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Church Invasions: A Fad Of The Future?

Hidden In Him

Staff member
I was led to something this morning that appears to suggest a prophecy from 40 years ago may soon be on its way to fulfillment, or at least the initial phases of it anyway. In 1980, Rick Joyner prophesied in The Harvest that hordes of people would eventually begin invading churches to disrupt Christian services. The full prophecy, as it was published in its context, is contained below:

Before the great ingathering Christianity will experience a great humiliation… The "accuser of the brethren" will go forth with unprecedented rage against the Body of Christ. The "revelations" of immoral and unethical behavior by hundreds of highly visible ministries will bring about a loathing of Christianity throughout the world, for a time. These "revelations" will include child molesting, rape, and the most vile forms of perversion. Some of these will be true, but most will not be true... After an atmosphere of revulsion has been created, the enemy will then move against even the most respected Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant, Charismatic and Catholic leaders with charges of the most base forms of perversion and ethical failures. In conjunction with this, hoards of cults and satanic worshippers will begin attacking congregations and meetings. They will enter services en masse, spitting on people, urinating and performing lewd acts in order to humiliate the church. This practice will be publicized until it becomes a fad among the cults. What begins as a few isolated incidents will soon become common throughout the world… This humiliation will ultimately reduce many congregations and movements in the church to a figurative Gideon's three hundred. Like Gideon's little band, who could no longer stand the humiliation of Israel at the hands of Midian, these will be pushed to the limit of what they can tolerate. They will take their little lights and trumpets (messages) and attack the entire camp of the enemy, beginning the rout. After this, many of those who have departed out of fear and confusion will return helping to complete the victory to bring in a great harvest. (The Harvest, P.139-142)

When I read the following this morning, I recognized it as the potential early signs that the above prophecy could be on its way to fulfillment now. What should be kept in mind is that Satanists often join anti-Christian protests guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists, when in fact they are very religious, and diametrically opposed to all things Christian and seeking to eliminate all Christian influence from society. The fact that the robes this group is wearing (which they call "the handmaiden's cloak") are red cloaks may secretly be signaling what they really are to their own kind. Red and black cloaks are the primary colors used by Satanists during ceremonies.

The link at the bottom includes video footage of them invading a church as a type of trial run used for their promotion video, where they filmed themselves in the act.

Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother’s Day

by Jacqueline Burkepile - May 5, 2022


Pray and fast for the protection of our churches!

The pro-abortion activism group Ruth Sent Us is calling for invasions of Catholic churches from Sun., May 8 until Sat., May 14 in protest of the recent news about the Supreme Court’s draft allegedly overturning Roe vs. Wade. During their protest, the group dresses in what they call a handmaiden’s cloak, which represents women’s oppression. The group reposted a video on Sat., April 30 of their February invasion of a San Francisco Catholic Church during Mass. The video then invites pro-abortion activists to disrupt Catholic Masses throughout the United States starting May 8.

Haters will hate as they have no truth found in them. God's people have always been persecuted, tormented and scorned by others, as Jesus is the greatest example of the hatred others had against Him. But, what is important is that we stand grounded in faith and put on the helmet of salvation so the enemy can not prevail against us.

Mat 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Mat 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
I was led to something this morning that appears to suggest a prophecy from 40 years ago may soon be on its way to fulfillment, or at least the initial phases of it anyway. In 1980, Rick Joyner prophesied in The Harvest that hordes of people would eventually begin invading churches to disrupt Christian services. The full prophecy, as it was published in its context, is contained below:

Before the great ingathering Christianity will experience a great humiliation… The "accuser of the brethren" will go forth with unprecedented rage against the Body of Christ. The "revelations" of immoral and unethical behavior by hundreds of highly visible ministries will bring about a loathing of Christianity throughout the world, for a time. These "revelations" will include child molesting, rape, and the most vile forms of perversion. Some of these will be true, but most will not be true... After an atmosphere of revulsion has been created, the enemy will then move against even the most respected Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant, Charismatic and Catholic leaders with charges of the most base forms of perversion and ethical failures. In conjunction with this, hoards of cults and satanic worshippers will begin attacking congregations and meetings. They will enter services en masse, spitting on people, urinating and performing lewd acts in order to humiliate the church. This practice will be publicized until it becomes a fad among the cults. What begins as a few isolated incidents will soon become common throughout the world… This humiliation will ultimately reduce many congregations and movements in the church to a figurative Gideon's three hundred. Like Gideon's little band, who could no longer stand the humiliation of Israel at the hands of Midian, these will be pushed to the limit of what they can tolerate. They will take their little lights and trumpets (messages) and attack the entire camp of the enemy, beginning the rout. After this, many of those who have departed out of fear and confusion will return helping to complete the victory to bring in a great harvest. (The Harvest, P.139-142)

When I read the following this morning, I recognized it as the potential early signs that the above prophecy could be on its way to fulfillment now. What should be kept in mind is that Satanists often join anti-Christian protests guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists, when in fact they are very religious, and diametrically opposed to all things Christian and seeking to eliminate all Christian influence from society. The fact that the robes this group is wearing (which they call "the handmaiden's cloak") are red cloaks may secretly be signaling what they really are to their own kind. Red and black cloaks are the primary colors used by Satanists during ceremonies.

The link at the bottom includes video footage of them invading a church as a type of trial run used for their promotion video, where they filmed themselves in the act.

Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother’s Day

by Jacqueline Burkepile - May 5, 2022


Pray and fast for the protection of our churches!

The pro-abortion activism group Ruth Sent Us is calling for invasions of Catholic churches from Sun., May 8 until Sat., May 14 in protest of the recent news about the Supreme Court’s draft allegedly overturning Roe vs. Wade. During their protest, the group dresses in what they call a handmaiden’s cloak, which represents women’s oppression. The group reposted a video on Sat., April 30 of their February invasion of a San Francisco Catholic Church during Mass. The video then invites pro-abortion activists to disrupt Catholic Masses throughout the United States starting May 8.

Well, we now know the pro-abortion hordes aren't intelligent.

Forewarning Catholic churches to have police at the ready so to deal with illegal trespass and possible terroristic threat is idiotic.

They're pro-abortion but are they sure the court shall be pro-bail? Hopefully a judge says, NO!
Well, we now know the pro-abortion hordes aren't intelligent.

Forewarning Catholic churches to have police at the ready so to deal with illegal trespass and possible terroristic threat is idiotic.

They're pro-abortion but are they sure the court shall be pro-bail? Hopefully a judge says, NO!

That raises an interesting question. How many churches will prepare security for such a scenario and how many wouldn't?

Down the road, I think it would at least be wise to sit ushers down and brief them on the possibility, so they are psychologically prepared just in case. Your first instinct is resentment, because it seems like invasion of privacy. For long-standing members and church leaders, I can only imagine it would feel like a home invasion, and not just their own property but property they dedicated to God for His use.

As for the police protection aspect, unless they actually start vandalizing private property, I'm not sure the police in some areas will take the matter too seriously. In areas where the populace and the police are largely God-fearing, however, it would be a good preventative measure to take for sure.
If one looks we can see these types of invasions in other countries where the congregation, including the Pastor, are dragged out of the Church in the middle of service and the persecutions, even to death, are so horrific and even the meeting places are burned down.

Worldwide persecutions of God's own has always been and will increase during this time of sorrows that Jesus told us about in Matthew 24, but also told us, fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, Matthew 10:28.
If one looks we can see these types of invasions in other countries where the congregation, including the Pastor, are dragged out of the Church in the middle of service and the persecutions, even to death, are so horrific and even the meeting places are burned down.

Worldwide persecutions of God's own has always been and will increase during this time of sorrows that Jesus told us about in Matthew 24, but also told us, fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, Matthew 10:28.

Yes, only I think the church overseas in regions like where there is Islamic control are better prepared for it than we are. The problem here in the West, especially in the States, is that we have been lulled to sleep by centuries of relative peace, and I think many will not be ready when they have to pay the price in being vilified, hated, and/or threatened on a daily basis. As the quote I gave in the OP suggested, it will likely lead to only a relative few still being willing to stand and fight for the truth.

It would be one thing if believers merely faced potential jail time or the vandalism of property, or even threats to life and limb. But I don't think many Christians are ready for the level of outright hatred and rejection from society that is going to come with it, i.e. being constantly disdained in the media, the workplace, the schools, public venues, etc. Yes, we experience some of it now, but not like what I think is coming. I think Christians who are not prepared for genuine threats to their own or their children's safety will be too weak in the faith, as will those who value what society thinks of them too much. When it reaches the level of their own families regularly vilifying them for their stand on contentious issues, many will count the cost and realize they didn't have what it took to truly go to war (Matthew 10:34-39). The superficiality of much of what today calls itself modern "Christianity" is going to be exposed and found wanting.
Well, we now know the pro-abortion hordes aren't intelligent.

Forewarning Catholic churches to have police at the ready so to deal with illegal trespass and possible terroristic threat is idiotic.

They're pro-abortion but are they sure the court shall be pro-bail? Hopefully a judge says, NO!

I like your avatar, LoL.
Satanists often join anti-Christian protests guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists, when in fact they are very religious, and diametrically opposed to all things Christian and seeking to eliminate all Christian influence from society.

Yep, no religious influence at work behind the scenes here. Just a "coincidence" that they spray painted inverted pentagrams, inverted crosses and the numbers "666" all over one of churches they've already vandalized after the release of Alito's draft opinion last week.

I was led to something this morning that appears to suggest a prophecy from 40 years ago may soon be on its way to fulfillment, or at least the initial phases of it anyway. In 1980, Rick Joyner prophesied in The Harvest that hordes of people would eventually begin invading churches to disrupt Christian services. The full prophecy, as it was published in its context, is contained below:

Before the great ingathering Christianity will experience a great humiliation… The "accuser of the brethren" will go forth with unprecedented rage against the Body of Christ. The "revelations" of immoral and unethical behavior by hundreds of highly visible ministries will bring about a loathing of Christianity throughout the world, for a time. These "revelations" will include child molesting, rape, and the most vile forms of perversion. Some of these will be true, but most will not be true... After an atmosphere of revulsion has been created, the enemy will then move against even the most respected Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant, Charismatic and Catholic leaders with charges of the most base forms of perversion and ethical failures. In conjunction with this, hoards of cults and satanic worshippers will begin attacking congregations and meetings. They will enter services en masse, spitting on people, urinating and performing lewd acts in order to humiliate the church. This practice will be publicized until it becomes a fad among the cults. What begins as a few isolated incidents will soon become common throughout the world… This humiliation will ultimately reduce many congregations and movements in the church to a figurative Gideon's three hundred. Like Gideon's little band, who could no longer stand the humiliation of Israel at the hands of Midian, these will be pushed to the limit of what they can tolerate. They will take their little lights and trumpets (messages) and attack the entire camp of the enemy, beginning the rout. After this, many of those who have departed out of fear and confusion will return helping to complete the victory to bring in a great harvest. (The Harvest, P.139-142)

When I read the following this morning, I recognized it as the potential early signs that the above prophecy could be on its way to fulfillment now. What should be kept in mind is that Satanists often join anti-Christian protests guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists, when in fact they are very religious, and diametrically opposed to all things Christian and seeking to eliminate all Christian influence from society. The fact that the robes this group is wearing (which they call "the handmaiden's cloak") are red cloaks may secretly be signaling what they really are to their own kind. Red and black cloaks are the primary colors used by Satanists during ceremonies.

The link at the bottom includes video footage of them invading a church as a type of trial run used for their promotion video, where they filmed themselves in the act.

Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother’s Day

by Jacqueline Burkepile - May 5, 2022


Pray and fast for the protection of our churches!

The pro-abortion activism group Ruth Sent Us is calling for invasions of Catholic churches from Sun., May 8 until Sat., May 14 in protest of the recent news about the Supreme Court’s draft allegedly overturning Roe vs. Wade. During their protest, the group dresses in what they call a handmaiden’s cloak, which represents women’s oppression. The group reposted a video on Sat., April 30 of their February invasion of a San Francisco Catholic Church during Mass. The video then invites pro-abortion activists to disrupt Catholic Masses throughout the United States starting May 8.

In his book the final quest, Rick Joyner relates the vision God gave him of a civil war in the Church, and we are seeing it now come to pass.

The imagery he uses is quite grafic yet extremly accurate.

Please read the Final Quest and the sequel.

It comes with both books in one called the Vision:

The Final Quest
The Call

In his book the final quest, Rick Joyner relates the vision God gave him of a civil war in the Church, and we are seeing it now come to pass.

The imagery he uses is quite grafic yet extremly accurate.

Please read the Final Quest and the sequel.

It comes with both books in one called the Vision:

The Final Quest
The Call


I own two copies of each, and have read them several times JLB. :) But I appreciate the recommendation.

I'm about to go over War and Glory again, which also deals with the consequences of that civil war, including what this thread is discussing. The masses will be unleashed and will destroy much of the false church until the way has been paved for the Lord to build the real one out of its ashes:

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Well, we now know the pro-abortion hordes aren't intelligent.

Forewarning Catholic churches to have police at the ready so to deal with illegal trespass and possible terroristic threat is idiotic.

They're pro-abortion but are they sure the court shall be pro-bail? Hopefully a judge says, NO!

Indeed, it looks like it did prompt at least some Catholic Churches to ask for police protection over the weekend, and for prayers for all concerned, which in turn brought threats from Ruth Sent Us of, “We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.”

I'm guessing the translation there is "You'd better keep your police protection in place, cuz we won't be going away." (see first reply)

Indeed, it looks like it did prompt at least some Catholic Churches to ask for police protection over the weekend, and for prayers for all concerned, which in turn brought threats from Ruth Sent Us of, “We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.”

I'm guessing the translation there is "You'd better keep your police protection in place, cuz we won't be going away." (see first reply)

This smacks like a page out of the the George Soros domestic terrorists thug group playbook.

These people austensibly are outraged by the leaked opinion on Roe v. Wade by SCOTUS. But they're protesting centuries of priest sex abuse in the RCC?

I think it's ANTIFA on a new mission.
This smacks like a page out of the the George Soros domestic terrorists thug group playbook.

Exactly. The image they use in their header for the Twitter Page says, "Now we must be ruthless."
They are telegraphing exactly what their intentions and plans are from the outset.

Yes, only I think the church overseas in regions like where there is Islamic control are better prepared for it than we are. The problem here in the West, especially in the States, is that we have been lulled to sleep by centuries of relative peace, and I think many will not be ready when they have to pay the price in being vilified, hated, and/or threatened on a daily basis. As the quote I gave in the OP suggested, it will likely lead to only a relative few still being willing to stand and fight for the truth.

It would be one thing if believers merely faced potential jail time or the vandalism of property, or even threats to life and limb. But I don't think many Christians are ready for the level of outright hatred and rejection from society that is going to come with it, i.e. being constantly disdained in the media, the workplace, the schools, public venues, etc. Yes, we experience some of it now, but not like what I think is coming. I think Christians who are not prepared for genuine threats to their own or their children's safety will be too weak in the faith, as will those who value what society thinks of them too much. When it reaches the level of their own families regularly vilifying them for their stand on contentious issues, many will count the cost and realize they didn't have what it took to truly go to war (Matthew 10:34-39). The superficiality of much of what today calls itself modern "Christianity" is going to be exposed and found wanting.
I truly believe we are in the beginning of sorrows as we see things on a greater scale then the generations before us. Our faith will be greatly tested as the flesh is weak, but the Spirit indwelling in us is greater. Within these times of trouble we need to remember what is taught to us in Ephesians 6:10-20 as no one will be exempt from the attacks, but to stand strong looking for the day of Christ return. Whether we die or live at His coming we are in Christ and He in us.
I truly believe we are in the beginning of sorrows as we see things on a greater scale then the generations before us. Our faith will be greatly tested as the flesh is weak, but the Spirit indwelling in us is greater. Within these times of trouble we need to remember what is taught to us in Ephesians 6:10-20 as no one will be exempt from the attacks, but to stand strong looking for the day of Christ return. Whether we die or live at His coming we are in Christ and He in us.

Needing to put on the armor of God in this type of situation is exactly correct. Many think it has only to do with spiritual warfare, i.e. dealing with wickedness in heavenly places through prayer, but I am of the opinion that it has more to do with being able to withstand the attacks of those whom they USE in the earth. While vandalism of property is not as severe a form of opposition as say things like bodily harm or martyrdom, what the enemy has planned bears many of the same elements in other respects as what they faced during New Testament times. It is an attack on the integrity of Christians, using lies and false witness that we support the abuse of women (hence the need for the belt of Truth). It is a test of how strong our Faith is in God that He loves us even when threats to our property and welfare come (hence the need for the shield of Faith). It is test of how much insult we can bear (hence the need for the breastplate of Righteousness). And it will require putting on the preparedness of the gospel of peace, for instances when some eventually ask why we are still willing to stand for the truth when the price to pay becomes increasingly greater...

If I can be so candid, I think the weakest part of my armor still has to do with Righteousness in the face of such things. I mean, being able to stand there in the public square and take some hateful, evil person yelling insults in my face would just not be something I could take forever and still respond peacefully. I'm not built well for it for one thing, cuz I'm emotional and things like that would effect me. But I suppose we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I could certainly take the sword to the enemy's arguments and rip him up one side and down the other. I do that every day, including through threads like this one. If I can just find a way to keep from telling those the enemy uses to go jump in a lake when they work my last nerve, I'll be dangerous, LoL.
Soros playbook is limited and repetative.
That's why his bought and paid for thugs are easy to spot.
The January 6th uprising was Soros. And Antifa. Capitol police opened the barracades and let them in. Prior to that, it was a righteous protest against treason .

That he has the money to buy local and federal government is why he's not been declared an enemy of the state in the U.S. Though he is one. At least that's how I see him.

I'm amazed he's made it to his current age. He's declared enemy of his homeland Hungary. And being he's (not really) a Jew, an enemy of the state of
Israel as well.
Given his efforts against the U.S and Israel, that Sayeret Matkal or some special arm of Israels national defense hasn't cleansed the earth of his evil as yet is amazing.
That he has the money to buy local and federal government is why he's not been declared an enemy of the state in the U.S. Though he is one. At least that's how I see him.

I think it runs deeper than that. He's an insider, and answers directly to the powers that be on a higher level than even top US politicians do. The lack of opposition is simply because most know what a losing battle it would be, and that tying him directly to any criminal activity would be a near impossibility to prove.

Soros is like Hillary but worse. The Swamp never got cleaned up, and it won't get cleaned up because the globalists are in control of it. This is why the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power is humanity's only genuine hope at this point. It will take the God of Creation to defeat the god of this world and those who serve him.
It sounds like they could be testing the waters to me. Some dry runs to test reactions. Just in case they do overturn Roe vs Wade when they have an even nastier plan to respond to that.

What's this world coming to? When having a pistol in church is not enough, now you better be carrying a reload or two if there's going to be flash mobs of violence invading the churches? Today the Catholics, tomorrow the Christians. They're going to overturn Roe vs Wade, I feel it coming.

If absolutely everyone in the congregation was armed, it would be over fast. What's that scripture say? Something about, have your Bible in one hand and your sword in your other hand? Something like that.