Christian Women - Do you veil?

No I personally do not veil. I don’t think it’s a part of my understanding of Christianity as it seems to belong to ancient history. I am not subservient to men never have been never will be.
No, cause my hair is my covering.

1 Corinthians 11:14-15 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given as her as a covering.
The problem is these outward signs of an inward change, is that they rapidly become the ONLY thing one feels one needs to do. It is when following Christ becomes religious, ceremonies or donning of particular clothing. It is the wearing of the catholic priests robes who had no problem with removing them to sleep with the women. This is also seen in those who talk a great deal about meeting on Saturday and less about the character qualities that ought to accompany a believer in Christ. It what the Bible talks about when it refers to the slavery of "do not not eat" and so on where rules become the focus. If a woman in our culture wears a head scarf, she will be advertising Islam, no question. Everyone will see her as a follower of Mohammed, no question. They will not ask. They will assume. She is advertising Mohammed as the prophet to follow and any kindness she does to others, will be attributed to Islam, not Jesus Christ. It is the opposite of a good choice and does not at all correct, teach or train anyone in righteousness.
The problem is these outward signs of an inward change, is that they rapidly become the ONLY thing one feels one needs to do. It is when following Christ becomes religious, ceremonies or donning of particular clothing. It is the wearing of the catholic priests robes who had no problem with removing them to sleep with the women. This is also seen in those who talk a great deal about meeting on Saturday and less about the character qualities that ought to accompany a believer in Christ. It what the Bible talks about when it refers to the slavery of "do not not eat" and so on where rules become the focus. If a woman in our culture wears a head scarf, she will be advertising Islam, no question. Everyone will see her as a follower of Mohammed, no question. They will not ask. They will assume. She is advertising Mohammed as the prophet to follow and any kindness she does to others, will be attributed to Islam, not Jesus Christ. It is the opposite of a good choice and does not at all correct, teach or train anyone in righteousness.
You know, Muslim men are required to grow beards. But not every man that has a beard is seen as Muslim.

These head scarfs don't look Islamic. They look like what Christian women would wear back in the olden days of King Arthur. Long live the peasantry. That sort of thing.
You know, Muslim men are required to grow beards. But not every man that has a beard is seen as Muslim.

These head scarfs don't look Islamic. They look like what Christian women would wear back in the olden days of King Arthur. Long live the peasantry. That sort of thing.
All men can grow beards. Many men with beards are total atheists. No one associates beards with Islam. Few women in history wore or wear head scarves. It is not the same since head coverings ARE associated with Islam. The whole culture will think they’re islamic and that’s the point. I’ve seen different head coverings, all islamic. No one will think they are a follower of Jesus.
All men can grow beards. Many men with beards are total atheists. No one associates beards with Islam. Few women in history wore or wear head scarves. It is not the same since head coverings ARE associated with Islam. The whole culture will think they’re islamic and that’s the point. I’ve seen different head coverings, all islamic. No one will think they are a follower of Jesus.
What if they're wearing a cross around their neck or something similar? Honestly, if I saw a woman wearing this kind of veil, I wouldn't know what she is. But the same can be said for the woman that wears no head covering. The only way for me to know is to ask her.
What if they're wearing a cross around their neck or something similar? Honestly, if I saw a woman wearing this kind of veil, I wouldn't know what she is. But the same can be said for the woman that wears no head covering. The only way for me to know is to ask her.
If we did a survey and asked people why women they see wear a head scarf, a very large percentage will say because they’re Muslim.
If a woman in our culture wears a head scarf, she will be advertising Islam, no question. Everyone will see her as a follower of Mohammed, no question.
Evidently we do not share cultures , both of my grandmothers wore head scarfs and my mom too . My wife has a few she wears too .Once a very common thing to see in the southern USA but on the decline as a fashion statement . Tell me Dorothy Mae , don't you own a few head scarfs ? I am sure ladies having a bad hair day have put on scarf if they need to go out in public .

History Of Scarves
Evidently we do not share cultures , both of my grandmothers wore head scarfs and my mom too . My wife has a few she wears too .Once a very common thing to see in the southern USA but on the decline as a fashion statement . Tell me Dorothy Mae , don't you own a few head scarfs ? I am sure ladies having a bad hair day have put on scarf if they need to go out in public .

History Of Scarves
What women wore a generation or two ago is totally irrelevant. And these are RELIGIOUS head coverings, not Audrey Hepburn fashion accessories. That’s the point. Lucille Ball wore a lot of headscarves as did Ethel. Different culture.
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Evidently we do not share cultures , both of my grandmothers wore head scarfs and my mom too . My wife has a few she wears too .Once a very common thing to see in the southern USA but on the decline as a fashion statement . Tell me Dorothy Mae , don't you own a few head scarfs ? I am sure ladies having a bad hair day have put on scarf if they need to go out in public .

History Of Scarves
The older folks here will do that.not common .it keeps the sun out of the face .a young friend aged in her thirties will do this