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Search results

  1. D

    The knowledge of God avoids crime and corruption in devotee

    I concur. I think the other major flaw about supposing a knowledge of God, is that it would therefore negate faith, as you can't have faith if you have knowledge. Dante
  2. D

    Intelligent extraterrestrial life

    Without pulling the thread into a deep discussion of abiogenesis, I (more or less) agree with point of your thread. Personally, I don't rule out the possibility of life on other worlds (in fact, I think the odds are fairly high), however, I don't personally find reason to accept that there is...
  3. D

    Intelligent extraterrestrial life

    True. We do not yet fully know how life arose. But from what I've read there are some good hypothesis' out there. Dante
  4. D

    Why do not all see God?

    Oh, just like people of all other religions "see" their gods? Through subjective experiences? I don't know about that, seems like a poor way to discern what's true or not. Dante
  5. D

    The knowledge of God avoids crime and corruption in devotee

    Maybe I'm just getting into semantics, but what "knowledge" of God. There's no "knowledge" of God, by definition. Anyways, threatening people with punishment usually is a good way to get them to behave. I'm not sure if superstitious myths are appropriate though, in this day and age. Dante
  6. D

    Satanism, not what you think.

    I do agree that there's no need to get fired up over it. Dante
  7. D

    Intelligent extraterrestrial life

    And just WHY can she/he not make such claims? Is the Bible not accessible to all? Can not any person read and discern God's plan and methods of salvation? Furthermore, all I see here on this site is people claiming to know a lot of things that cannot be known. Why are you singling him/her out...
  8. D

    Intelligent extraterrestrial life

    Since life can arise through relatively simple chemical reactions the odds of life existing somewhere else in the universe is pretty high. In fact, one has to take into account that life elsewhere might not be carbon based, but something entirely different (silicon is proposed). That being...
  9. D

    Why doesn't God forgive Satan?

    You're wrong. It states very clearly that in the few instances that the word Lucifer is used, it is very clearly referring to a king of Babylon, and in another instance to a king of Tyre. There is no way to argue otherwise without completely going against scripture. So you see, it is not I that...
  10. D

    Why doesn't God forgive Satan?

    1. The passage that mentions Lucifer makes it explicitly clear that the person being referred to as Lucifer was not a supernatural entity, but a human. 2. I don't think the Bible gives any evidence to think that Satan (the actual Satan mentioned in the Bible, not the person called Lucifer) is a...
  11. D

    Why doesn't God forgive Satan?

    I'm agnostic. But I was a theology major for a long time. My opinion is from the Bible on this issue. Dante
  12. D

    Why doesn't God forgive Satan?

    Incorrect. The passage makes it abundantly and irrefutably clear that Satan is not, nor ever has been an angel named Lucifer. I suggest you go read the passages in full. Dante
  13. D

    The religion of Atheism.

    Actually, it is scientists who determine what is evidence. Evidence must be objectively verifiable. The theist is wrong. Neither humans nor the world are objective evidence of any sort of deity. It fails at evidence because there is no objectively verifiable (or fallible) measures to...
  14. D

    [_ Old Earth _] Charles Darwin: Great man of G-d.

    Doesn't look like it. Dante
  15. D

    Why doesn't God forgive Satan?

    God won't forgive Satan because Satan was never an angel named Lucifer. Scripture is clear on this. Dante
  16. D

    [_ Old Earth _] What Set Off The Big Bang?

    I thought I'd share my 2 cents. One of the most common flaws (and subsequently difficult phenomena to comprehend) about people's understanding (or lack thereof) of the big bang, is the questioning of 'what caused the big bang.' To this I must respond with the only rational response, What makes...
  17. D

    The religion of Atheism.

    They are not false analogies in any respect :) "God" is as verifiable as IPU or the Teapot. To accept "God" as true without any objectively verifiable evidence to support the idea of a God is as ridiculous to rational people as believing in the IPU, teapot or FSM seems to Christians. Dante
  18. D

    [_ Old Earth _] Charles Darwin: Great man of G-d.

    With reference to the topic: I doubt that Darwin recanted on his deathbed. However, should he have recanted, it does not affect the theory of evolution in any way (as it is an Argument from Authority and furthermore overlooks the innumerable pieces of evidence that have been discovered in the...
  19. D

    [_ Old Earth _] Charles Darwin: Great man of G-d.

    Would you then equally throw out all scientific achievements and practical benefits that have come about as a result of the theory of evolution? Such as medicinal drugs and pesticides for instance? Dante
  20. D

    [_ Old Earth _] Charles Darwin: Great man of G-d.

    If everything about evolution is inherently contradictory to your belief in a literal Genesis, then I think it's your interpretation that needs to be reviewed. The Bible claims that truth is revealed in creation, and when all evidence (and I'm not exaggerating here) in the world and even in the...