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2 Different Gods

There has been a real disconnect between my spouse and I spiritually for a while now and lately things have been boiling over. Though we both have claimed the Christian title, our beliefs do not often align. It's like we believe in 2 different Gods. My wife is a beautiful and giving person that credits God with all of the blessings in her life. She honest with good charactor and a big heart. I love her to life, and feel lucky that she would have me as her husband.

But, the deeper I delve into the faith, the more disconnected we seem to become. She's content with a faith that believes in a God that loves and watches over us, wants us to be good, that will give us the true desires of our hearts. As I see it all of that is great but God is more that a celestial provider, he is our master. That is where we seem to part ways. She's not interested very much in scripture or the oracles of God as her faith trumps what anything written may say. My contention is that the study of and adherance to the scriptures strengthens and develops one's relationship with God while she seems to be more inclinded have a god after her own heart than the God described in scripture. This disconnect has been something I have tried to ignore, but the more I study and try to mold myself into a slave for Christ, the more problems we seem to have. Initially, she was bothered by my desire to be scriptural in our life practices and I'd scale back to the laisse faire faith we both started with, but the more I study, the more I can't be content without being doctrinally sound and ensuring that my household lives for Christ.

She thinks I'm going overboard and feels that as long as we are "good people" that thanks and credits God, we're okay and asking her to do anything more is a cause of MAJOR frustration. This has been going on for a little over 4 years and I have prayed until my knees are raw and she has been praying as well.

As an outsider to all your personal there I have to say, do you find it odd that you're in contention over how each one of you is in personal relationship with God?

Your wife sounds like she has the innocence of a child in her love and trust for God. That's scriptural.
You sound like you're in love with God and also seek to study the scriptures so as to divide truth from darkness. That's scriptural too.
Rather than imagine one has to come around to see things the way the other one does, why not maybe consider God has joined the two of you together as his beloved daughter and son because you can be stronger together in that faith? And can hold each other up as both innocent and trusting in full love for and of God. While also studious so as to divine truth from fiction in this conflicted world using God's word as the armor it is meant to be.
If I am hearing you right are you saying tongues and Spiritual gifts are not for today?

I honestly don't know for certain what the scriptures mean as it relates to this topic. I can make a case both ways.

You never answered my question about the both of you being Spiritually born again and being indwelled with the Holy Spirit.
I am certain I have been born again based on my obediance to the gospel's plan of salvation.

Do you love your wife and does she love you? Do you have a good marriage in spite of the difference in what both of you believe? Do the both of you love your daughter?
Absolutely we love each other immensely and aside from the spiritual elephant in the room we try to ignore, our marriage is wonderful.
My apologies for the delay in replying.
If you and your wife are both Spiritually born again according to John 3:5-7 and have both confessed Christ and believe in your heart He is truly the Son of God according to Romans 10:9, 10 then both of you will see the Kingdom of God.

I'm only asking this to try and understand so please do not take it personally, but do you think you are possibly forcing your wife into something she is not really interested in doing as far as reading the Bible in a regimental way that you do, because we can not force anyone in doing something we would like them to do. I would only hope my husband would be more into studying like he was when we first got married, but I know he does not like to read and he does have a hard time comprehending scripture, but yet I know he is Spiritually born again indwelled with the Holy Spirit and that's good enough for me.

If both of you are Spiritually born again then don't worry so much where she is in her walk, but need to be more concerned with raising your child in a Christian home as you and your wife, as you say have the Christian title. Not sure how old your daughter is, but if she is going to Church with you I am sure she is learning about Jesus and possibly will come to ask you or your wife questions as scripture says a child will lead them and maybe your child will help bring your wife into a deeper relationship with Christ. :shrug Just keep praying for her and maybe both could find a mutual Church that both of you could be comfortable in and get involved with. Just something to think about.
There has been a real disconnect between my spouse and I spiritually for a while now and lately things have been boiling over. Though we both have claimed the Christian title, our beliefs do not often align. It's like we believe in 2 different Gods. My wife is a beautiful and giving person that credits God with all of the blessings in her life. She honest with good charactor and a big heart. I love her to life, and feel lucky that she would have me as her husband.

But, the deeper I delve into the faith, the more disconnected we seem to become. She's content with a faith that believes in a God that loves and watches over us, wants us to be good, that will give us the true desires of our hearts. As I see it all of that is great but God is more that a celestial provider, he is our master. That is where we seem to part ways. She's not interested very much in scripture or the oracles of God as her faith trumps what anything written may say. My contention is that the study of and adherance to the scriptures strengthens and develops one's relationship with God while she seems to be more inclinded have a god after her own heart than the God described in scripture. This disconnect has been something I have tried to ignore, but the more I study and try to mold myself into a slave for Christ, the more problems we seem to have. Initially, she was bothered by my desire to be scriptural in our life practices and I'd scale back to the laisse faire faith we both started with, but the more I study, the more I can't be content without being doctrinally sound and ensuring that my household lives for Christ.

She thinks I'm going overboard and feels that as long as we are "good people" that thanks and credits God, we're okay and asking her to do anything more is a cause of MAJOR frustration. This has been going on for a little over 4 years and I have prayed until my knees are raw and she has been praying as well.
Hello The Light :wave2 . So @ 4 years further on how are things in your world now ?
Out of curiosity, what denomination are you? The reason I ask is when people attend the more liberal churches they do not have preachers that will actually speak with authority. This, unfortunately, leads to people feeling they need to "come to their own conclusion" when it comes to what the bible teaches.

Having said that, it is always a good idea to read through different biblical scholars' commentary on sections of the bible, but then always test what they are saying against what the bible actually says. Never just follow one person's commentary.

But it is important to speak with a leader in the church who will actually speak with some biblical authority.
This is off-topic. It's not a good idea to judge "the more liberal churches" because you disagree with their scriptural authority.
I am familiar with non-denominational, but have never heard of "Lord's Church." What does that generally align with?

From my experience, depending on the size of the non-denominational church, it seems almost leaderless when it comes to individual discipleship.
Again, off-topic. If you feel strongly about non-denominational churches, why not start a different thread on this topic?
I guess at this point prayer will be your first step in getting toward that goal. Pray that God will reveal to you ways to witness to her, and pray for God to open her eyes to the fallacies in the churches she attends.

Lakewood, is that Osteen's church? Megachurches have no real theology, other than the idea that if you feel good you must be on the right path. They never discuss sin and trials.
"Megachurches have no real theology, other than the idea that if you feel good you must be on the right path. They never discuss sin and trials" has no basis and, again, is off-topic. This is not a forum to discuss the differences in church doctrines but to discuss the serious problems between a husband and wife.
I honestly don't know for certain what the scriptures mean as it relates to this topic. I can make a case both ways.

I am certain I have been born again based on my obediance to the gospel's plan of salvation.

Absolutely we love each other immensely and aside from the spiritual elephant in the room we try to ignore, our marriage is wonderful.
My apologies for the delay in replying.
This is off-topic but I felt I had to post it anyway...

I saw a cartoon in the New Yorker a while back that depicted a husband and wife sitting in their living room, along with a huge elephant. The caption was "Actually, that's all we talk about!"
This is off-topic. It's not a good idea to judge "the more liberal churches" because you disagree with their scriptural authority.
Again, off-topic. If you feel strongly about non-denominational churches, why not start a different thread on this topic?
"Megachurches have no real theology, other than the idea that if you feel good you must be on the right path. They never discuss sin and trials" has no basis and, again, is off-topic. This is not a forum to discuss the differences in church doctrines but to discuss the serious problems between a husband and wife.
This is off-topic but I felt I had to post it anyway...

I saw a cartoon in the New Yorker a while back that depicted a husband and wife sitting in their living room, along with a huge elephant. The caption was "Actually, that's all we talk about!"
Calling someone out three times for what you think are off-topic discussions but then purposely post something off-topic? I hope you are just trying to be humorous.

This thread, in the Theology forum, is about the different theological approaches taken by a husband and wife that are causing difficulties in their marriage. Differences in church doctrine and denominations are, therefore, very relevant.