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A Personal Relationship with the Lord


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What is your reasoning for accepting PART of the Word of God found in the Bible, when Jesus didn't write Scriptures, but told His Apostles to teach what He taught to the world? Isn't that what they were doing when writing to Ephesus and Corinth?

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh. Just like us, he had to listen for what the Lord was saying to him.
Paul never met Jesus in the flesh. Just like us, he had to listen for what the Lord was saying to him.

Paul had a great ear for what Jesus was saying. He had a special apostolic anointing.
Please forgive my forwardness, . . . but that is completely ridiculous. Regardless of what Romans 1:20 says, there is absolutely no way that a person can view nature. . . .then it suddenly occur to him/her that "there was a Hebrew god who sent his son to die for their sins, and that believing this by faith and repenting of their sins, they will be saved". So, NO, . . . not everyone has an opportunity to know god.

What you say doesn't really carry much weight, as you disbelief the authority we have, which is the bible. Every human being has an opportunity given him to know God.

That is God's way. You've had countless opportunities.
I do not consider my childhood Sunday school teachers as false teachers. They were people that volunteered their time to teach us kids to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and love our neighbors as ourselves.

They were false if they were teaching what you are spouting here.

What about the adult leaders you should have now? Or do you have them?
You are assuming the New Testament epistle writers were writing down the exact words the Lord wanted them to write down. I believe they were writing down their own beliefs, and that usually their beliefs were correct. When you express your opinion on this website, that is what you do. I think that is what the New Testament epistle writers were doing.

That is false. They were anointed by God by Holy Spirit to write anointed words of truth to be preserved for the generations to come.
What you say doesn't really carry much weight, as you disbelief the authority we have, which is the bible. Every human being has an opportunity given him to know God.

That is God's way. You've had countless opportunities.

What I say carries the weight of logic, reason, and reality. I understand that you must believe what you state here because a single verse in your holy book says so, . . . but it is completely false to state that "Every human being has an opportunity given him to know God." It could even be classified as an absurdity. Again, the requirements of salvation is "believing in Jesus as your savior, taking away your sins, and living your life in servanthood to him". You absolutely cannot gleam this by viewing nature and "invisible things".
What I say carries the weight of logic, reason, and reality. I understand that you must believe what you state here because a single verse in your holy book says so, . . . but it is completely false to state that "Every human being has an opportunity given him to know God." It could even be classified as an absurdity. Again, the requirements of salvation is "believing in Jesus as your savior, taking away your sins, and living your life in servanthood to him". You absolutely cannot gleam this by viewing nature and "invisible things".

No, what you say is absolutely false. The truth is that everyone has the opportunity to know the one true God. Everyone. Some more than others.

Knowing God goes way beyond logic and reason and is definitely reality.

The gospel message comes when we know God. He reveals it. He has done so to people in secluded villages in lands where the gospel has never been. Missionaries finally reaching these places discover that the Lord has already done a work in them, preparing the way for the Gospel to be received with joy.

Yes, I agree about the Lord working in people's hearts; Luke says, in Acts, in relation to Lydia:

'Whose heart the Lord opened."
No, what you say is absolutely false. The truth is that everyone has the opportunity to know the one true God. Everyone. Some more than others.

Knowing God goes way beyond logic and reason and is definitely reality.

The gospel message comes when we know God. He reveals it. He has done so to people in secluded villages in lands where the gospel has never been. Missionaries finally reaching these places discover that the Lord has already done a work in them, preparing the way for the Gospel to be received with joy.

No, what you say is absolutely false. We can go back and forth like this, if you want. MANY cultures came and went without having any "missionaries" visit them. They held to their culture's religions as they were taught to them. MAYBE a few cultures had a similar belief structure, thus were able to be converted easier, but that would be an extreme rarity. What you're saying [and MUST say for your dogma's sake] is that all these cultures that had religions that were different than the Hebrew christian god, . . . had them on purpose out of an evil desire to reject a god they knew [from nature, as per Romans 1:20], so they are without excuse because they "rejected him". That is absurd! I'm done talking about this with you, because you have no leg to stand on with this one!!
The teachings of Jesus were written down and have been passed onto us in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The Teachings of Christ were also passed down to us from Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude. And the rest of the Apostles who didn't write anything that we now possess...

You need to explain why Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's writings of the Gospels hold a higher position in your mind.

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh. Just like us, he had to listen for what the Lord was saying to him.

First, we don't know that, and secondly, did Mark or Luke?

We don't even KNOW who wrote "Matthew" or "John", if you want to go that far. The Church says they did, but the writing itself never states the author.

No, what you say is absolutely false. We can go back and forth like this, if you want. MANY cultures came and went without having any "missionaries" visit them. They held to their culture's religions as they were taught to them. MAYBE a few cultures had a similar belief structure, thus were able to be converted easier, but that would be an extreme rarity. What you're saying [and MUST say for your dogma's sake] is that all these cultures that had religions that were different than the Hebrew christian god, . . . had them on purpose out of an evil desire to reject a god they knew [from nature, as per Romans 1:20], so they are without excuse because they "rejected him". That is absurd! I'm done talking about this with you, because you have no leg to stand on with this one!!

I know for a certainty by faith in God's word of truth that every civilization that has ever existed has been ministered to by God and His truth has been delivered. He has it well in hand, for it is the truth that says that He wants no one to perish.

2 Peter 3:8 NLT
The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

Any civilization that has been and gone or is in existence now in remote regions have a similar pattern of belief because the Lord has instilled it. They will be held accountable for what they know of Him according to the revelation they were given.

Just as Paul was not shown the gospel by any teacher, so the Holy Spirit goes before us and brings the light of truth, Jesus, to people:

Galatians 1:11-12 NLT
But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it,it
came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Any civilization that has been and gone or is in existence now in remote regions have a similar pattern of belief because the Lord has instilled it. They will be held accountable for what they know of Him according to the revelation they were given.

That's an interesting statement, Alabaster, and probably should be made into another thread, actually.
First, we don't know that, and secondly, did Mark or Luke?

We don't even KNOW who wrote "Matthew" or "John", if you want to go that far. The Church says they did, but the writing itself never states the author.


Jesus is quoted directly in the four Gospels. I don’t know for sure who wrote his words down, but these are direct quotes.
Please forgive my forwardness, . . . but that is completely ridiculous. Regardless of what Romans 1:20 says, there is absolutely no way that a person can view nature. . . .then it suddenly occur to him/her that "there was a Hebrew god who sent his son to die for their sins, and that believing this by faith and repenting of their sins, they will be saved". So, NO, . . . not everyone has an opportunity to know god.
I don't know if I completely understand what you're saying here but if I do then I can tell you without any doubt that I am the person you describe.

It was a crisp, cool, clear, still autumn night and I went for a walk. The stars were brilliant and there was a terrific display of the aurora borealis. I had been struggling in my 2nd marriage and pondering my purpose and why I was going through the same nightmare again. I was not saved at the time and God was far from my mind.

As I looked at the sky and considered how awesome, huge, and perfectly planned the universe is it suddenly occurred to me, "This is no accident! My life is not an accident. There is a purpose for me and there can be only one reason for that purpose; to love the creator, God almighty."

That was the day that my life began to change. Not because God was rewarding me in some way but because I came to the realization that I can't do everything on my own, God is in control, and I need my savior. I can take my troubles to Him and he can help me get through.

It wasn't an overnight change. That's why my username here is WIP. It stands for Work In Progress. The closer I get to Jesus, the more relaxed and laid-back I become, which is quite a change from who I used to be. Just ask my wife and kids.


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