They have a list of all the churches that participated this past Sunday--I copied them into Word and then did a search by denomination. Here's what I came up with
Church of Christ (UCC) 87
Episcopal 67
Methodist 57
Presbyterian 54
Unitarian Universalist 40
Lutheran 39
Baptist 10
Disciples of Christ 8
Catholic 4
So, it seems like the majority of churches were Church of Christ, Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Are all these denominations non-Christian, Mr. Judgemental?
Not judgemental, just speaking the truth.
Judge for your self...are these churches teaching what Christ taught.
ICC- The ICoC's teachings on baptism and salvation deny the
essential biblical doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith, not biblical so therfore not Christian (most major
denominations consider them a cult...because they so blantantly contradict
the teachings of Christ.
Episcopal- Blesses homosexual unions. Has homosexual
Bishops and priests. So certainly teaching false doctrines. They are in
the process of being disciplined by The Anglican Church, which has
threatened to cast them out into cult status if they don't repent, and begin
once again upholding God's word.
United Methodist- Deny diety of Christ; UMC Bishop James
Thomas:"We do not believe in rigid doctrinal concepts to hold us steady in a
wavering world."; 60% of the Methodist clergy do not believe in the virgin
birth; 82% say they do not believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God.
Unitarian Universalist- reject the Bible as being the Word of God;
deny the doctrine of the Trinity; belief that all human beings gain salvation;
deny the existance of hell; believe that each individual has the right to
decide for themselves what to believe in, and that others should not infringe
upon this right.
Catholic- Deny Salvation by Grace Alone; Pope can change what is in the
Bible if he wants; The Catechism presents the Roman Catholic priest as
"another Christ", something which the Bible condemns and forbids. Yet,
Jesus talked about the time when "other Christs" would arise.
So, yes, for these denominations, the inclusion of evolution into their faith
would be a very logical step...Their non-Christian. don't judge a book by it's the pages.
This is the Statement of Faith of our forums, and of our leadership.
There is one true God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The bible is the inspired, infallible, and only authoritative Word of God.
Jesus Christ, God's only Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died an atoning death upon a cross, raised from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father where He will one day return to the earth.
That man is in a lost and depraved condition by nature, and is in need of the new birth by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.
In justification by faith apart from the works of the law.
That salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone, to whom we must respond with repentance, faith, and obedience. Through Christ we come into a right relationship with God, our sins are forgiven, and we receive eternal life.