Covid 19 virus plus vaccine was meant to kill us.

it seems more feasible a pace maker which actually can be intefered with by rf would be useful as an antanea

it emits shocks to correct the heart and monitors it
.then a trace of grapheme even if in the body .
it seems more feasible a pace maker which actually can be intefered with by rf would be useful as an antanea

it emits shocks to correct the heart and monitors it
.then a trace of grapheme even if in the body .
Not to mention that the only motive is just Satan wants it to happen. Why? Who knows, small traces of graphene that may or may not have been in a run of one of the vaccines somehow means a large chunk of the world is full of nanobots.
This is just so absolutely erroneous and false regarding the vaccines, there is clearly nothing that can be said to get you to believe otherwise. This does a huge disservice to Christ and Scripture, making them look absolutely foolish, for foolish people.
I would say that this really is not damaging to Christianity. It's like flat Earth, it attracts people who need something to convince themselves they are over something. Considering the mark has to be known and taken willingly, the vaccine makes no sense.
Not to mention that the only motive is just Satan wants it to happen. Why? Who knows, small traces of graphene that may or may not have been in a run of one of the vaccines somehow means a large chunk of the world is full of nanobots.
I know you don't believe.

the mark of beast is on the right hand and forehead.

no covid vaccine is given that way .shoulder only .usually the deltoid muscle
Anything not of Christ is damaging.

Amidst the current horrific "vaccination" hoax, the question of the MOTB is the leas of our worries.
It's such a hoax that the same president that takes all credit for the creation of said vaccine is also loosening restrictions for those who didn't take it. If it was a ploy to infect everyone, why not make it worse for those who didn't take it?
If it was a ploy to infect everyone, why not make it worse for those who didn't take it?
Any appearance of easing up is merely damage control and demographics. Not to worry, it will soon enough be obvious that it has become "worse."

[Previous post deleted within minutes; reason: politics.
And this is a "Conspiracy Theories and Aliens" forum, no less.
Must be that love 'em or hate 'em trigger word "Trump."]
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When it comes to consuming a corporations for profit product it should always be someones free choice if they want it or not.

No one's job or basic freedoms should be held against them.
I was offered a couple of foreign corporations products to consume and i was told they could possibly save my life, but in my own belief and risk assesment i did not feel i really needed as in my opinion it was very low risk i was going to die without this product, and i was also sceptical as I did not really know anything at all about these products that i was being offered, especially when it comes to consuming products inside my body, but thanks for the offer and I thought I would pass for now.

And the response i got, not from those who made the products, but from regular people holding a grudge against me, and i become a second class citizen under authority for it and was not allowed to do something as basic as enter a cafe and order a coffee and walk back out. Some people lost there jobs over it. I just ask a basic question. Why?. Why and how did it get to that point?. Just basic questions.
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I just ask a basic question. Why?. Why and how did it get to that point?. Just basic questions.
When people turn their back on God, he gives ungodly men rule over them. God gives people the government they deserve. They've just about exhausted his grace; judgment is at the door.

It's a terrible situation. And the perps deal in incrementalism, one small but inexorable step at a time, almost imperceptible, but never ceasing, toward their objective.

...I did not really know anything at all about these products that i was being offered, especially when it comes to consuming products inside my body,
It breaks my heart that there are people here who will fight tooth, fang and claw for the right to receive such an injection/product. And they are totally clueless. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And I am not concerned with man's government per se, as I am not a citizen of it. Presently I am more concerned with my "neighbor" and the reality of John 16:2.

As usual, I am waiting on the Lord and on nothing else. Praise his holy name!
Of Rome .
The vast majority have indeed signed on as citizens of Rome aka the Vatican, as USA, and those who would claim citizenship in such, are under that selfsame construct/corporation. Not conspiracy theory, but demonstrable fact.

And from reading Corn Pop's running commentary here, it's obvious he's one of countless who is not happy with the pickle(s) he finds himself in, with trying to serve two masters.

All of this has a direct bearing on the OP, as the pertinent question remains: Who do you look to, for the authority to do the things you do? ...because that is the master you will render unto.
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Yep, the vast majority have signed on as citizens of Rome aka the Vatican. Not conspiracy theory, but demonstrable fact.
I had a very biblical reason for saying Rome , do you know why ?