The Luck of The Irish

Hey guys, here's some more good Irish music that I was just listening to. I think the dueling violins one is pretty neat. :wink

Oops, sorry. One of those videos is supposed to be Shenodaha. I will add that video here tomorrow, sorry for the repeat. My mistake. :oops
Here's the song that I promised. Sorry again for the mistake. :oops

Has anybody ever seen this movie? I think it's allowed because there's no swearing or anything in the trailer. I usually watch horror movies at Halloween but I like watching these movies (at least the first three and then the other ones suck) around Saint Patrick's Day. And this isn't something that they just invented. Leprechauns really are supposed to be mean. I don't think they are supposed to be evil, but they were making him more realistic then all of the other cute leprechaun movies that I still really like.

These were posted on another thread and I really wanted to try to see if I could quote them here. Turns out, I can. :)

Normally I don't approve of Christmas music this time of year, but Uncle Siggy posted some really good songs.

You should go check out all of her music on youtube she's very good, Pegasus turned me on to her about 5 years ago...

We met on another website and we used to do a "Weekend Music" thread every week...
Thanks for it, I sure hope that you don't mind that I put it on here. I thought it was really good. Like I said, it takes an awful lot for me to listen to Christmas music in the springtime. :lol Even Celtic Christmas music lol
Thanks for it, I sure hope that you don't mind that I put it on here. I thought it was really good. Like I said, it takes an awful lot for me to listen to Christmas music in the springtime. :lol Even Celtic Christmas music lol

You do whatever you want with it that's what it's for, sharing joy...
Edited by the Papa! ;)

Anyway, here is some more videos since I only have a limited amount of time left to have fun with this thread. (at least for the year)

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Look, I've closed this for review. I'm troubled over some comments because I cannot verify them and all I can find on St Patrick is positive. Besides, the Irish have lots of celebration on this day. I think it's best to find the good and let them have this day without controversy or stain:

Now, if you can find some site that says St Patrick did this bad thing or that, keep it to yourself. Can't we just be charitable over this? We're insulting a lot of people with our words and I don't think the last few posts are even true. I can find nothing OFFICIAL to confirm what's being said!

So closed for now so we can sort this out.
Look, I've closed this for review. I'm troubled over some comments because I cannot verify them and all I can find on St Patrick is positive. Besides, the Irish have lots of celebration on this day. I think it's best to find the good and let them have this day without controversy or stain:

Now, if you can find some site that says St Patrick did this bad thing or that, keep it to yourself. Can't we just be charitable over this? We're insulting a lot of people with our words and I don't think the last few posts are even true. I can find nothing OFFICIAL to confirm what's being said!

So closed for now so we can sort this out.

Now that Papa Zoom decided to reopen this thread I can reply by saying that I one hundred percent agree! :goodpostAnyway, since we are back Papa please feel free to post some more of your favorite Irish tunes as well. For some reason one of the videos that you posted isn't available to view anymore though.
I have been asked to reopen this thread which I've done. However

There can be ZERO bashing of this special day for the Irish. There can be no negative references to the Catholic church. There's plenty of positive things about this special day. And IF you don't like that I deleted your post, take it to TWITS.

But, anyone who violates the above will be removed from this thread.

Do not reply to this post. Please.

Be salt and light!
Hey by the way Papa, I hope you don't mind but I was reading some of the articles you posted. Saint Patrick truly was a great person and inspiration to all of Ireland. I'm not Catholic myself, but as I stated before, I got a percentage of Irish in me and anybody who leads people to Jesus Christ is a win in my book. :thumbsup Oh by the way, I see that you like leprechauns too. Cute video that you just posted. :tongue (this is meant to be the cute sign I'm not sticking my tongue out at you or anything lol)
Bring on the green!!! :wink (Oh and just a head's up,.. this Saturday of course as you may well already be aware of is Saint Patrick's Day itself. So, that means that there will be a Saint Paddy's day parade down in Cleveland and I always find it posted on line since none of my family likes to drive there and that way I can watch it. So I will be posting that on Saturday for a Saint Paddy's Day celebration, and on Sunday will be the start of my new Easter thread as well! :woot) Until Saturday this thread will (hopefully) continue remaining active so please keep posting your favorite Celtic tunes and leprechaun videos! :biggrin



(I'm glad I found this picture, I am completely obsessed with unicorns lol :lol)
I'm both Irish and Scottish . Happy Irish Pride Day.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Seek it.
Hey guys! I just finished watching The Magical Legend of The Leprechauns on my own DVD. And if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it. It's right up there for me with The Luck of The Irish which is a Disney Channel original movie. :wink Anyway, there's a topic that I want to start discussing before I go to bed have to do with the wee little people. Now, as all of us believers on here know, that just because you haven't seen something it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. So what does everybody think about leprechauns? A lot of people in Ireland actually do believe in them. Me personally I don't really believe in them, but just like possible created life elsewhere in the galaxy, I'm not stating that they don't exist either. We only know about what the Bible says that God did create, but just like we aren't told of Jesus' childhood very much or some other small details in the Bible, then who's to say that the little guys in green aren't real? I personally believe that leprechauns, unicorns, and dragons were only meant to live on in our imaginations. But I still love their stories a lot! :biggrin Anyway, this is just for fun on how to "catch" a leprechaun. So if you have any young children or grandchildren, this might be something really fun to do with them. Remember, leprechauns are supposed to be very tricky so don't be surprised if you don't catch one. (because you probably won't lol) however, if you do manage to catch one legend says that you get three wishes so you better make them good! :) (remember this is just for fun guys)