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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."


Have you ever wondered if you are really doing what God wants you to do? In today's world of distractions and dynamic change, many people are searching for deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. One of our greatest desires is to find our role in the world, which is not only our heart's fulfillment, but also God's will.
But how can we be sure that we are doing exactly what God asks us to do? In today's video, we'll look at five key aspects that can be strong indicators that we're on the right track and following God's plan for our lives. In these signs there is divine guidance that leads us to discover our true destiny. If you experience these five things, you can be sure that you are on the right path and doing what God wants you to do.

Number one: You keep the commandments of God and follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. The first sign that you are following God's path is to keep His commandments and consistently follow the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. God's plan will never contain anything that is contrary to Scripture. When we surrender ourselves to God's teachings, we open our hearts to God's guidance and ethical foundations that lead us to fullness of life. God's commandments not only guide our decisions and actions, they are also an expression of God's love and wisdom.
They are like a map that shows us a safe path, eliminating the pitfalls and temptations that could lead us off the right path. Being in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures is not only about keeping the law, but also about deeply understanding and accepting God's wisdom and love for our lives. It is a spiritual connection to the Word of God that leads us to discover true freedom and peace. When we follow the teachings of Scripture, we feel that our actions are blessed and supported by God Himself.
We receive strength and clarity in making decisions, and we feel that our actions are in full harmony with God's purpose for our lives. Keeping the commandments becomes a guidepost that guides us in spiritual guidance, enabling us to draw closer to God and develop our deep and intimate relationship with Him. Remember that keeping God's commandments is not only a duty but also an honor that leads us to the fullness of life that God has prepared for us. It is a mystical key that opens the door to God's presence and blessing, and strengthens our faith and spiritual calling.

Number two: You spend time in Prayer and receive the Sacraments. The second important sign that you are following the path that God has chosen for you is your commitment to prayer and participation in the sacraments. Your life decisions should always lead you closer to Christ. If you do not make time for prayer and do not engage in the celebration of the Eucharist and the reception of the sacraments, this may be a warning that you have strayed from what God is asking of you. Prayer is a key means that enables us to communicate with God. It is during prayer that we open our hearts, share our joys, sorrows and requests.
It is in the moment of prayer that we also listen to God's voice and receive spiritual guidance that guides us on the right path. If you take time to talk to God and develop your relationship with Him through prayer, it is a sign that you are on the right track. Equally important is regular participation in the sacraments, which give us grace and strengthen our faith. Holy Mass is the central point of our Catholic life, where we meet Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Receiving the sacraments, such as Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Penance, helps us grow in love and union with Christ and strengthens us in our journey of faith.
If you do not devote time to prayer and you lack the commitment to participate in the sacraments, it may mean that you have distanced yourself from the closeness of God. This is a sign that it is important that you refocus your life on what God is asking of you, and that you strive with greater commitment to draw closer to Him through prayer and the sacraments. Remember that prayer and participation in the sacraments lead us to a deeper understanding of God's plan and enable us to experience His presence in our lives. Let them be an integral part of your spiritual practice so that you can happily continue your journey in accordance with God's will.

Number three: You experience the fruit of the Holy Spirit, even when it's hard. The third sure sign that you are on the right spiritual path is to experience the fruits of the Spirit even in the most difficult moments of your life. When we can discover and enjoy spiritual fruit, even in the face of trials and struggles, we can be sure that we are doing God's will. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are beautiful qualities that shape our relationship with God and others. However, often, in the hustle and bustle of life, they are easily overlooked. It is when trials and difficulties arise that we discover their true value.
When the world around us seems full of chaos and uncertainty, love can help us bring peace and harmony. When we face adversity and our patience is tested, we can find strength in God to remain calm and persevere. A collapse of spirit can be mitigated by the joy that comes from faith and trust in God's leading. And in conflict and tense situations, gentleness and kindness can really transform the atmosphere and bring you closer. However, in order to reap these Spiritual fruits, we must be aware of their presence and act in accordance with them. This means that in difficult situations we must be aware of the love and gentleness that are available to us and act in accordance with these values.
It can mean choosing to forgive despite pain, or to show kindness despite anger. It is not an easy task, but if we immerse ourselves in these fruits, we will discover that they have tremendous transformative power. Spiritual Fruits are like guides on our spiritual path. They are guidelines that lead us to greater union with God and service to others. If the presence of Spiritual fruit is evident in your life, even when everything seems hard and hopeless, hold on to it as a sure sign that you are doing God's will. Accept these spiritual fruits as a gift and look for ways to grow them and spread them around you. In this way, you will bless not only yourself but also others by creating an oasis of love, peace and joy in a world full of challenges.
Number four: You use your gifts and talents. God has endowed each of us with a unique set of skills and abilities that are specifically designed to glorify Him and serve others. Just as the different parts of the body form a harmonious whole, we, as members of the Body of Christ, have a variety of gifts that complete and strengthen the community of believers. Whether you are a gifted artist, a gifted teacher, an insightful counselor, or a compassionate listener, your skills matter and are needed in God's kingdom.

Using your gifts and talents in the service of God and others is like bringing a melody to life in a symphony. Every sound, every instrument has its place and contributes to the creation of beautiful music. Similarly, when we use our gifts with love and devotion, we create harmony in God's service. Some may be afraid to use their gifts, fearing failure, being criticized, or comparing themselves to others. However, as we strive to do God's will, we can be sure that He who has endowed us has also endowed us. God has not only given us talents, but He also provides us with the support, wisdom, and strength to use them in ways that bring Him glory. Using our gifts and talents in God's service also gives us a sense of accomplishment and joy.

When we use what we have to contribute to the development of God's kingdom on earth, we experience deep contentment and meaning. Our talents become tools that contribute to the transformation of our environment and other people's lives. Remember that God gives not only artistic and intellectual talents, but also spiritual gifts such as prayer, compassion, the gift of speech, and leadership. They all have meaning and can be used to build and inspire others. If you see yourself using your gifts and talents in the service of God and others, hold on to that as a sure sign that you are on the right spiritual path. Remember that your abilities matter, and God has a specific plan for you to use them in a way that will bring glory to Him and bless others.

Number 5: Others confirm your calling. The fifth sign that we are on the right spiritual path is the confirmation of our calling by other people in our lives. Often, as we discover our calling and the direction God wants us to take, we experience support, understanding, and validation from friends, family, and spiritual mentors. When we discover our calling, we often have an inner conviction and desire to accomplish a particular task or ministry. However, what makes this belief even stronger and more certain are the reactions and observations of others around us.

When we share our dreams, aspirations and sense of vocation, people start to notice our abilities, talents and predispositions. Our loved ones can often see unique features and abilities that we ourselves are not aware of. Their support and confirmation can strengthen our confidence that we are on the path that God has ordained for us. Family and friends can see our passion, commitment and influence we have on others and share their observations and feelings with us. In addition, spiritual mentors who are seasoned believers can play a key role in confirming our calling. Their wisdom, experience, and perspective can help us understand our gifts and talents in the context of God's greater plan.

Spiritual mentors often recognize our calling by seeing how God works in our lives and what Spiritual fruit we produce. It is worth noting, however, that confirmation from others is not the only determinant of our calling. The ultimate authority is God who created us and knows our hearts. Some vocations may be misunderstood by others, met with resistance or skepticism. It is important to listen to God's voice and remain faithful to His directions, even if others do not see in us what we feel. Remember that the most important voice you should listen to is that of God Himself, guiding you to f

ulfillment and glorious service.