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23 Minutes In Hell (video)

I have read the book and loved it ! :thumbsup

He noted that he did not see or hear a single child or baby in hell.
23 MINUTES IN HELL (DVD full length video) by Bill Wiese Testimony of hell, 23 questions about hell
This video is a DVD rip from Bill's church. THE TESTIMONY + 23 QUESTIONS ABOUT HELL ANSWERED! Complete full lenght DVD. Bill Wiese is the autor of book "23 m...

Its absolute pagan nonsense. For instance, he claims to see people get tortured by demons, well, the demons are in chains in Tartarus awaiting judgment, and those that arent are loose on Earth.
Of course we have the eternal torment babble, which (thanks to idiots like Wiese) demolishes the gospel and turns it into a mere shadow of its former self, allows christians to puff up their chests and proclaim "if you dont accept Jesus into you heart you will go to hell!", when explicitly throughout the gospels we hear "If you dont know Jesus, you wont be allowed into the Kingdom, and will be returned to your former state, death (cast into darkness)".

Hell is so pervasive, and to an extent I curse the day that Calvin was able to have any influence on Luther, if Luther could have stood tall, and stood by his biblical conviction, screwball conmen like Wiese would not be able to sell books off the back of a false doctrine like Eternal conscious torment, and there would be no preoccupation with the truth, because we would know the truth.

You live
You die (first death)

You sleep (Sheol, Hades)
You are resurrected

Judged (Christians enter Millennial kingdom 1000 years prior to judgment day)

Based upon their name being in the book of life, the nonchristian either enters onto the new earth or or is destroyed in Gehenna (Lake of Fire). The Second death.

Seriously, where is this in the Bible? Even the rich man and lazarus has none of this stuff in it.
Its absolute pagan nonsense. For instance, he claims to see people get tortured by demons, well, the demons are in chains in Tartarus awaiting judgment, and those that arent are loose on Earth.
Of course we have the eternal torment babble, which (thanks to idiots like Wiese) demolishes the gospel and turns it into a mere shadow of its former self, allows christians to puff up their chests and proclaim "if you dont accept Jesus into you heart you will go to hell!", when explicitly throughout the gospels we hear "If you dont know Jesus, you wont be allowed into the Kingdom, and will be returned to your former state, death (cast into darkness)".

Hell is so pervasive, and to an extent I curse the day that Calvin was able to have any influence on Luther, if Luther could have stood tall, and stood by his biblical conviction, screwball conmen like Wiese would not be able to sell books off the back of a false doctrine like Eternal conscious torment, and there would be no preoccupation with the truth, because we would know the truth.

You live
You die (first death)

You sleep (Sheol, Hades)I assume you are talking about "soul sleep" which is a false doctrine of Seventh Day Adventism Here is what the Bible says to clear up a figure of speech about the dead: Matthew 17:1-3, Luke 16:19-31, Luke 23:40-43, Philippians 1:21-23, 2 Corinthians 5:1-9, Psalm 73:24, Revelation 6:9-11, Ecclesiastes 12:7.
You are resurrected

Judged (Christians enter Millennial kingdom 1000 years prior to judgment day)

Based upon their name being in the book of life, the nonchristian either enters onto the new earth or or is destroyed in Gehenna (Lake of Fire). The Second death.

Seriously, where is this in the Bible? Even the rich man and lazarus has none of this stuff in it.
What The Bible Says About WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT. HELL. By Russell K. Tardo. Is hell for real? Do people go there when they die? Is hell here on earth? Questions and opinions ...
What The Bible Says About WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT. HELL. By Russell K. Tardo. Is hell for real? Do people go there when they die? Is hell here on earth? Questions and opinions ...

Is hell for real? Yes, but it was never called hell until the Norse mythology was adapted into Christian theology, when mixed with the Greek addition of an immortal soul, it gives a fine tale of people tortured for eternity by a God who says "an eye for an eye"

Do people go there when they die? No, they go there after they are resurrected.

Is hell here on Earth? In the sense of Gehenna and the lake of fire yes it will be.
I sat down in a bookstore one day and read several chapters from this book, slowly becoming more engrossed in it as I continued to read. Some things just did not sit right about it to me though. One thing, for example, is the explicit revelation and words that he quotes JESUS HIMSELF as saying (who supposedly appeared to him in Hell). Think about it, if you are reading the very words of Jesus in that book does it not make them binding upon us all as inspired revelation and infallible truth? What do you do with that?

Also some of the details are just fuzzy in the account. I got a check in my spirit about his experience. I have no doubt he experienced something, but was it all from God, and for what lasting purpose did God reveal this to him? Serious questions to consider.
I sat down in a bookstore one day and read several chapters from this book, slowly becoming more engrossed in it as I continued to read. Some things just did not sit right about it to me though. One thing, for example, is the explicit revelation and words that he quotes JESUS HIMSELF as saying (who supposedly appeared to him in Hell). Think about it, if you are reading the very words of Jesus in that book does it not make them binding upon us all as inspired revelation and infallible truth? What do you do with that?

Also some of the details are just fuzzy in the account. I got a check in my spirit about his experience. I have no doubt he experienced something, but was it all from God, and for what lasting purpose did God reveal this to him? Serious questions to consider.

Thanks for that. You are surely right aout us all living in serious times.:thumbsup And what do you think about me going on satan ground to read this stuff of his, when 'i' know that it is his false stuff??? (even Hollywood movies)
Think about it, if you are reading the very words of Jesus in that book does it not make them binding upon us all as inspired revelation and infallible truth? What do you do with that?
Josh, the problem is that most believers would reject "thinking about it" and tell you to "have faith". :bigfrown

There were things just in the INTERVIEW that made me wonder.

And another thing, I think that, to say this guy was 'dead' and then alive is a problem. What is the definition of 'dead' anyway? Sounds like the interviewer was defining 'dead' as "he had an experience that looked like heaven or hell, so he was, therefore, dead". BAH!

Again, maybe I am wrong and am frustrating or offending the Holy Spirit with my post...

Josh, the problem is that most believers would reject "thinking about it" and tell you to "have faith". :bigfrown

There were things just in the INTERVIEW that made me wonder.

And another thing, I think that, to say this guy was 'dead' and then alive is a problem. What is the definition of 'dead' anyway? Sounds like the interviewer was defining 'dead' as "he had an experience that looked like heaven or hell, so he was, therefore, dead". BAH!

Again, maybe I am wrong and am frustrating or offending the Holy Spirit with my post...

A person leaving their body is in scripture. Paul mentions it so it is possible.

"Soul travel"/ astral projection is a common among practitioners of Eckankar and those that practice black magic, witchcraft, satan worship, voodoo and the like. I knew one person who had left her body on a regular basis to visit her husband in the US. She was in the UK. She wanted to be set free and Jesus did it.
Jesus speaks to people today in dreams, visions and catching them up to the third heaven as well as what happened to this man. What Jesus says in these circumstances will NEVER contradict the Bible. In the video this man gives scripture for each thing that happens.
The purpose of this happening I think is obvious. Sheol is a real place and what the Bible says about it is true. Even many Christians only have head knowledge of the Bible on many issues like creation vs evilution. They do not believe creation in their hearts if they require ANY sense evidence that it is true. Please see Hebrews 11:1-3.
Josh, the problem is that most believers would reject "thinking about it" and tell you to "have faith". :bigfrown

There were things just in the INTERVIEW that made me wonder.

And another thing, I think that, to say this guy was 'dead' and then alive is a problem. What is the definition of 'dead' anyway? Sounds like the interviewer was defining 'dead' as "he had an experience that looked like heaven or hell, so he was, therefore, dead". BAH!

Again, maybe I am wrong and am frustrating or offending the Holy Spirit with my post...


No, it would be just the opposite for Christians to remain silent. --Elijah
A person leaving their body is in scripture. Paul mentions it so it is possible.

"Soul travel"/ astral projection is a common among practitioners of Eckankar and those that practice black magic, witchcraft, satan worship, voodoo and the like. I knew one person who had left her body on a regular basis to visit her husband in the US. She was in the UK. She wanted to be set free and Jesus did it.
Jesus speaks to people today in dreams, visions and catching them up to the third heaven as well as what happened to this man. What Jesus says in these circumstances will NEVER contradict the Bible. In the video this man gives scripture for each thing that happens.
The purpose of this happening I think is obvious. Sheol is a real place and what the Bible says about it is true. Even many Christians only have head knowledge of the Bible on many issues like creation vs evilution. They do not believe creation in their hearts if they require ANY sense evidence that it is true. Please see Hebrews 11:1-3.
I am going to leave this post to someone else to answer - the mood I'm in, I'll bite your head off!
A person leaving their body is in scripture. Paul mentions it so it is possible.

"Soul travel"/ astral projection is a common among practitioners of Eckankar and those that practice black magic, witchcraft, satan worship, voodoo and the like. I knew one person who had left her body on a regular basis to visit her husband in the US. She was in the UK. She wanted to be set free and Jesus did it.
Jesus speaks to people today in dreams, visions and catching them up to the third heaven as well as what happened to this man. What Jesus says in these circumstances will NEVER contradict the Bible. In the video this man gives scripture for each thing that happens.
The purpose of this happening I think is obvious. Sheol is a real place and what the Bible says about it is true. Even many Christians only have head knowledge of the Bible on many issues like creation vs evilution. They do not believe creation in their hearts if they require ANY sense evidence that it is true. Please see Hebrews 11:1-3.

I dont mean in any way to sound prideful, but I would say I know bit about this.
A man can give scriptures for just about anything. "Be strong in the Lord" could be taken to mean that all Christians should attend the gym daily and lift weights until they are capable of lifting a car.

The problem I see here is how contradictory this is to my own knowledge of scripture, now obviously the potential is there for me to be incorrect. But on this I think not.

Jesus does not come in dreams, Jesus does not take people "out of body", nor does he encourage people to sell books that teach what's taught in 23 minutes in hell and other such works. Even if hell was real (in the sense of the fiery pit where people are tortured forever), no one is there now because judgment has not occurred yet, nor did Jesus use gehenna as a means of evangelism (As it oft is today).

Astral travel, remote viewing..can you honestly see Christ using such things to further his kingdom? Especially when you see what astral beings (including through new age Jesus figure) teach people.

I would suggest a search for some of Dave Hunt's videos on YouTube about the occult. I simply don't have the energy to refute all you've said as well as the OP. So this is simply a brotherly warning about staying away from the occult, and definitely being wary of anyone who puts a price on "truth".

Nobody needs to buy a book other than the bible..if you do (I have many books), you need to go beyond the text itself, and into the sub-text, research the themes, this guy teaches eternal torment, so find a book that's against it (the fire that consumes for instance) check them all against scripture and go from there. Accept nothing, test everything! THAT is the key to true faith, not blind faith.

With love.
I dont mean in any way to sound prideful, but I would say I know bit about this.
A man can give scriptures for just about anything. "Be strong in the Lord" could be taken to mean that all Christians should attend the gym daily and lift weights until they are capable of lifting a car.

The problem I see here is how contradictory this is to my own knowledge of scripture, now obviously the potential is there for me to be incorrect. But on this I think not.

Jesus does not come in dreams, Jesus does not take people "out of body", nor does he encourage people to sell books that teach what's taught in 23 minutes in hell and other such works. Even if hell was real (in the sense of the fiery pit where people are tortured forever), no one is there now because judgment has not occurred yet, nor did Jesus use gehenna as a means of evangelism (As it oft is today).
*Please see Mark 9:42-48, Matthew 5:29-30,

The Lake Of Fire does not exist yet, but sheol, hades, gehenna are all names for where the unsaved go until it Sheol is dumped in it:

Luke 16:24-26

New King James Version (NKJV)

24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’

Revelation 20:14-15

New King James Version (NKJV)

14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.[a] 15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.Hades is where this man went.

Astral travel, remote viewing..can you honestly see Christ using such things to further his kingdom? Especially when you see what astral beings (including through new age Jesus figure) teach people.
This is occult as I have pointed out
*So did I say it was occult and it is done bodily as well by them.
I would suggest a search for some of Dave Hunt's videos on YouTube about the occult. I simply don't have the energy to refute all you've said as well as the OP. So this is simply a brotherly warning about staying away from the occult, and definitely being wary of anyone who puts a price on "truth".

Nobody needs to buy a book other than the bible..if you do (I have many books), you need to go beyond the text itself, and into the sub-text, research the themes, this guy teaches eternal torment, so find a book that's against it (the fire that consumes for instance) check them all against scripture and go from there. Accept nothing, test everything! THAT is the key to true faith, not blind faith.
*Eternal torment is taught in the Bible:

Revelation 20:10

New King James Version (NKJV)
10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[a] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

With love.
The verses below and many in the OT show people caught up.
2 Corinthians 12:2-4

New King James Version (NKJV)

2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— 4 how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

Acts 8:39-40

New King James Version (NKJV)

39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.

See also Rev 1:9-17 and Acts 10:9-16
Jesus does not come in dreams, Jesus does not take people "out of body"

When Peter addressed the crowd on Pentecost, he affirmed the words of the prophet, Joel.

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams

Further, in Genesis, we see God appearing in a dream...

Genesis 31

" 22 On the third day Laban was told that Jacob had fled. 23 Taking his relatives with him, he pursued Jacob for seven days and caught up with him in the hill country of Gilead. 24 Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said to him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.â€

This is the emphasis of my response when non-believers point out that there are regions of the word that never heard of Christ, and question (accusingly) if none of these people can be saved. God will reach them if He desires it. He does so through His Creation, but He can also use other means such as dreams.

4 how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

This is a big reason why I don't take these near death experiences seriously. It seems to me that Paul understood that the afterlife is kept hidden from us as people for a reason. He doesn't detail that reason, but he said that no man should utter how he gets caught up.

Paul never says he "died", only that he was caught up. As far as I know, this is the closest thing to a near death experience in scripture. There are no examples near death experiences described in scripture. I will not go so far as to say he lied or was demon-possessed, but I do believe we ought to hold everything up to scripture and see if it can be confirmed. As far as I know, this cannot.
When Peter addressed the crowd on Pentecost, he affirmed the words of the prophet, Joel.

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams

Further, in Genesis, we see God appearing in a dream...

Genesis 31

" 22 On the third day Laban was told that Jacob had fled. 23 Taking his relatives with him, he pursued Jacob for seven days and caught up with him in the hill country of Gilead. 24 Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said to him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.â€

This is the emphasis of my response when non-believers point out that there are regions of the word that never heard of Christ, and question (accusingly) if none of these people can be saved. God will reach them if He desires it. He does so through His Creation, but He can also use other means such as dreams.

This is a big reason why I don't take these near death experiences seriously. It seems to me that Paul understood that the afterlife is kept hidden from us as people for a reason. He doesn't detail that reason, but he said that no man should utter how he gets caught up.

Paul never says he "died", only that he was caught up. As far as I know, this is the closest thing to a near death experience in scripture. There are no examples near death experiences described in scripture. I will not go so far as to say he lied or was demon-possessed, but I do believe we ought to hold everything up to scripture and see if it can be confirmed. As far as I know, this cannot.
The man did not die but left his body in 23 minutes in hell. As I have explained this happened in scripture. If anyone sees the "body" of a person caught up they will appear dead.

The occult can do this as well and do regularly.They can also transport bodily and a LOT more. However if the silver cord gets cut while they are out of body it will ruin their whole day.
As for dead being raised Jesus did three. I have seen one, family members several more, and friends have seen many more. I am not sure what you mean by a "near death" experience. Dead is just that, dead.
Jesus gave Paul revelation when he was caught up and told not to tell. This man was told to share his experience. Neither died.
The occult can do this as well and do regularly.
Think about that for a minute. Please.

However if the silver cord gets cut while they are out of body it will ruin their whole day.
I am not into the occult like you are, care to explain what you mean by that?

As for dead being raised Jesus did three. I have seen one, family members several more, and friends have seen many more.
You claim to have seen people raised from the dead? Do I have this right?
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