things are moving, and I'm thankful. when stuff first happened, dad was talking about a group home, maybe shipping me off to another teen challenge in another state, and im thinking...oh man, this is -not- good. but...
verna and i prayed, for hours. now, im living in a simple, quiet, -safe- apartment...looking for work...getting along well with my parents...
i think i just needed my own space, even though they were kind enough to let me live there. no matter my labels in the community, its not ideal for a 30-something to retreat into his parents' house, not long-term, anyway. im blessed that they had me there during probation. made life -so- much easier for me. but...
i kinda over-stayed, not that i saw an option. God made a way, thru my parents, for me to have my own space and for them to get their's back. did i tell you they've gotten some work done on the kitchen? nothing crazy, oh counter tops, they're awesome, plus a very -deep- new sink. goes on. i actually saw my parents today, and i did laundry at their place. they're good to me, and im thankful.