- Feb 28, 2009
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Scripture Of The Day - GOD'S PROVISION
Matthew 6:26,27 - "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Jesus used an analogy from nature to help explain prosperity.
Some people interpret this passage to mean that, since God is supposed to take care of them, they don't need to do anything themselves. Therefore, they just wait for God to act.
How does God feed birds? He provides for them, but He doesn't personally hand-deliver food to their nests! The birds don't just sit around and wait for God to stop by with their meals.
When Jesus said the heavenly father feeds the birds, He meant that everything they need has been made available for them, but they have to go and get it.
God does not build a bird's nest. He provides the twigs. The bird has to find them, pick them up, and bring them back to the tree it has chosen for a home. God does not leave worms on the top of the ground every morning. The bird has to go digging for them. It has to keep working, working, working until it finishes building its nest. It has to keep working, working, working until it gets the worm.
Sometimes, God doesn't give us all the resources we need to fulfill our visions because He has called other people to provide them for us.
Mary and Joseph's money came from wise men on camels. When they said "yes" to God's vision, the wise men traveled a great distance to get to them.
God is a God of provision. He is Jehovah-Jireh, "The Lord Will Provide." He provides everything, but He provides it after you begin the work of the vision. Your obedience to your vision affects not only your life but also the lives of those who will work with you.

Matthew 6:26,27 - "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Jesus used an analogy from nature to help explain prosperity.
Some people interpret this passage to mean that, since God is supposed to take care of them, they don't need to do anything themselves. Therefore, they just wait for God to act.
How does God feed birds? He provides for them, but He doesn't personally hand-deliver food to their nests! The birds don't just sit around and wait for God to stop by with their meals.
When Jesus said the heavenly father feeds the birds, He meant that everything they need has been made available for them, but they have to go and get it.
God does not build a bird's nest. He provides the twigs. The bird has to find them, pick them up, and bring them back to the tree it has chosen for a home. God does not leave worms on the top of the ground every morning. The bird has to go digging for them. It has to keep working, working, working until it finishes building its nest. It has to keep working, working, working until it gets the worm.
Sometimes, God doesn't give us all the resources we need to fulfill our visions because He has called other people to provide them for us.
Mary and Joseph's money came from wise men on camels. When they said "yes" to God's vision, the wise men traveled a great distance to get to them.
God is a God of provision. He is Jehovah-Jireh, "The Lord Will Provide." He provides everything, but He provides it after you begin the work of the vision. Your obedience to your vision affects not only your life but also the lives of those who will work with you.