I have quit my job


Feb 25, 2014
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After 34 years in the industry, I have quit my job. As some of you know, I work in the "land mobile" or "two-way radio" field. In the past six years, I've served with a world wide manufacturer of "mobile radio systems" and have put $1M to $3M systems in all sorts of places, including nuclear plants, 911s and even one baseball stadium. In the past year, I've been in product engineering.

They announed on February 7 that I must move from North Georgia (I live on the edge of the mountains, chose this area 18 years ago) to inner city Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. I must move by May or so. They will pay to move me and pay the taxes on the move - but there will be no raise - take it or leave it.

So yesterday I resigned and they refused my resignation. I am now writing my second letter and making things more clear, I am removing my demand for a 20% raise and simply saying goodbye.

I probably could use prayer, but I honestly think that He has something better for me. In fact, I would almost say I KNOW it, but I don't know it -yet. My heart and soul tell me to resign. I shall have three months of insurance and about 3 months pay in my severance package. No need to hurry, I'm working on finding something - kind of.

See, I cried on the shoulder of a friend a few days ago and he asked me what it would take for me to come and manage the technical half (technicians, training, proposals, system design, etc.) of his business for him. I have not even talked money with him, I just know it's time for me to leave the company. Steve is flying here to talk with me next week. If this goes thru, I will leave the North Georgia mountains but not for the desert, instead I will head for the Carolina coast. :)

And THAT is where I've been lately - the stress of the potential move and the crappy treatment by the corporation have taken their toll on me. Time to exit.
After 34 years in the industry, I have quit my job. As some of you know, I work in the "land mobile" or "two-way radio" field. In the past six years, I've served with a world wide manufacturer of "mobile radio systems" and have put $1M to $3M systems in all sorts of places, including nuclear plants, 911s and even one baseball stadium. In the past year, I've been in product engineering.

They announed on February 7 that I must move from North Georgia (I live on the edge of the mountains, chose this area 18 years ago) to inner city Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. I must move by May or so. They will pay to move me and pay the taxes on the move - but there will be no raise - take it or leave it.

So yesterday I resigned and they refused my resignation. I am now writing my second letter and making things more clear, I am removing my demand for a 20% raise and simply saying goodbye.

I probably could use prayer, but I honestly think that He has something better for me. In fact, I would almost say I KNOW it, but I don't know it -yet. My heart and soul tell me to resign. I shall have three months of insurance and about 3 months pay in my severance package. No need to hurry, I'm working on finding something - kind of.

See, I cried on the shoulder of a friend a few days ago and he asked me what it would take for me to come and manage the technical half (technicians, training, proposals, system design, etc.) of his business for him. I have not even talked money with him, I just know it's time for me to leave the company. Steve is flying here to talk with me next week. If this goes thru, I will leave the North Georgia mountains but not for the desert, instead I will head for the Carolina coast. :)

And THAT is where I've been lately - the stress of the potential move and the crappy treatment by the corporation have taken their toll on me. Time to exit.
They refused your resignation? Lol! Do they think you're their slave?
After 34 years in the industry, I have quit my job. As some of you know, I work in the "land mobile" or "two-way radio" field. In the past six years, I've served with a world wide manufacturer of "mobile radio systems" and have put $1M to $3M systems in all sorts of places, including nuclear plants, 911s and even one baseball stadium. In the past year, I've been in product engineering.

They announed on February 7 that I must move from North Georgia (I live on the edge of the mountains, chose this area 18 years ago) to inner city Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. I must move by May or so. They will pay to move me and pay the taxes on the move - but there will be no raise - take it or leave it.

So yesterday I resigned and they refused my resignation. I am now writing my second letter and making things more clear, I am removing my demand for a 20% raise and simply saying goodbye.

I probably could use prayer, but I honestly think that He has something better for me. In fact, I would almost say I KNOW it, but I don't know it -yet. My heart and soul tell me to resign. I shall have three months of insurance and about 3 months pay in my severance package. No need to hurry, I'm working on finding something - kind of.

See, I cried on the shoulder of a friend a few days ago and he asked me what it would take for me to come and manage the technical half (technicians, training, proposals, system design, etc.) of his business for him. I have not even talked money with him, I just know it's time for me to leave the company. Steve is flying here to talk with me next week. If this goes thru, I will leave the North Georgia mountains but not for the desert, instead I will head for the Carolina coast. :)

And THAT is where I've been lately - the stress of the potential move and the crappy treatment by the corporation have taken their toll on me. Time to exit.

hello Pizza, dirtfarmer here

God does still work in mysterious ways!! With God he can take less and make it more or even make working a fun job. Will help you pray.
You have to be in a place within yourself that says I will be better off with a change and a different direction and if God is leading you to this new job and after praying about it follow Gods will for you. Blessings on your new endeavor.
The company has made me an offer that is not quite what I wanted, but is close enough. I shall go in tomorrow morning and inform them I am accepting their offer - I will be moving to Texas in the next two months. Well, certainly the next three months.

THey have gone out of their way to accommodate me, the VP even told me I can commute to Dallas via air travel and stay in hotels during the week at company expense until I find a place to live there. I am not bound by the "move by May 1" demand that was previously presented. I do not think I should pass this up and I believe it is from God. If I am wrong, I will be unhappy and will serve out my contract and move on after that - but I really do get the idea this is the best path to follow.

Be it so recorded! :)
I"m at peace now.

Also, I appeared in "The Passover connection" in church last night - a play where I portrayed a first century Jewish man who is a follower of "the way". This was kind of a hard role for me, first time ever on stage that I am not to be funny, but I am to teach doctrine.

I am told I did very well, but cant' wait to see the video of it.

So on one day, my play was over and my decision about work was also made. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from me - and I"m off for The Tail of the Dragon in Tennessee for a weekend with my car friends.... It is time to relax and reflect on the events of the past few months. Prayers have been answered, not always in the way I wanted, but He has been with me all along.

Here is me at the fall Dragon....

Nice cars and glad everything has worked out for you. God is good and knows what is best for us :)
For the performance and beauty, these cars are the best buy in Sports Cars the world over - average resale is now below $10,000. Way below.