close to spending that kind of time here.
I think some people need to get a CAT or DOG, and find more time in Gods word.
Maybe get a hobby, or volunteer to help the less fortunate, or get involved in an outreach ministry to the community.

What do you say we step out of that "revolving door" of "Entrapment", and move on to the more "BEAUTIFUL maturing life that God wants us to have, and not miss any of the things God has for us, that are so far beyond where you are. !! " THE MEAT !!

God bless you all as together we find Gods truth to live by.
My name is OLIGOS
What do you say we step out of that "revolving door" of "Entrapment", and move on to the more "BEAUTIFUL maturing life that God wants us to have, and not miss any of the things God has for us, that are so far beyond where you are. !! " THE MEAT !!

God bless you all as together we find Gods truth to live by.
My name is OLIGOS

Amen. Finding God’s Truth to live by.

What a wonderful thing to discover.

Maybe you could share some more about what the MEAT of the word is, and how you came to understand the life you are now living in God’s Truth.

Thanks JLB
Amen. Finding God’s Truth to live by.

What a wonderful thing to discover.

Maybe you could share some more about what the MEAT of the word is, and how you came to understand the life you are now living in God’s Truth.

Thanks JLB

JLB My dear brother in Christ.
From nearly day one, July, 1978, of my becoming a believer, and being in Church, I continuously heard things, and saw things, that to me were not in unity or in harmony with the teachings of Gods word.
At one point in my faith, about a year after my "so called" conversion," I began questioning my salvation, and wondered if I was even in the right Church.
I set out on a personal quest to find out !!
And here I am, 42 years later, with the truth I needed, to find my peace, and my Joy, in the GOD AND KING OF MY LIFE !
He is full of unimaginable beauty, grace and mercy, and is a JOY full of INCONCEIVABLE LOVE.

I don't know what the "MEAT" should be for everyone, but I know what I was called to believe, as I grew in faith over the decades.
In my thinking, each faith is personal, between God and each child of His, not a cookie cutter faith, or a mold we should fit into, but an intimate experience with our CREATOR, through His word, and the understanding of His word, brought to us by the Holy Spirit, and in all that, I came to want nothing but HIS TRUTH, from His word, and eventually, on my knees, bawling like a baby, over 20 years ago, I came to Him wanting all of Him and His truth. My heart was totally broken and in shambles, because of how He had showered me with the love of HIS, beyond my comprehension, for the first 20 year of my faith, over and over. I told God that I wanted to surrender every bit of my life to Him, but didn't have a clue how, and pleaded for His help.

So, what has this to do with the "MILK" and "MEAT"?
I needed a foundation of faith, and truth, set in stone, that I could build a life of faith on, and grow into maturity on.
If the foundation of a building is improperly built, the building can eventually collapse. The same with our faith !!

The first 20 years of my life was like everyone else's, raising a family and building a wonderful career, but also studying Gods word intensely, and passionately.
There were the joys of life, but also the failures, losses, even betrayals, and the heartaches that naturally come for many with life, even as a Christian.
Many of us, as a part of life, have to suffer, sometimes unimaginable pain and heart break, that God can use to grow us and strengthen us, and put us on a new level of maturity, that only afterwards at some point, we can look back and see our changes because of it, and praise God for all of it, as He was there through it all, comforting me, and at the same time growing me and strengthening me, and bringing His word to life in me, as His words ministered to me..
After enough time of the pain over and over, you learn to start welcoming the hurt and pain, James 1:2-4, as part of my continuing surrender to His will, and His plans for my life.

I was His, bought with a price, and I no longer belonged to myself. 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.
I was His to do whatever He wished, and I have trusted Him through it all. Suffering, if we handle it properly, can mature us, by relying on God totally, believing in His promises, if those promises are his will. If not, He was still there.
I learned to memorize scriptures that became my sanity in times of deep grief and brokenness. Gods word, and His TRUTH really came alive in me in those times, and still are today.

For me at least, life experiences, and Gods word, and His personal faithfulness in all aspects of my life, have worked together to grow me and mature me, to where I am today, as I stayed faithful to Him through it all.
The good, and the enduring in faith.

The MEAT OF THE WORD is a fairly new idea to me as a topic. The last 5 or 6 years.
I have grown for decades, especially, because of my favorite verse, Jer. 29: 11-14, "For I know the plans I have for you; plans for good and not evil, for a future and a hope."
That verse is the CORE of my faith !!" It touches everything I am with God.

Finally the MEAT of the WORD for me, is what comes from wanting nothing but the truth, and praying, and sharing with God how desperately all you want is His truth, and no one else's, and never stop asking, with a tenacious intensity and passion.

For me, God opened my eyes and my heart to things right before me in scripture, that were so much deeper and broader in meaning, that alone, without the leading of the Holy Spirit, I wouldn't have ever seen any of it.

In today's Christian culture the universal teachings, especially on salvation, are so shallow and incomplete, it's no wonder God in His word say's, "Matth. 7.14, Jesus said, "For the gate (JESUS) is small, and the way (Jesus) is narrow that leads to life, and "FEW" are those who find it.
Luke 13: 23-24, "Someone said to Jesus, "Lord, are there just a "FEW" being saved? Jesus said, Strive to enter by the narrow door (Jesus), for many, I tell you will seek to enter, and will not be able.
Matth. 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, LORD, LORD, will enter the kingdom of heaven.

For decades, as I looked around and listened to those who thought they were wise in their own words, the truth of GODS WORD, then and now, continues to come alive over and over, more and more, as I see and hear His warnings come to life in those who condemn themselves in false words, for ETERNITY.

My process of maturing I can't teach anyone. It needs a foundation of truth to build on that is trustworthy, and thankfully, I have met others who have experienced the same thing as I have, and we have agreed on so much to be true, that has been all but universally rejected. That's another topic. I'm not interested in getting into it.

BUT, I can point anyone in the right direction, as what to pray for, and how to surrender everything you are to the Christ who loves us and can save us all, and bring His plans for each of us to life, if we're willing to receive HIS PLANS, not our own.
Even if you think your in the right place in your faith, you can always ask God to confirm where you are and what you believe
He did for me!!

It's all there for the asking, if your willing to accept His truth from HIM, and no one else's, and pay the price for BELIEVING THE TRUTH God reveals to you, and proclaiming it.

God bless you all as you search for the truth that saves you.
My name is OLIGOS

I'm not one to claim to know much, but I can point the way to the one who does knows it all.
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JLB My dear brother in Christ.
From nearly day one, July, 1978, of my becoming a believer, and being in Church, I continuously heard things, and saw things, that to me were not in unity or in harmony with the teachings of Gods word.
At one point in my faith, about a year after my "so called" conversion," I began questioning my salvation, and wondered if I was even in the right Church.
I set out on a personal quest to find out !!
And here I am, 42 years later, with the truth I needed, to find my peace, and my Joy, in the GOD AND KING OF MY LIFE !
He is full of unimaginable beauty, grace and mercy, and is a JOY full of INCONCEIVABLE LOVE.

I don't know what the "MEAT" should be for everyone, but I know what I was called to believe, as I grew in faith over the decades.
In my thinking, each faith is personal, between God and each child of His, not a cookie cutter faith, or a mold we should fit into, but an intimate experience with our CREATOR, through His word, and the understanding of His word, brought to us by the Holy Spirit, and in all that, I came to want nothing but HIS TRUTH, from His word, and eventually, on my knees, bawling like a baby, over 20 years ago, I came to Him wanting all of Him and His truth. My heart was totally broken and in shambles, because of how He had showered me with the love of HIS, beyond my comprehension, for the first 20 year of my faith, over and over. I told God that I wanted to surrender every bit of my life to Him, but didn't have a clue how, and pleaded for His help.

So, what has this to do with the "MILK" and "MEAT"?
I needed a foundation of faith, and truth, set in stone, that I could build a life of faith on, and grow into maturity on.
If the foundation of a building is improperly built, the building can eventually collapse. The same with our faith !!

The first 20 years of my life was like everyone else's, raising a family and building a wonderful career, but also studying Gods word intensely, and passionately.
There were the joys of life, but also the failures, losses, even betrayals, and the heartaches that naturally come for many with life, even as a Christian.
Many of us, as a part of life, have to suffer, sometimes unimaginable pain and heart break, that God can use to grow us and strengthen us, and put us on a new level of maturity, that only afterwards at some point, we can look back and see our changes because of it, and praise God for all of it, as He was there through it all, comforting me, and at the same time growing me and strengthening me, and bringing His word to life in me, as His words ministered to me..
After enough time of the pain over and over, you learn to start welcoming the hurt and pain, James 1:2-4, as part of my continuing surrender to His will, and His plans for my life.

I was His, bought with a price, and I no longer belonged to myself. 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.
I was His to do whatever He wished, and I have trusted Him through it all. Suffering, if we handle it properly, can mature us, by relying on God totally, believing in His promises, if those promises are his will. If not, He was still there.
I learned to memorize scriptures that became my sanity in times of deep grief and brokenness. Gods word, and His TRUTH really came alive in me in those times, and still are today.

For me at least, life experiences, and Gods word, and His personal faithfulness in all aspects of my life, have worked together to grow me and mature me, to where I am today, as I stayed faithful to Him through it all.
The good, and the enduring in faith.

The MEAT OF THE WORD is a fairly new idea to me as a topic. The last 5 or 6 years.
I have grown for decades, especially, because of my favorite verse, Jer. 29: 11-14, "For I know the plans I have for you; plans for good and not evil, for a future and a hope."
That verse is the CORE of my faith !!" It touches everything I am with God.

Finally the MEAT of the WORD for me, is what comes from wanting nothing but the truth, and praying, and sharing with God how desperately all you want is His truth, and no one else's, and never stop asking, with a tenacious intensity and passion.

For me, God opened my eyes and my heart to things right before me in scripture, that were so much deeper and broader in meaning, that alone, without the leading of the Holy Spirit, I wouldn't have ever seen any of it.

In today's Christian culture the universal teachings, especially on salvation, are so shallow and incomplete, it's no wonder God in His word say's, "Matth. 7.14, Jesus said, "For the gate (JESUS) is small, and the way (Jesus) is narrow that leads to life, and "FEW" are those who find it.
Luke 13: 23-24, "Someone said to Jesus, "Lord, are there just a "FEW" being saved? Jesus said, Strive to enter by the narrow door (Jesus), for many, I tell you will seek to enter, and will not be able.
Matth. 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, LORD, LORD, will enter the kingdom of heaven.

For decades, as I looked around and listened to those who thought they were wise in their own words, the truth of GODS WORD, then and now, continues to come alive over and over, more and more, as I see and hear His warnings come to life in those who condemn themselves in false words, for ETERNITY.

My process of maturing I can't teach anyone. It needs a foundation of truth to build on that is trustworthy, and thankfully, I have met others who have experienced the same thing as I have, and we have agreed on so much to be true, that has been all but universally rejected. That's another topic. I'm not interested in getting into it.

BUT, I can point anyone in the right direction, as what to pray for, and how to surrender everything you are to the Christ who loves us and can save us all, and bring His plans for each of us to life, if we're willing to receive HIS PLANS, not our own.
Even if you think your in the right place in your faith, you can always ask God to confirm where you are and what you believe
He did for me!!

It's all there for the asking, if your willing to accept His truth from HIM, and no one else's, and pay the price for BELIEVING THE TRUTH God reveals to you, and proclaiming it.

God bless you all as you search for the truth that saves you.
My name is OLIGOS

I'm not one to claim to know much, but I can point the way to the one who does knows it all.

Thank you for reply.

I wholeheartedly agree that one must hunger and thirst for the truth and intensely and passionately seek God and seek to be taught by the Spirit of Truth, in His word and by His wisdom.

To have our eyes opened to the truth, asking for eye salve that we can see, repenting of evil thought patterns and things that are contrary to Christ and His kingdom.

It’s a process. It will cost you everything, especially friend and family.

But He answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.” Like 8:21


Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”
Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” John 18:37

  • Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.

Paul, or the writer of the book of Hebrews made this astounding statement.

For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:13-14

  • strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:13-14

These are spiritual senses that are being referred to here.

By reason of use have their “senses” exercised to discern.

Here is an example of this in the scriptures.

Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days.
But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. Acts 16:16-18

  • This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.”

This girl was proclaiming something that was “factually” true, but nevertheless, it was by a demonic spirit, and it grieved or annoyed Paul and he cast it out.

Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”
Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” John 18:37

I love this conversation that Pilate had with Jesus.
In the movie"JESUS", after Jesus had said, "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice", Pilate came back to Jesus and said to Him, "What is the truth Jesus, everyone wants the truth."

There was a time when everyone did want the truth, but today, all that has changed, and people want a "FAKE TRUTH", a truth that makes them comfortable with how they choose to live, and what they choose to believe, so they can live their chosen life, instead of wanting and living the life God WOULD HAVE CHOSEN for them.

To me, for all of our lives, we should continually be seeking out God for His "PERFECT TRUTH."

God bless you, and thank you JLB for your wonderful words of wisdom.
My name is OLIGOS
There was a time when everyone did want the truth, but today, all that has changed, and people want a "FAKE TRUTH", a truth that makes them comfortable with how they choose to live, and what they choose to believe, so they can live their chosen life, instead of wanting and living the life God WOULD HAVE CHOSEN for them.

Many people will not read themselves and have to be spoon fed from the pulpit.

From my experience in Church and other Christian settings, being "spoon fed" alone doesn't get you, or anyone, where God wants any of us to be.

Hearing the message on Sunday morning, to me, is just a supplement to our ongoing studies at home on our own, taking responsibility for our continuing growth in the process of salvation, faith, and maturity.

May you all be living in the grace and mercy that is God's alone to give.
My name is OLIGOS
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being "spoon fed" alone doesn't get you, or anyone, where God wants any of us to be.

Spoon fed is not the aim of preaching. Christianity challenges the worldview of non Christians.
As Christian our minds are being transformed from loving slaves of the devil into loving sons of God.
This involves effort, discipline and changing of our habits , way of thinking etc.
Spoon fed is not the aim of preaching.

Who ME.
Good morning.

No it shouldn't be the aim, but it ends up being the end result, because of the hearers lack of commitment to reading and studying of scripture on their own, or even remembering 5 minutes later, what they heard in church.

My name is OLIGOS