The Atheist Asks

This reads a bit like an emotional outburst in which you attempt to slander me and others by both misrepresenting the way we think and comparing us to Muslims and atheists.
Mmm, more like you.
Jesus called the pharisees "brood of vipers". But where have i called you anything?
This is a bad post and it's false.
Nope, it's true. Cults, islam, and athiests preach the "Jesus not God" teaching.

You are not helping Christianity when you, in essence, take the worLd's stance on Jesus.
Remember, the worLd is against Jesus. So obviously it would promote unatrianism.
I get the vibe you detest strictly Biblical Christians.
You are assuming that strictly Biblical Christians are JesusBelittlers. And no, I in no way detest you.

Explain how/why the early Church believed the Trinity truth and not Jesus-belittlitarianism?? Strictly Biblical Christians accept God's Triune nature, not try to make Him fit with the world's image/strawman of God, which is a oneperson god.
"that they may all be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us"

Jesus is referring to the FACT that He and and God (like saying Ferrari and Car) are One.

So how do you KNOW for SURE Jesus is saying "in the same manner" as "You are in Me", and not just Jesus using His oneness as an analogy/comparison?

By your illogic, Jesus is having Christians become a multi-person, one-human entity. Unitarianism fails AGAIN! smh

So obviously, Jesus is not saying "just as You are in Me" as in the same manner, 3 Persons one God, as you so assume

It's like saying "An oval is round like a planet is round" and claiming that planets are shaped like ovals, or that ovals are spheres. This sentence in green is highlighting the fact that both are round, NOT claiming that their roundess is the same kind of roundness.

This is one of MANY reasons why the early church laughed at Unitarianism. (hyperbole but you get it, hopefully.)
Because it's irrational. And therefore its followers become as such.
You're getting close, but you didn't go the right direction again because you're still trying to find any opening for Jesus' oneness with God to be an indicator of his deity.

You suggest that the way I am understanding this is incorrect because you believe it would require Jesus saying that the disciples would become a multi-person being in their oneness, but they didn't become a compound person nor was I suggesting that.

What the oneness of the disciples is is oneness in spirit, not being the same person. So since the disciples are not the same person or being in their oneness, Jesus is not the same person or being in his oneness with God. Also, the disciples are not God because they are also one with God. The oneness with God that Christians can enjoy refers to unity in Spirit with the Lord in true righteousness and holiness, not deity.
Explain why we have Past, Present and Future in time, not just 1 "side" of time. Creation reflects God's nature and it sure dont reflect an Islamic or cult 1-person god.

0.33333 = 1/3. It repeats. THREES, why not all ones?? God is infinite, math reflects His infinite nature.
0.66..... = 2/3. Also repeats.
But 3/3 is 1, we dont see 0.9999...
So tell me why 3/3 = 1 .

Why does the decimal suddenly terminate and become 1? Why would God set up math to debunk your belief, runningawayman, if your belief were true????????

Math backs the Truth of the Trinity and debunks unitiarism.

Please tell me why God is omnipotent and not weak. If God were mono-person He would not be perfect.
You have simply created a story about what you believe is evidence. Whoever said that God setup the argument that you are proposing? The premise doesn't follow to a sound conclusion.
Mmm, more like you.
Jesus called the pharisees "brood of vipers". But where have i called you anything?
You didn't directly call me anything that I noticed, but you are talking badly about me as a Christian and comparing us to Muslims and atheists. Don't hide behind your carefully crafted message to deny it. You know what you're doing.
Nope, it's true. Cults, islam, and athiests preach the "Jesus not God" teaching.
The Bible says that Jesus isn't God.

You are not helping Christianity when you, in essence, take the worLd's stance on Jesus.
Remember, the worLd is against Jesus. So obviously it would promote unatrianism.
Your reason for not believing the Bible is because others who are not Christian rightly understand Jesus is not God?
You are assuming that strictly Biblical Christians are JesusBelittlers. And no, I in no way detest you.

Explain how/why the early Church believed the Trinity truth and not Jesus-belittlitarianism?? Strictly Biblical Christians accept God's Triune nature, not try to make Him fit with the world's image/strawman of God, which is a oneperson god.
Okay, let's drop the "JesusBelittlers" and other accusations. If you want to talk about the Bible then let's talk about the bible.

I don't believe the early church believed in the Trinity. I have nothing to add because I didn't claim otherwise and there is nothing to suggest a contrary opinion. You made the claim, please provide the Biblical evidence in which the early church believed the Trinity.
In any case, the bottom line is the Trinity is neither explained or described in Scripture
It is, Jesus' baptism. No one is good but God.
while Unitarianism is taught directly and explicitly in the plain text.
Already refuted previously. Has lots of logic holes. You can never answer why God made a creation that debunks uniatarinism.
The error you're making is called eisegesis and it's like "reading between the lines."
So you admit you are eisegeting. Well done.
Plainly, what you have done to create the Trinity doctrine is attempt to discover a meaning of verses that are hidden or implied rather than explicitly stated.
Where and how?
The issue with this approach is you don't have a monopoly on how to parse hidden or implied meanings.
I did not claim or imply otherwise.
This is why Protestantism and Catholicism are fractured into literally thousands of denominations, sub-denominations, sects, and cults.
Spoiler alert: pretty much all those (except cults) accept the Trinity Truth.

And, differences within Protestantism are almost always on much less critical issues.
It's because the vast majority of you are using the inherent paradox of the Trinity to interpret the Bible and none of it can be falsified because none of it is directly stated in Scripture or explicitly denied.
Paradox? What do you mean by paradox and why do you assert that the Trinity is one?
See? You prove my point! God is too BIG for Unitarian mind, so unitarian MUST "shrink" God!
I see nothing wrong with using Scripture to interpret Scripture.

Your posts and mine prove that you can verify or "falsify" the Trinity. It cannot be falsified, but can be verified.

On one hand you try to prove Unitaraism, but then you say that the Trinity actually can't be falsified! Which is it? Now who believes paradoxes.
I can help you explain the hypostatic union.
Would like to see you attempt.
I would begin with just forgetting about it because that is not the right direction to go. The reason why no one is capable of understanding it is because Scripture doesn't shed any light on it
It does. Lots of light. You forgot about that "human form" verse. Would you like to see it? Doubt it!
What do you think it would be like to "understand it"?

Again, you are basically arguing "God big, so me shrink Him." Which LITERALLY proves my point about Unitatrains belittling Jesus and even the Father in its mad quest.
and it contradicts itself.
Ultimately, God is not a man
Not the Father, yes, indeed it is the Son with two Natures.
and a man is not God
Notice how you said A man. So only Jesus was God because He was not merely a mere man like you wiishhhh to believe, He was THE Son of God. Not any ol son.

The Old Testament references to God being unlike man do not apply to Jesus’ particular type of humanity. All they are telling us is that God is not a man as we think of men. It’s a contrast, not a restriction. There is nothing that logically prevents God from becoming a man in a whole new way—in fact, redemption requires this, and redemption was God’s plan from before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Thus, it can be said that God knew He would become a man before Numbers 23:19 was even penned!

Chew on that! X3 (emote)
because the nature of God and man are inherently in opposition,
Yup! That's why only Jesus was sinless because He WAS God.
If the logical outcome of your belief were true it would result in Jesus sinning. How belittling Unitarianism is.
but Trinitarianism claims that Jesus is both! How does that work?
Omnipotent. He is Who He is.
The answer is, as you have admitted, no one knows.
not on this earth.

"Why did God allow adam and eve to rebel? Oh, no one knows, guess we gonna deny God's existence cuz we are clueless on why He would allow sin, as opposed to putting a barrier around that tree!"
Perhaps instead of trying to explain what can't be explained and always defending contradictions, it's better to take a fresh approach to this.
Yes, don't try to defend the belief contradicting reality, logic, and the Bible called Unitarianism, which the worLd wishes you to think.
Now, ready for the big reveal? actually debunks the idea that there can be a hypostatic union. If you actually want to talk about it instead of just take jabs at me then let me know.
5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, as He already existed in the form of God,
Your argument is a dead bird before it takes off.

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men.

Jesus was humble. He was willing to obey His Father. God, Who is Three Persons, is never at conflict with Himself.

Exactly what was it He emptied Himself of?

8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross.
Why bother with "in appearance as a man"?? Again, unitaraians imply that God wastes words. Attacking/belittling even the Father!
Why bother specifying if Jesus is obviously a mere man and not God?

Why does He humble Himself with no resistance? If He's not God He would put at least some resistance.

See, Unitiarisim is illogical and self defeating!
I don't believe the early church believed in the Trinity.
Why not?
You made the claim, please provide the Biblical evidence in which the early church believed the Trinity.

The early Church after the Bible was written and finished came after the Bible was written and finished, so there would be no Biblical evidence of such.

Give me Biblical evidence that cars, planes, and you exist. You can't, but they and you are real.

others who are not Christian rightly understand Jesus is not God?
That's like saying polythiests rightly understand there are many gods.

And no, I have MANY other reasons, as you've seen.
Don't act as if that's all.

I have nothing to add because
Because error cannot win against lies. I've been winning ground, but not merely on my own, but because of my reliance on God. Instead of trying to make Him fit our limited expectations like youve been doing.
talking badly about me as a Christian
Where? How?

comparing us to Muslims and atheists.
I'm calling out the BELIEF that you have (Jesus not God) is what they teach.

And yes, you do share that worLdly belief in common. I hold no grudge against you for doing so. I admit, realizing you are in error can be shocking. But I forgive you.
You are struggling to reconcile your beliefs youve held for so long with the cold hard facts.

Don't hide behind your carefully crafted message to deny it.
Ooooh, "carefully crafted". So no rebuttals then.

You know what you're doing.

Yes, I know that God is using me to tear down your worldview and equip you with the ACTUAL Biblical one, the Trinity Truth.
Get out of constantly trying to limit God, and accept Him for Who He is.
My Ferrari runs on fuel and I regularly clean my car.
But, I do not have 2 cars. Unitarian thinking would be to believe I have 2 cars.

Oh? Then why is the whole Bible about Jesus, in some way? No mere man could have the whole Bible point to him. Only God. Logically, Biblically, Jesus is God.
That Book points to the Trinity Truth, not Islamic/cult teaching.

Yes, you definitely have inaccurate understanding. Jesus and God are One. You assume that Jesus' statement is false.

It says the throne of God. Not the throne of the Father. You are assuming JesusBelittlism to be true, as you always do.

Perfect, you lack the ability to realize that the Trinity is made of Three Distinct Persons. They are One God. Did you think there were three clones of the Father in the Trinity? Seems like you did.
We can tell They are Distinct because of what happened at Jesus' baptism.

Yup. To one Person and Another. But still to ONE God.
The Son is the only true God too. No reason only one of the Persons of the Trinity would be God.

Yes, you like to add cult-created teachings to Scripture. And you like to mold Jesus in your image. It's what Unitarans do. They want to eliminate the Divine nature of Jesus, and leave only human. Athiests just take it a step further and reject God and the Supernatural entirely.

Unitarainism is a lot like Athiesm where they turn Jesus into a weak little man in their OWN eyes. Of course, their belieeef that He's "not" God does not make it so.

A car has wheels. Does that mean it only has wheels and no other parts? you arbitrarily exclude all the time.

The Bible records some of God' actions. Does that mean that's all God will ever do?

Your logic (more like LACK thereof!!) would say "yes".

The doctrine of the hypostatic union is an attempt to explain how Jesus could be both God and man at the same time. It is ultimately, though, a doctrine we are incapable of fully understanding. It is impossible for us to fully understand how God works. We, as human beings with finite minds, should not expect to totally comprehend an infinite God. Jesus is God’s Son in that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). But that does not mean Jesus did not exist before He was conceived. Jesus has always existed (John 8:58, 10:30). When Jesus was conceived, He became a human being in addition to being God (John 1:1, 14).

Jesus is both God and man. Jesus has always been God, but He did not take on human form until He was conceived in Mary. Jesus took on human form in order to identify with us in our struggles (Hebrews 2:17) and, more importantly, so that He could die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (Philippians 2:5-11). In summary, the hypostatic union teaches that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine, that there is no mixture or dilution of either nature, and that He is one united Person, forever.
You must always cite your sources as per the ToS:

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And, please, tone down the unnecessary rhetoric and personal comments.
It is, Jesus' baptism. No one is good but God.
So you agree Jesus denied being God in Mark 10:18?

Already refuted previously. Has lots of logic holes. You can never answer why God made a creation that debunks uniatarinism.
You have refuted nothing. What are the logic holes then?

So you admit you are eisegeting. Well done.
No, I am exegeting. For example, the Bible says the Father is the one and only true God directly in John 17:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6 and a number of other places. This is exactly what Unitarians believe. We are the Christians. Your doctrine of "God is one being that exists as three persons" is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
Where and how?
Your premise is "God is one being that exists as three persons" so please just quote the verse that says such. If it doesn't exist, you must have deduced or inferred this somewhere.

I did not claim or imply otherwise.
Indeed, so you have a non-authoritative answer regarding the Trinity.

Spoiler alert: pretty much all those (except cults) accept the Trinity Truth.

And, differences within Protestantism are almost always on much less critical issues.
How do you know the Trinity is the truth?
Paradox? What do you mean by paradox and why do you assert that the Trinity is one?
See? You prove my point! God is too BIG for Unitarian mind, so unitarian MUST "shrink" God!
I see nothing wrong with using Scripture to interpret Scripture.
The Trinity is a paradox because it requires God being a man when He isn't and it requires a man being God when he's not. It also wasn't necessary for God to be a man. Can't God empower man to do miracles and authorize to forgive sins just like He already did with Jesus and the disciples? Furthermore, God didn't die in a sin a sacrifice or have sins applied to the Holy Spirit. Would you dare say otherwise? By all counts in Scripture, the man Jesus was crucified.

Your posts and mine prove that you can verify or "falsify" the Trinity. It cannot be falsified, but can be verified.
You're in the same theological trap as the modalists and oneness Pentecostals. So many things cannot be flat-out falsified in Scripture. The way evidence works is we base conclusions on what we find, not what isn't found. Where did you find the Trinity in the Bible and where did it say "God is one being that exists as three persons?"
On one hand you try to prove Unitaraism, but then you say that the Trinity actually can't be falsified! Which is it? Now who believes paradoxes.
John 17:3 directly says what Unitarians believe. There is nothing else to add. Unitarianism isn't a theology or a doctrine, it's Scripture.

Would like to see you attempt.

It does. Lots of light. You forgot about that "human form" verse. Would you like to see it? Doubt it!
What do you think it would be like to "understand it"?

Again, you are basically arguing "God big, so me shrink Him." Which LITERALLY proves my point about Unitatrains belittling Jesus and even the Father in its mad quest.


Not the Father, yes, indeed it is the Son with two Natures.

Notice how you said A man. So only Jesus was God because He was not merely a mere man like you wiishhhh to believe, He was THE Son of God. Not any ol son.

The Old Testament references to God being unlike man do not apply to Jesus’ particular type of humanity. All they are telling us is that God is not a man as we think of men. It’s a contrast, not a restriction. There is nothing that logically prevents God from becoming a man in a whole new way—in fact, redemption requires this, and redemption was God’s plan from before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Thus, it can be said that God knew He would become a man before Numbers 23:19 was even penned!

Chew on that! X3 (emote)

Yup! That's why only Jesus was sinless because He WAS God.
If the logical outcome of your belief were true it would result in Jesus sinning. How belittling Unitarianism is.

Omnipotent. He is Who He is.

not on this earth.

"Why did God allow adam and eve to rebel? Oh, no one knows, guess we gonna deny God's existence cuz we are clueless on why He would allow sin, as opposed to putting a barrier around that tree!"

Yes, don't try to defend the belief contradicting reality, logic, and the Bible called Unitarianism, which the worLd wishes you to think.

Your argument is a dead bird before it takes off.

Jesus was humble. He was willing to obey His Father. God, Who is Three Persons, is never at conflict with Himself.

Exactly what was it He emptied Himself of?

Why bother with "in appearance as a man"?? Again, unitaraians imply that God wastes words. Attacking/belittling even the Father!
Why bother specifying if Jesus is obviously a mere man and not God?

Why does He humble Himself with no resistance? If He's not God He would put at least some resistance.

See, Unitiarisim is illogical and self defeating!
Let's just jump right into the hypostatic union being false rather than addressing every single last line of your quibbling.

Begin with verse 5. The context concerning this passage is in regards to the church of Philippi having the same mind that was in Jesus. Since the mind of Christ is something that the church of Philippi can have and practice, then it wouldn't make sense to say that Jesus was walking around thinking he's God.

Verse 6 refers to Jesus being the in the form on God, but the Strong's concordance says that this word "form" means the form, shape, outward appearance. In other words, this refers to something physical about the appearance of Jesus or something he was doing. This should be something the church can also do. Jesus also "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped..." meaning he didn't think he was equal to God. As Jesus said in John 14:28, "The Father is greater than I." Verse 7 directly calls Jesus a servant and a man. Verse 8 says Jesus obeyed God and died. Verse 9 says Jesus was exalted by God to a higher status he obviously didn't inherently have. Same thing with his great name being bestowed upon him. Verses 9 and 10 say that when the name of Jesus is bowed to that only the Father gets the glory for it, not Jesus.

Where is Jesus called God anywhere in the below passage? There is nothing about this that suggests Jesus is more than a servant and a man who can be emulated by the church.

Philippians 2 (ESV)
5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Because no one in the early church said they did.

The early Church after the Bible was written and finished came after the Bible was written and finished, so there would be no Biblical evidence of such.
Oh, that's a pretty big admission. So you do admit that there is no Biblical evidence. May God bless you for being brave enough to speak the truth.

Give me Biblical evidence that cars, planes, and you exist. You can't, but they and you are real.

That's like saying polythiests rightly understand there are many gods.
But wouldn't you say they have the right idea? Let me inform you, the idea of a Trinity God isn't a Catholic and Protestant Christian exclusive, no, it existed way before that in pagan religions but when I believe God is not a Trinity like so many other non-Christians, you say I am the one who is wrong? hmm?

Here's a source:
And no, I have MANY other reasons, as you've seen.
Don't act as if that's all.
I am sure you do, but I must keep the truth in focus and represent it it fairly. From my perspective, you for sure have one reason.

Because error cannot win against lies. I've been winning ground, but not merely on my own, but because of my reliance on God. Instead of trying to make Him fit our limited expectations like youve been doing.
I am just going with what the Bible says. Maybe Jesus shouldn't have said the Father is the only true God if he didn't want people to believe it? Why don't you believe him?

It’s interesting you speak of logic holes. The RCC refers to her Trinity doctrine as an “Impenetrable paradox”.
That means that their doctrine is to them a contradiction that cannot be understood.
The classic example comes from the Nicene Creed where they must state that what they are proposing is “not three gods, but One God”
What they had stated previously is an obvious contradiction, so they felt they needed to clarify.
Only problem is, you can’t clarify something by simply saying “not three gods, but One God”. That doesn’t change the contradiction already stated.
You might just as well describe three apples and then say they are one apple.
Apple one is red
Apple two is green
Apple three is yellow.
not three apples, one apple.

I might say that the three apples have the same nature and therefore are one apple, but that does change the fact that there are three apples.

There is no logic in the Trinity doctrine. That’s why the inventors describe it as an impenetrable paradox.

It’s interesting you speak of logic holes. The RCC refers to her Trinity doctrine as an “Impenetrable paradox”.
That means that their doctrine is to them a contradiction that cannot be understood.
The classic example comes from the Nicene Creed where they must state that what they are proposing is “not three gods, but One God”
What they had stated previously is an obvious contradiction, so they felt they needed to clarify.
Only problem is, you can’t clarify something by simply saying “not three gods, but One God”. That doesn’t change the contradiction already stated.
You might just as well describe three apples and then say they are one apple.
Apple one is red
Apple two is green
Apple three is yellow.
not three apples, one apple.

I might say that the three apples have the same nature and therefore are one apple, but that does change the fact that there are three apples.

There is no logic in the Trinity doctrine. That’s why the inventors describe it as an impenetrable paradox.


It’s interesting you speak of logic holes. The RCC refers to her Trinity doctrine as an “Impenetrable paradox”.
That means that their doctrine is to them a contradiction that cannot be understood.
The classic example comes from the Nicene Creed where they must state that what they are proposing is “not three gods, but One God”
What they had stated previously is an obvious contradiction, so they felt they needed to clarify.
Only problem is, you can’t clarify something by simply saying “not three gods, but One God”. That doesn’t change the contradiction already stated.
You might just as well describe three apples and then say they are one apple.
Apple one is red
Apple two is green
Apple three is yellow.
not three apples, one apple.

I might say that the three apples have the same nature and therefore are one apple, but that does change the fact that there are three apples.

There is no logic in the Trinity doctrine. That’s why the inventors describe it as an impenetrable paradox.
Great analogy and if you don’t mind I want to borrow it. I’ll say a friend said it.
The Atheist Asks, "How do you know Jesus really rose from the dead, how do you know it's the right tomb?"
How else could the world have been turned upside down ?
The very vexation of the atheist with this Jesus who is the Christ , just as Christ prophesized, is proof that He lives .
The Atheist will never waste their time with any other of the hundreds of this world's deities, only He who was not of this world to but whose Spirit remains here in the body of believers will command the full attention of the atheist.
The Atheist's laser focus on Jesus alone is because He is alive.
In accordance to His living today, His living Word, the Bible is the only religious text hated just as much as Christ is .
It is alive and powerful:
Heb 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
If Jesus were dead today the Atheist would no more waste their time with Him than they would with Allah .
They are oblivious to the fact that by their focused attack on Jesus they are proving His Divine ability to prophesize their actions thousands of years in advance.
John 15:18
If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

The very premise of the Atheist's question is based on a lie .
The Atheist's premise that somehow proof of His rising from the dead would cause them to rejoice and turn unto Him who has power over death and the grave.
The fact of the matter which if the Atheist were honest they would admit is that if Jesus Christ were to rise from the dead today and speak His Word , the bloodhounds of hell would lead Him right back to Calvary again and attempt a do over of His execution.
Actions Which go straight back to His Word which says that when He does return the world will seek to kill Him again .
So you agree Jesus denied being God in Mark 10:18?
We already went over that. If I ask you why you call me a human I'm not denying being a human, I just want to get your answer on why you call me that.

Jesus could easily say straight up, "IM NOT GOD". Directly and to the point. Wonder why He didn't.
Oh right, it's because God is Triune. Not limited.

So you agree Jesus denied being God in Mark 10:18?
So that means that "only God is good" is false, according to you. Now who "believes contradictions"??

"Only God is good"
"God and a Not-God are good"

Pick one.

You have refuted nothing. What are the logic holes then?
Like how Jesus is able to save us if He is a limited man and not the God the Bible heavily implies He is.

For example, the Bible says the Father is the one and only true God directly i

Tell me why that magically excludes the other Persons of the Trinity also being the only true God. Tell me why that isn't simply a monoTHIESM statment. Right, you can't. Unitatiranism is powerless in the cold!

Your doctrine of "God is one being that exists as three persons" is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
Your doctrine of "God is just like me, mono-person and wastes words! And Jesus is just like me, not-God, just A son of God and not THE!" is what's not found.

Your doctrine of "God is one being that exists as three persons" is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
Then why did the early Church believe it? Were they stupid? According to the logical conclusions of Unitism, they were. Thankfully Unitism is false.

It can be deduced from the Bible. Just because it's not clearly spelled out in full does not make it "nowhere".

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John

How can a "not-God" be God? Again, it's the Unitarian who believes contradiction, not Trinity accepters.

Indeed, so you have a non-authoritative answer regarding the Trinity.
You don't have a monopoly either. So you don't have an authoritive answer either.

How do you know the Trinity is the truth?
Because satan hates the Trinity Truth. That's why his goons, willing or ignorant, like the Muslims and cults, want to peddle uniatriasm. Athiests love "Jesus not God" idea because it helps them, intellectually, remain athiests.

People want to be unitarian so they have their OWN way, belittle God, and be snuggle buddies with the worLd. But Jesus, the One Who unitarian ideology attacks viciously, says to NOT be OF the worLd.
No wonder Unitarian theology attacks Jesus, because He is commanding those who would otherwise believe in Unitarianism to not be like the worLd, who gravitates toward false, contra-Bible ideas. Uniatiranism can't get its way, so it feels like it has to strike at God.

The pagans were unitarians because they thought their gods were one-person.
Do you really think the devil would attack lies rather than focus on fighting truth?
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The Trinity is a paradox because it requires God being a man when He isn't and it requires a man being God when he's not.
Your belief about God is that only the Father is God and the other Two Persons "aren't".
So ofc the FATHER isn't a man.

But the SON does have a HUMAN NATURE. He does not have the fallen human nature because He is God, not flawed like us, too bad your worldview hinders your ability to accept this.

It also wasn't necessary for God to be a man.
Sure, God could have just said "I'm done with these people" and send all sinners to eternal torment. But out of love He died for us. No mere man could ever take the punishment. Only God could do it.
Can't God empower man to do miracles and authorize to forgive sins just like He already did with Jesus
Jesus was already God. No need to "be empowered".

You can't detach yourself from your assumptions like I can, it seems, because you do not have that skill. Or just can't pin what they are.
God didn't die in a sin
Yup, He was sinless.
a sacrifice or have sins applied to the Holy Spirit. Would you dare say otherwise?
Where do you get this?
By all counts in Scripture, the man Jesus was crucified.
The Son: Fully God fully man.
You're in the same theological trap
Lol, what would that be?
I can tell you your trap: wanting to be OF the worLd, and wishing to shoot down God to your level. Humanism. Self-centricness.
as the modalists and oneness Pentecostals.
No, I don't think that God has "three modes".
And the Persons of the Trinity are distinct, but they are God.

Modalism, oneness, are deviations. Like unistarnism.
So many things cannot be flat-out falsified in Scripture.
So you admit you cannot show the Trinity Truth false. I've shown Jesusbelittlism to be false repeatedly.
The way evidence works is we base conclusions on what we find, not what isn't found.
Yup. We find that uniatrianism and/or "Jesus not God" theory produces ROTTEN FRUIT (see cults, islam, athiests and their actions).
Christians who accept the Trinity Truth, however, produce GOOD FRUIT. (charities, helping random people, converting unsaved.)
Where did you find the Trinity in the Bible and where did it say "God is one being that exists as three persons?"

John 17:3 directly says what Unitarians believe. There is nothing else to add. Unitarianism isn't a theology or a doctrine, it's Scripture.

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