Also, I struggle to trust God. He seems.... to not care. Being neither "good" nor "evil" , just .... not present. I know a mile- long list of bible verses saying otherwise. I've quoted them myself to others. .... but I still can't trust it. I know so many Christians who say "God told me ...." "God showed me ....". Never in my life have I had an experience where God said something to me in a way to make it clear to me He was talking to me. I have prayed for guidance before switching educations... before getting the previous job .... before quitting it .... and I never, ever get an answer that I can notice.
Please pray that I get a job.... one where I KNOW I am being useful, rather than being the one they have to spend resources on to get up to scratch.... one where I WANT to go to work rather than fear it .... and that I may trust God again....
Thanks guys
To my fellow Norsk,
I have two suggestions
1. Dont get picky and let your pride get in the way. Look for any work available, its been said the world needs ditch diggers too. (Not meant to be mean, just brutally honest.)
2. Quit waiting around for something to happen. We are partners with God and partners can disagree. During Exodus, God made it exceedingly clear He wants an arguement when Divine plans seem humanly unjust. Barely two months had passed since redemption from slavery when Israel rebelled against God. God decided they must be destroyed. But before acting He informed Moses of His plans. "and God said to Moses...Let me alone that my anger may act against them and I will consume them". Let me alone, really? God doesnt need Mose's consent to act. So why the 'let me alone' statement? God has all but begged Moses to argue for Israel. And argue Moses does! "Wherefore the Egyptians will say, For evil He brought them out to kill them in the mountains..." Turn your fierce anger and repent of the evil against your people". God is full of surprises. Here He literally sets up Moses to act as the defense attorney for the people of Israel. God's "Let me alone" request, and then has Moses defeat His charge. This is a God who not only has regrets, but is also willing to accept a good argument and then repent when the arguement successfully refutes His proposed plan, see first suggestion.