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Called of God But Who Are You Following


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Fight the good fight of faith
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Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the
grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would
pervert the gospel of Christ.
Gal 1:8 but though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

This is something that amazes me as I can not perceive what goes through the minds of those who know truth, but yet ignore truth and sell themselves out for another’s distorted gospel so they can feel socially acceptable in the eyes of others, but yet allow themselves to be condemned by their own actions. Are we more concerned by what others think of us or should we be concerned what God sees in us as His servant that needs to be letting the light of Christ shine through us to present a Gospel of truth to others instead a gospel of fiction.

How ironic is it that I can read and study the word of God by allowing the Holy Spirit to teach me first so I am Spiritually equipped to take Gods word out into the world in all truths, but yet many others need to go to Seminary schools to be bound by the laws of government, to be taught by a man, which excludes the whole purpose of the Holy Spirit and puts God in a box only to be taken out to make one look Holy, but yet full of dead mans bones, Matthew 23:27. Church and State are not separate, even though it should be. We allow ourselves to be bound by the laws of government in accordance to their mandated guidelines of how they perceive the so called Church of God should be set up for legal purpose, but only becomes a Church that renders unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, Matthew 12:17. Government laws need to be followed, but when those laws come against the word of God then they need to be void in our walk with the Lord as Gods laws are never changing.

Matthew 28:16-20 is our commission from Christ and set forth in His spoken word. There is an urgent call for those of us who will not compromise the word of God and will stand on that very foundation of faith that is Christ Jesus that we are also partakers in His life, death and resurrection taking no concern for ourselves what others can and will try to do to us, but surrender all of ourselves to Christ to be worthy of His glorious calling so we will always be pleasing to the Father in all things of servitude. Be not afraid of those who can kill you for there is nothing more they can do, but fear (respect) Him (God) that has power to cast into Hell, Luke 12:4,5.

We need to take the word of God out to a world that is being deceived by the one (Satan) who has set up his pawns and or puppets to teach his twisted word of God from the pulpits of this world as Satan uses those without Spiritual knowledge to deceive the hearts of seemingly good people to cause them to be separated unknowingly from the truth of Gods salvation through grace which will cause them to lose their very souls to Hell for the wages of sin is death, (sin here means to reject truth), but life is eternal for those who follow in the footsteps of Christ, Romans 6:23, as we must be born-again Spiritually through repentance and forgiveness that only comes by the grace of God to all who will call on the name of Jesus so they can see the Kingdom of Heaven, John 3:3-7.

The worlds stage is being set and the players are being selected to come against and take control over Jerusalem as we can see with our own eyes how the enemy (Satan) is coming against Gods promised land and the finale act will be The Dome of the Rock destroyed in order for Solomon’s Temple to be rebuilt as Satan will try to sit on the mount of the congregation on the side of the north, Isaiah 14:12-15. Yes, the urgency is great upon this earth and the inhabitants there upon it to know truth that will set them free from the very gates of Hell that wants to consume them.

2Thessalonians 2:3 let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son
of perdition;
2Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
heaven, but my Father only.
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be.

The falling away is happening even as I write this that many have removed themselves from the love of God by following after their own gods of power, money and greed as they become lovers of their own selves. People did not believe Noah and continued in their sins and died in their sins. We do not know the day or the hour of Christ return for His true Bride and like Noah we must be about our Fathers business until he sends his Son Christ Jesus to take us up to meet him in the air and we will hear those words of grace and mercy that says “Well done thou good and faithful servant “Matthew 25:21.
This is something that amazes me as I can not perceive what goes through the minds of those who know truth, but yet ignore truth and sell themselves out for another’s distorted gospel so they can feel socially acceptable in the eyes of others, but yet allow themselves to be condemned by their own actions.

I hear your passion in the OP. I appreciate passion.

Yet, to get an even fuller understanding of your post, I need to ask, "What specifically prompts such passion?"

Be blessed, Stay blessed, and be Bold!
Hi Bonairos and thank you for your reply. My passion sits at the foothold of what brought me to Christ and how I have come to know Christ in such a personal way in the last forty years since I asked Him into my heart. It saddens me that many walk away from that first love to only fall prey to that which is carnal thinking instead of Spiritual understanding and knowledge in the word of God.

We see Christians attacking each other over what they believe to be truth by the way they are allowing themselves to learn. This only causes harm to those who are seeking to know the Lord, but yet reject a personal relationship with Christ by the actions of others. Everyone is on different levels of knowledge and understanding and if we would just remember that first love maybe everyone could have that same compassion on each other instead of ripping each other apart for their beliefs. It's up to us on a personal level to study so we can rightly divide truth from error and to give only that which Gods Spirit gives us for the time and purpose of Gods ministry and not that of our own.

There will always be false prophets out there dressed in sheep's clothing, but only are used by Satan to teach a false gospel and it is up to us to know truth from error by reading the word of God for ourselves by allowing the Holy Spirit teach us so we can know for a surety of what is being taught us is truth or error.

In my own teachings, especially on my website, I never ask anyone to believe what I teach, but to only look up and read the scriptures I give to back myself up with so they will know for a surety of what I am teaching is truth or error and I always allow myself to be opened up enough to answer any questions one might have.


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