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  1. T

    Any thought on Skepticism?

    You're on the right path, I can tell u that much. Perhaps God is bigger than what you've been told. Either way, the laws are written on your heart and that's what you have to follow. Cheers.
  2. T

    Pro Choice Women view babies as parasites...

    This is one of the most disturbing things I've read in a long time. It is clearly evident that human life begins at conception. Killing a baby, no matter what stage of development, is murder. Pro Choicers have no logic, they only use word games and play semantics. Human life is human life no...
  3. T

    Any thought on Skepticism?

    Just playing a little devil's advocate here: Would not being skeptical include the Bible as well? Is fear holding you back?
  4. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Actually I practice Hermetic Qabalah, which is different from Jewish Kabbalah. There are many different versions and there is no Dogma attached to it. There's even a Christian Cabalah (note the different spellings). But yes Qlippoth is basically the same for me as the description. It is...
  5. T

    Violence in video games - canvassing opinion

    Real life, sure. I was referring to media however. We're pretty much maxed out concerning exposing people to violence through that medium.
  6. T

    Any thought on Skepticism?

    I am skeptical of reality all together; cognition is fluid and ever changing. We are all a small part of a large cosmic reality. Trying to perceive God's will could be likened to the micro-organisms living inside of us; doing their parts and completely unable to perceive our wills. As long as...
  7. T

    Violence in video games - canvassing opinion

    I think that violence in video games is the same as violence in movies or any other media. One negative thing is that it desensitizes the populace in general to the horror of murder and abuse against another person. I wonder if there would be less violence in general if people were exposed to...
  8. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Tiamat is an archetype of Chaos, and it fits well with Qlippoth energies which hold the key to gnosis.
  9. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Thanks for the article, I'll check it out. I believe there's a lot we could learn from each other :) We might have a lot more in common than you think. Humanity finding common ground with each other is one of my highest ideals, along with the discovery of our origin. I look forward to...
  10. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Ah cool! Yeah I remember this creation story. I've read it before and what an interesting story it is indeed! By the way mods, don't worry about me I'll keep my beliefs to myself and contained in my intro thread only.
  11. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Ah yes the cringing, try not to take this the wrong way but I am pretty much not too concerned on what the Bible is and isn't clear on what we should do, because it has no authority over me, and I worship no God. Although, they did do scrying (a form of divination) in the Bible in Genesis 44:5...
  12. T

    Do Your Dreams Mean Something?

    I think that your consciousness needs dreams much like your body needs food. There really is a lot of information to process throughout the day, mostly subconscious things and I believe that you dream to make sense of it all. Also if something is bothering you, you dream to find closure. The...
  13. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Oh I completely understand your reaction, especially on a forum like this. The reason why I came to this forum, strangely enough, is because I know that I wouldn't be judged here lest your religion would make you hypocrites, and yet at the same time you are a spiritual community that accepts...
  14. T

    Hello. I hope to make many friends here. :)

    What a wonderful journey you have embarked on. Welcome and nice to meet you (I'm new here too) :) Putting your hands in a higher power is a wonderful sign of humility and a virtue that is a difficult thing for many people to attain.
  15. T

    Who is a poor man?

    She probably could use prayer indeed. Man, I would hate to be a celebrity.
  16. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Just some background on me.... I am a magician. (LHP (left hand path)). I evoke what you guys would consider "demons" (which is just a mistranslation of greek daemon which is 'spirit') from the Goetia. They are actually quite personable....I mean come on, they teach you about botany. I...
  17. T

    Who is a poor man?

    Judge not, lest ye be judged.
  18. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Nah, from the UP actually :)
  19. T

    Hello from the frozen tundra

    Oh snap.