Barbarian observes:
No. Laws are weaker things than theories.
I disagree. A law holds that something happens without exception.
No, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, for example, says that entropy will never decrease. With the exception of open systems, where entropy can decrease so long as energy is being added from outside.
A scientic theory is a work in progress, working to become a law.
No. As you learned, Laws merely predict. Theories predict and explain. Hence Newton's Theory of Gravitation is more powerful and useful than Kepler's Laws. Each is about the same thing, but Newton's is a theory, and therefore more certain than Kepler's.
Also, contrary to wiki a law does have explaining power.
No. For example, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics does not explain why heat only moves from hotter things to colder things. But kinetic theory does explain this, and it is a more useful thing than the 2nd Law.
Since it is something that happens without exception, there is nothing to predict.
Understanding why planets move as they do, is critical for all engineering problems that touch on gravity. Understanding why heat only travels from hot to cold, is critical for many, many applications in physics.
Barbarian observes:
And molecular biologists have shown that the visual pigments were preceded by simpler substances that were also light-sensitive.
Demonstrably so. For example, the most primitive rhodopsin known, turns out to be a means for bacteria to do phosphorylation (critical to all cells for energy).
There are no more black boxes to invoke. There are no precursors to light sensitive molecules, they are the smallest, simplest compounds that can react to light.
Some microorganisms contain proteins that can interact with light and convert it into energy for growth and survival, or into sensory information that guides cells towards or away from light. The simplest energy-harvesting photoproteins are the rhodopsins, which consist of a single, membrane-embedded protein covalently bound to the chromophore retinal (a light-sensitive pigment) [1]. One class of archaeal photoproteins (called bacteriorhodopsin) was shown to function as a light-driven proton pump, generating biochemical energy from light [2],[3].
The simplest light-sensitive substance, BTW, is silver nitrate. The simplest organic substance that is sensitive to light... (Barbarian checks)
Indole-3-acetic acid
It's an auxin, a substance sensitive to light, that is responsible for plants growing toward the Sun.
Pretty simple, no?
I only mentioned a radio to illustrate the need to be more technical if you want to explain where the "spot" came from or how a cell figured out how to use it.
It wasn't a very good metaphor. You'd have to find a primitive device and compare it to a more advanced one of the same sort. A crystal radio, compared to a modern solid-state device.
Barbarian observes:
Hall's bacteria, for example, started with a generalized protein and over time, it evolved into a very efficient enzyme, with a regulator protein. Highly evolved, because it went through many evolutionary changes.
Hall's bacteria were directly observed to have their chemical reactions change over time.
Don't take this personal, I know you've taught me a thing or two, but in this case I don't think you fully comprehend Hall's argument.
I hope I do. I've taught classes about it.
Chemical reactions are fixed. Enzymes are made from proteins, they didn't evolve.
This one was observed to evolve over time. The final version was considerably more effective than the generalized form that the bacteria changed over a series of mutations via natural selection.
Even if we think of evolve as synoymous with change over time, it's still reaching. It's like saying salt evolved to saltwater.
No. It's still salt, same chemical composition. This enzyme changes in amino acid sequence over time, altering its shape, which of course altered it's efficiency as an enzyme.
Hall's argument was he removed part of the path for the bacteria to make the enzyme, it found a new way to make it, so it's not irreducibly complex but evolution in action.
By Behe's definition, it's irreducibly complex:
single system which is composed of several interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, and where the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning. (Darwin's Black Box p39 in the 2006 edition)
The final system is composed of the enzyme, the substrate it metabolizes, and a regulator (which is activated only in the presence of the substrate, which means the enzyme will not be produced unless there is the substrate in the environment.
So, we have three interacting components, and the removal of any one of them from the system causes the system to cease functioning.
The answer to his argument is it was making the same enzyme, just in a different way.
Nope. Different enzyme that does the same thing. And it evolved gradually, in a series of steps. It is not the same enzyme.
There other path was already there
Nope. The new enzyme is not the same as the old one. You see, the only part that matters in an enzyme is the shape of the active site. The rest of it can be made of entirely different sequences of amino acids so long as they don't interfer with the active site. And there are normally several ways the active site can be constructed, each of them using different sequences.
So that excuse won't work here.
Barbarian observes:
Molecules can evolve, just like any other feature. Of course, evolution happens to populations, but the effect is quite visible in molecules.
I'm still not sure what you mean.
As in the case you just read, a molecule that was effectively inactive with the specific substrate, evolved gradually in a series of steps to become very efficient. Each of the steps was somewhat better than the one before; not by design; it's just that mutations that made it somewhat better were preserved, and the many other mutations that did not make it better were discarded by natural selection.
Molecules can be simple like water or extremely complex like ATP synthase, depending on their atomic size and structure. They can have different forms and functions, but I don't get using the term evolve to describe chemical reactions.
The shape of the enzyme gradually changed. Here's how it works:
- A molecule is effectively inactive with a specific substrate.
- A random mutation, affecting the amino acid sequence changes the shape of the molecule, making it more effective at catalyzing the reaction.
- Other mutations that don't make it so effective are lost, as the bacteria having them are unable to compete with the more effective ones.
- This more effective group form the new gene pool, and the process repeats.
- Eventually, the molecule evolves into a very efficient form.
Quote Originally Posted by Barbarian View Post
Quite recently, they actually found a bacterium that was almost there:
A Microbial Rhodopsin with a Unique Retinal Composition Shows Both Sensory
Rhodopsin II and Bacteriorhodopsin-like Properties
February 25, 2011 The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, 5967-5976.
Rhodopsins......................One of them has photochemical properties and a proton pumping activity similar to the well known proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR). The other, named middle rhodopsin (MR), is evolutionarily transitional between BR and the phototactic sensory rhodopsin II (SRII), having an SRII-like absorption maximum, a BR-like photocycle, and a unique retinal composition. The wild-type MR does not have a light-induced proton pumping activity. On the other hand, a mutant MR with two key hydrogen-bonding residues located at the interaction surface with the transducer protein HtrII shows robust phototaxis responses similar to SRII, indicating that MR is potentially capable of the signaling. These results demonstrate that color tuning and insertion of the critical threonine residue occurred early in the evolution of sensory rhodopsins. MR may be a missing link in the evolution from type 1 rhodopsins (microorganisms) to type 2 rhodopsins (animals), because it is the first microbial rhodopsin known to have 11-cis-retinal similar to type 2 rhodopsins.
But not quite. Still, it's another demonstration that the eukaryote system is evolved from simpler forms in prokaryotes.
It does not demonstrate that at all.
Yes it does. It demonstrated critical parts and photoreceptive properties of 11-cis-retinal were present in a rhodopsin of a microbe. Even though they're isotopes 11-cis-retinal works better than 13-cis-retinal.
I think you mean "isomer." "Isotopes" are elements with differing numbers of neutrons. But they aren't isomers, since they don't have the same chemical formula.
It didn't work as a pump or signal, so that's kinda a big deal. It is unique and interesting, but not conclusive.
Just another bit of evidence on the mountain of evidence.
Rhodopsin is a type of opsin.
It's just less evolved. As you see, a very primitive form has recently been found in ocean bacteria.
Rhodopsin is a type of opsin.
It's quite different, a simpler form, which is somewhat less efficient.
Rhodopsin is a type of opsin
Barbarian observes:
They use a much simpler system, rhodopsins. And protists use some thing transitional between rhodopsins and opsins.
The Rhodopsins in protists are more like the opsins in vertebrates, than the more primitive rhodopsins in bacteria.
Light-Sensing Protein Illuminates Sun-Loving Ocean Bacteria
PLoS Biol. 2005 August; 3(8): e287.
The presence of rhodopsin-like proteins in a wide range of life may eventually provide hints to the protein's evolutionary age. That this large class of transmembrane proteins was so well-conserved over a long evolutionary time scale provides evidence for complex ancient proteins. Another question that remains is whether the proteorhodopsin has any sensory function as does rhodopsin in humans, or whether the bacteria use the protein purely for energy transduction.
So, as you see, the evidence indicates that the evolutionary ancestors of opsins were used as photosynthetic molecules, and only later evolved as light sensors. Obviously, it isn't much of a jump from a molecule that can absorb and use light to make a chemical reaction go, to a molecule that can use light to make chemical reaction stimulate a neuron.
I think I see where the problem is, "The Rhodopsins in protists are more like the opsins in vertebrates". They mean opsin as in type, family, group.
Opsin- (biochemistry) - Any of several compounds that form the protein component of the light-sensitive retina pigment, rhodopsin
Learn about it here:
and here:
Notice that the simplest of these are merely proton-tranfer agents, for phosphorylation, not sensory at all.
And yes, it is a huge jump from a light pump to a light sensor.
Not a light pump. An energy pump. And as you see, one of the most primitive of the rhodopsins, proteorhodopsin can do both.
So obviously not a big jump from one to the other.
Barbarian observes:
They note that this particular rhodopsin is used to generate energy. It indicates that the energy function came first, and sensory only later..... Turns out it has evolved to a sensory function.
Since both functions work in the same molecule, it wouldn't seem so.
Can you explain it in more detail?
The same light-sensitivity that allows it to produce ATP, allows it to stimulate the cell, or a neuron.
Remember, all cell interactions are really energy exchanges.