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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

new member

  1. T

    Can you become Christian if you’ve made a satanic ritual in the past?

    Hello, I’m new to Christianity. I was raised Catholic but became atheist around age 10. When I was 17 I dated a guy who practiced Satanism and he somehow convinced me to do the initiation ritual and become a member of that community. As someone who had been atheist, I didn’t think much of it. I...
  2. E

    New to this.. questions

    I was wondering people’s view points on a certain topic. I’m mainly wanting to hear people of Christian Science’s viewpoint as I’ve been reading into it a bit lately. But any other advice is also good. I wondered what your acceptance was for people of the LGBT community just out of curiosity. I...
  3. L

    My Name is Luke or "Light Giving"

    Hello to all blessed and knowledgable of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, I have been baptized when I was a baby and was part of the united church of christ. I recently gained my faith back in Jesus around 7 months ago. I have found my true self and where I want to be in my life but I still...
  4. T

    Hello all. I am new here. My name is Todd.

    I am looking for fellowship mostly. I am not new to God and the Bible but I am recently Re-newed as I have let God slip past me for to many years. We have been through a lot lately with the loss of many loved ones but the worst was losing our 30 yr old son suddenly two years ago. It has shaken...
  5. aaronhall

    Hey from South FL!

    Hey, I’m Aaron. I’m from South FL. I’m a husband and father of 3 boys. I’m also a pastor and I love to write. I’ve written a few books, and am the owner of another forum website that is dedicated to Christians. Glad to be here!!
  6. B


    Hello, everyone. Looking forward to growing as a member of the body of Christ here with you all. Thanks.
  7. BrotherAlan30

    Another new member

    (I'm not very good at introductions so I'll just copy past my profile on here and share a few hobbies and interests) Hello and welcome to my profile. My name is Alan but for some strange reason Facebook refuses to let me register under real name so my name on Facebook is "Edward Nicholson" but...
  8. Your Brother In Christ

    YouTuber and New Member

    Hello, I am a new member to this site. I have been running a YouTube Channel that investigates the Holy Scriptures, and applies it to this day and age. We investigate the scriptures in Context such as Scriptural, Cultural, Historical, and Textural. We look at how the message was given, who was...