The Luck of The Irish

Lol! Is that you Papa? You look good in green. :wink Oh and speaking of green; this is my favorite kind of apples. Yummy. :biggrin Sweet and sour.


Irish flag.png
Here, this looks interesting. Also I'm rather bored right now.

My birthday is March 16. So I must be Irish. Plus this:
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Hey Papa, I just wanted to let you know that I'm saving this to my computer. I expect a picture of you every holiday from now on. :lol That means at Easter you have to be dressed as the Easter Bunny, Christmas you have to be dressed as Santa Claus (even though they're not what the holidays are about) etc.
Alright, I watched this really good movie last night because I wanted to know if it was appropriate for here or not and I found out that it was. It wasn't as good as The Magical Legend of The Leprechauns that I posted on the first page but it was still good just the same. I think that there is a sequel to it as well that I'm going to watch later.

Also here's a very funny video about leprechauns lol :lol

And also another video about leprechauns that I haven't seen yet.

And one more, the leprechauns are really taking over lol

:bump (now that I finally know what this means lol)
I'm still a wee bit skeptical on the third video though lol :lol Has anybody ever found a four leaf clover before? I wish I could say that I have. I'm not sure whether or not it's really lucky but it sure helps me feel lucky.


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The one about the leprechauns or how he chased the snakes out of Ireland?
There actually are no snakes in Ireland.
Saint Patrick's legend though is one of barbarism on the emerald isle. The reason that it is said there were no snakes because Patrick banished them from Ireland is because of the bloody murder campaign that he launched on behalf of the church to overcome the pagan faith extant in Ireland prior to his arrival.
There actually are no snakes in Ireland.
Saint Patrick's legend though is one of barbarism on the emerald isle. The reason that it is said there were no snakes because Patrick banished them from Ireland is because of the bloody murder campaign that he launched on behalf of the church to overcome the pagan faith extant in Ireland prior to his arrival.

I know that there were never really any snakes in Ireland. It's just a legend like leprechauns and fairies. I didn't actually know why it became a legend before though. It sounds like a pretty good reason though since he turned them away from their wicked and sinful ways and towards Christ instead.
I know that there were never really any snakes in Ireland. It's just a legend like leprechauns and fairies. I didn't actually know why it became a legend before though. It sounds like a pretty good reason though since he turned them away from their wicked and sinful ways and towards Christ instead.
No, that's not exactly how it worked. Nor are the Leprechauns a myth. They were actually a pygmy race of persons, dark skinned, who were known as the Twa. They as well as the pagan's of Ireland , were slaughtered by the church. With Patrick responsible for much of that. His canonization, making into a saint, was due to his cleansing the isle of pagan faithful in the name of the church.
St.Patrick's Day actually celebrates genocide in Ireland.
Well, I never heard that before but I'm almost certain that the things we have come to know today as leprechauns are a myth. You know tiny green men shining shoes, doing Irish jigs and collecting gold coins. Those kind of leprechauns.
There actually are no snakes in Ireland.
Saint Patrick's legend though is one of barbarism on the emerald isle. The reason that it is said there were no snakes because Patrick banished them from Ireland is because of the bloody murder campaign that he launched on behalf of the church to overcome the pagan faith extant in Ireland prior to his arrival.

So the snakes were the pagans?

I did not know that
Alright here is the sequel to that Leapin' Leprechauns movie that I posted yesterday since I watched it and found that it was good to post as well. I personally prefer the original one though. But yeah, I thought that it was still good but that the original was better.

To be more precise, they were the pagans and of particular concern for targeting by the church, their priestly class, which were the Druids.

Ok so are these the Druids of Stonehenge notoriety, or do I have that all fouled up?
Hey guys, here's some more good Irish music that I was just listening to. I think the dueling violins one is pretty neat. :wink
