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A Personal Relationship with the Lord


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The promise stands. You know the score, so if you refuse His great love and choose thev falseness of the world, then you know what you are choosing.

No one is exempt from the invitation to the Father's family.

So the analogies I posted previously actually stand. Wow! :nono2
What we need to do is stop thinking that God is human with the negative emotions that we have to deal with because we have evil in us.

I didn’t say the Lord had negative emotions. I said we should respect his feelings.
Yours are skewed. God's multitudinous promises are more of life and goodness than judgment and hellfire.

But the essence of my analogy of my second example is still true. Punishing someone for not knowing him in the first place. You cannot deny that one.
I didn’t say the Lord had negative emotions. I said we should respect his feelings.

You assign Him negative human emotions. Just what do you mean by your statement? We are to revere God---period.
But the essence of my analogy of my second example is still true. Punishing someone for not knowing him in the first place. You cannot deny that one.

Yes I can. Every single person who has ever lived or will live has the opportunity to know God.

Judgment is the default destiny of everyone until one receives the gift of eternal life through Jesus.
You assign Him negative human emotions. Just what do you mean by your statement? We are to revere God---period.

We are to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls:

[36] "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"
[37] And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
[38] This is the great and first commandment.†Matt 22:36-38 RSV
We are to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls:

[36] "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"
[37] And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
[38] This is the great and first commandment.†Matt 22:36-38 RSV

You have no argument here about that. That is a huge cut above merely respecting feelings.
You have no argument here about that. That is a huge cut above merely respecting feelings.

I think respecting the Lord’s feelings is part of loving him with all our hearts, minds, and souls.
I think respecting the Lord’s feelings is part of loving him with all our hearts, minds, and souls.

Did you forget why we went on this tangent? You said God was lonely, assigning him NEGATIVE humasn emotions that come from imperfection.

God is THREE IN ONE. He is never lonely.
Did you forget why we went on this tangent? You said God was lonely, assigning him NEGATIVE humasn emotions that come from imperfection.

God is THREE IN ONE. He is never lonely.

I do not believe the Lord is three, but even if he was, three could get lonely.
Yes I can. Every single person who has ever lived or will live has the opportunity to know God.

Judgment is the default destiny of everyone until one receives the gift of eternal life through Jesus.

Please forgive my forwardness, . . . but that is completely ridiculous. Regardless of what Romans 1:20 says, there is absolutely no way that a person can view nature. . . .then it suddenly occur to him/her that "there was a Hebrew god who sent his son to die for their sins, and that believing this by faith and repenting of their sins, they will be saved". So, NO, . . . not everyone has an opportunity to know god.
I am done with you, elijah.

You hold your false teachers as higher than Paul, and Jesus.

I do not consider my childhood Sunday school teachers as false teachers. They were people that volunteered their time to teach us kids to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and love our neighbors as ourselves.
I am done with you, elijah.

You hold your false teachers as higher than Paul, and Jesus.

You know perfectly well I hold the teachings of Jesus, which are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, above everything.
You know perfectly well I hold the teachings of Jesus, which are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, above everything.

Jesus didn't write the Gospels, men did. Can you give some reason why John writing about Jesus is somehow more "perfect" than John writing to Christian communities from Patmos about Jesus' teachings? When Peter writes, or James, are there writings somehow of lesser quality because they are not directly relating the words of Jesus, but rather, His teachings in inspired words and format?

What is your reasoning for accepting PART of the Word of God found in the Bible, when Jesus didn't write Scriptures, but told His Apostles to teach what He taught to the world? Isn't that what they were doing when writing to Ephesus and Corinth?

Can you give some reason why John writing about Jesus is somehow more "perfect" than John writing to Christian communities from Patmos about Jesus' teachings?

When John quotes Jesus, you know you are hearing the truth.
When Peter writes, or James, are there writings somehow of lesser quality because they are not directly relating the words of Jesus, but rather, His teachings in inspired words and format?

You are assuming the New Testament epistle writers were writing down the exact words the Lord wanted them to write down. I believe they were writing down their own beliefs, and that usually their beliefs were correct. When you express your opinion on this website, that is what you do. I think that is what the New Testament epistle writers were doing.


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